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Everything posted by steveyK

  1. So of course I watched Godfather 2, kinda slower than 1, the best parts were with the flashbacks to younger Vito, and how about that actor who played him?
  2. Beach in PEI South shore or noth?
  3. Sand for sure Big ariolas or little ones?
  4. Ben and jerry, smeared on your breasts Big breasts or little titties?
  5. A is for Anally receptive
  6. Midnight Express, a classic
  7. Robert De Niro, playing young Vito Corleone in Godfather 2
  8. Congrats on a thousand posts, I bow to you and just hope I'm around long enough to get there too... nice handle too :)
  9. W is for Whoa!! Easy there cowgirl...
  10. I wish you health, happiness and prosperity in you future endeavours! :)
  11. All good responses so far, I hope your question has been answered, but I thought I'd add my two cents... A gentleman would not have to be charged a cancellation fee, read RG's post for the definition of gentleman! As for deposits, they would be required for several reasons...a travelling lady is time limited and would usually expect her expenses as a deposit, a local lady booking a new member with no references or no post history (like you) may look for a deposit of half just for security and to get a feel for whether or not you are a gentleman, or perhaps you habitually cancel and have a bad rep amongst the ladies (they do talk to each other!). You didn't specify whom you 'heard' this from, but I would go back and ask this person which category above they fit themselves into! Life is good today, don't waste a minute of it!
  12. J is for Jism, flying everywhere....
  13. 69 69 her on top? Oy you on top? Or sideways?
  14. Lol, yah I think RG and I remember those shows! Part 2 tonight I think :-)
  15. I used to wear levis exclusively, they had a manufacturing plant in my hkmetown back then, then my kids started with all these designer jeans and I could only wear red tabs... now I'm in AE skinnys haha what a difference from the bellbottoms I used to wear lmao
  16. Well, just think about a whole day with a really hot lady on your arm...a bit of fun then off to a lite lunch, then the beach, just hanging out, talking, laughing, flirting but in a respectable fashion, then maybe some shopping on the boardwalk....then maybe a bit more fun hehe...a nice candlelight dinner, some wine, piano bar for a nightcap, then she goes on her way, tender parting kisses...this is what your day would be like, now if you were smart you would have booked her overnight too hehe Now I would definitely suggest that you visit a few ladies for shorter encounters first, find the best connection, that's the one you want for the day/overnight!!
  17. Just watching the Godfather! What a classic movie, love the horses head in the bed and how about a young Pacino? Always a treat....
  18. If I could do just one thing, I would eradicate child poverty, hunger, and abuse...children are the future of the world, given the proper chance they can grow to cure all the worlds ills and injustice!!
  19. Touching a face Soft caresses or softly kneading?
  20. H is for Hot lips wrapiing around a nice ???
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