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Everything posted by dino99

  1. While we are at it then why did I get my warning ?
  2. Apparently a new girl at Ness named Monica ,said she used to go by the name Sarah there I don’t remember her only worked there for a month I was told
  3. Yes she does give a great massage but because she run the show she texts throughout the session setting up appointments is all I’m getting at which gets a bit annoying
  4. Saw Linda the other day as I’ve seen Merry the last while ,now I know why I rarely see Linda anymore ..The constant texting on her phone while massaging you ,can always tell when she’s doing it ,she does the one hand massage for a while ..I’ll be going back to Merry as it’s a more attentive and just as deep massage
  5. Linda used to be my go to ,now I see Merry probably as much
  6. Then I wouldn’t imagine places like Executive Bath would open if customers have to provide info for contact tracing ..I sure wouldn’t
  7. I saw her a couple days ago ,she does much more than the other girls there ..her menu reminds me of Bridgewater
  8. There’s another larger ebony girl there think her name is Erica
  9. Joy is Ebony and gives a good massage
  10. I would agree I get more quality massage at ness with Linda and Rachel
  11. You’re in luck CC is advertising again
  12. So when would EB be eligible to reopen ?
  13. Linda at Ness has a room set up for that
  14. Linda at Sunhope ,Veronica at Bridgewater group ,Haillie at Executive Bath will all do this
  15. Sounds like Executive Bath is closed now ,sun hope is closed as well but say they’ll do VIP massages for some clients and they’ll wear a mask
  16. I texted today to see who was in she said Linda ,Tulip and Lily so they must not be the same person lol ..unless it’s fake advertising on her part
  17. Yes I saw her today ,very gorgeous and fun to be around
  18. Yes I don’t know anything about Rachel but I don’t usually TOFTT ,there’s been some at Ness where you don’t leave happy
  19. I’m sure it would be great just have a hard time taking the plunge at that rate ,like you I was waiting for someone to TOFTT at least if you’re referring to the duo option
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