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Everything posted by bcguy42

  1. I remember the case that resulted in the court ruling. Maybe there was hope for Western Civilization after all. I also remember the subsequent demonstration on Parliament Hill that followed and the rabid juvenile hoard of men that milled about hooting and jeering at the prospect of seeing an unfettered breast. The memory causes me to despair that men, as a gender, will ever grow up. While women have the right to go about shirtless I fully understand why one would choose not to exercise that right.
  2. I've been on the road most of today and happened to read this fairly early on and, since my mind is not otherwise occupied whilst driving, I've given it a lot of thought. Now these many hours later, you should realize you've gotten some good advice here. All of the responses were good and I really like Cat's. And now, rereading the exact wording of your OP, it comes to me that you are actually asking "Is there a way I can light my cigarette in this small shed full of dynamite and open barrels of gasoline without blowing my butt to the next county?" Here's some advice (worth what you paid for it) based exactly on how you worded your question - how do you handle it? You don't. What you have described is a lose - lose situation and by finding yourself in the middle, you've already lost. There is a train or bus out of town every hour, on the hour. Good luck with that. YMMV and all that.
  3. ummm... yeah. What they said. I mean this in the nicest, friendliest way possible, but the drive-thru here is closed. You'll have to come in and pick out your own donuts. :)
  4. I'm curious how the violation would be verified or could I just randomly report people who irritate me.
  5. No discussion of odd names is complete without "Fonda Dicks". Google will confirm her existence.
  6. I was taught in school that the most abundant element on earth is oxygen. I now know that was wrong. Asshattery is the most abundant element. When you meet someone skilled in the art of being an asshat, do not discuss, debate, or disputate with them. It is a stupid exercise and they have the advantage of having much more experience being stupid that you. However, should you see said person unknowingly about to step into an empty elevator shaft, you are allowed a moment's silence. And a smile.
  7. The recent passing of two of our member's fathers and the thread on "Do you believe in love" got me to thinking about a lot of things and I want to share something with you. It is a note I sent to my aunt on the day of her anniversary and her reply. Dear #####, This is one of those days where you reminisce about all the good time you had together (discreetly passing over those not-so-good moments that all couples who've had a long and full relationship together have every now and again) and survey that which you accomplished together. Cue the Happy Dance. Love, ***** Hi *****, Aren't you thoughtful! I doubted that anyone else would remember that this was our anniversary -- our 66th if Sam had still been with me. I did go out to the cemetery this morning which I don't do too often, so I had my remembrance that way. The day is beautiful and I thought about the fact that we probably would have been hiking in the past years. In fact, we hiked to our favorite lake on our 55th anniversary, the last time we made it up that rather steep 2 miles. As you say, that was one of the moments I do remember. I do dwell on the good times we had together and not the last few years when Alzheimer's took over. Anyway, thank you so much for thinking of me. I hope all is well with you and the rest of the family and that you are enjoying a very nice start to summer, too. Love, ##### I think I would be a lucky man if someone thought that of me some 20 odd years from now.
  8. In a very meager defense of the US, it should be pointed out this incident took place in the UK. Were it the US the aggrieved client would have shot her and THEN called the police.
  9. I read this sad account. If this incident justifies banning prostitution (which is not what is before the court) then far too many similar stories would justify banning marriage.
  10. A society where all things sexual were treated as a normal, good part of being human. Would that it could be! I agree that having the SCC make the right decisions would be a small step in the right direction. If they do that, however, the Heart Institute should be on alert because some of those folks on the steps yesterday are going to have "the big one".
  11. There is an upside to clients who call and and attempt to pressure a provider. These people are self-identifying as classless jerks who are volunteering to end any further discussion.
  12. There is a long and complicated thing I could go through but let's keep it simple. Shit happens. My best "old guy" advice is to file the episode under Future Funny Bar Stories. Move on. If you focus on it it will happen again. That being said, if you are otherwise in good health and this becomes a regular thing, take yourself off to see the good doctor.
  13. "Have fun. Most girls dont bite." Ahhhh.... Some of the really exciting ones do. ;-)
  14. Sadly, I agree with you that the sex worker part was a major factor.
  15. What a difference 40 years makes. A well known tort case from 1971, http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katko_v._Briney was decided on the principle that human life has greater value than property. Farmer set an unattended trapgun to protect empty farmhouse. Bad guy is injured when he breaks in. Bad guy sues Farmer and wins. Farmer has to sell most of farm to settle judgment.
  16. This is so wrong on so many levels. http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/Jury-acquits-escort-shooter-4581027.php
  17. Pavik: A "good and clean one" of what? A provider? Out of that group of whom 80% are unacceptable and the rest are dishonest? Ummm... good luck with that. Yes. There are two "blacklists" here. One for each side of the transaction.
  18. Oh, I'm gonna hate myself in the morning for responding to this but what the hey... With all due respect, what part of this woman's message is unclear? She said no. If she said no by email, by posting a flyer on the wall, by painting a chicken, she said no. Why would her answer be different in person? And hey, I'm sorry, but I have to call out the "I totally respect a ladies boundaries" thing. She's providing me with a sensual massage undraped. (She was dressed like a slut.) I am thinking that there is at least a chance she may offer more at some point. (So I'm gonna push her against the wall and see if I can have some fun with her.) The parallels are just too freaky. Just my opinion and observation. Continue as you were...
  19. OK. There is Tapatalk (paid) and Tapatalk Community Reader (free). I found and installed the free one and - ta daaa - there is CERB. I can read and reply so now I wonder what the paid one does.
  20. So where did you find it? I've searched on "Canadian escort recommendation board" (without the quotes) in every combination with no luck. Can you tell me which group and sub-group it is in? I've seen some interesting boards go by but not this one. Not yet.
  21. I thought I read something here about this but I can't find this. I am trying to use the paid version of Tapatalk on a new Samsung Galaxy Rugby. But I cannot find CERB witb it. Clues anyone?
  22. My name is composed of a reference to my place of birth, my gender, and the original answer in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  23. Continue to care. How could you not care at this point. But do it from a distance. Don't read her ads. Don't read her posts. Not until you can do so with some degree of dispassion, some distance. If you need to, leave CERB for a short while to give yourself a chance to be distracted by the Real World. In any event, the most important thing for you to remember is that this is your issue. Not her's. It would be tremendously unfair for you to look to her for help in this. I hate to be blunt, but it is like this. You broke it. You fix it. You are not alone. There are lots of people here at CERB that have been where you are right now. Most of them are willing to help. Chat with people - other people - not her. Good luck as you follow this path.
  24. One of the great things about CERB is that, if you want, you are never alone. As you continue on this path, please come back with comments, questions, and observations. There is a whole community cheering you on.
  25. Another Slate article. Today's Mother's Day is a grotesque perversion of the original holiday. It's time to reclaim it. Arise, then, women of this day! Arise, all women who have hearts, whether your baptism be that of water or tears! Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have taught them of charity, mercy and patience. We women of one country will be too tender of those of another to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs. From the bosom of the devastated earth, a voice goes up with our own. It says, "Disarm, Disarm!"
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