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Everything posted by dino99

  1. Just wondering why are good providers of this in Winnipeg?..I have heard Zoe and Soleil mentioned before but that post is older...Just looking to explore a bit of kink..Even massage providers who will use a toy on my and happy ending ..Any recommendations ?
  2. So it's sounding like this new girl doesn't give happy endings. ?..yes or no ?..in that case if I go back I'll make sure I get in with The "Sure" thing ..;)
  3. Really interested in seeing what this new girl is like ..If she gives a massage like Sure business will be good ,otherwise probably not
  4. Why are we talking about this girl so much on this board when she doesn't even give a HE ?....:s
  5. Yeah I got attitude from Maya as well ..So done with this place
  6. This place is too inconsistent for me ..saw Jane yesterday and nothing ..rose wasn't there ..if I wanted a regular massage I'd go to a RMT
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