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Mc Lovin

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Everything posted by Mc Lovin

  1. everlast - black jesus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Sg6qHKG5c
  2. I was reading up on hangover remedies and came across on that says a cure polish people use is drinking pickle juice ... any Polish folk out there know if this is drinking the brine that pickles come in or if you have to juice the pickles somehow. I'm fairly certain I have the worst headache ever, and some dude might have punched me in the nose ... 2 owies :( any other remedies are welcome too .
  3. In the grand scheme is there really a right and wrong, yin and yang, good and bad ... has anyone seen my socks?
  4. Why is it that a wise man will pick up a grain of sand and in-vision the universe but a simpler man will just drape himself in seaweed and say " Hey, look at me, I'm vine man." ?
  5. it must be just your computer, when my work clothes is written a click doesn't bring me to a website - but I've also had lots to drink ... just sayin' :)
  6. The powers that be that decide on censoring radio are sometimes a bit out there. Check out how many edits the " radio version" of Everlast's " What it's like " has. The artist had the nerve to insert such words as - goddamn, balls, whore, weed ... and others I can't bring myself to type... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCZ1YteCv5M&feature=related
  7. I agree with the above - your best bet is to stick to a standard legal type scenario and pay the 3 bills or so an hour .. I have some experience in the clientele side of legal proceedings and my advice is to stay away from the firm Dewie Chetum and Howe .. :)
  8. check out this video of robotic facial movements - then think where the technology will be in another 10 years ... http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/creepy-realistic-robot/1gl4m93fq
  9. I am dumbfounded by this scenario .. I have checked your pics out and in all fairness - you are drop dead gorgeous Alex - don't think yourself second fiddle to anyone - first fiddle is where your at :)
  10. Is that Steve Miller or Joe Walsh ? - Regardless, that quote sums it up for me :) Maybe that isn't the type of party though ... When I hear party I generally think of drinking followed by falling down ... might be the Irish in me ...
  11. Someplace with a bar would be good. a xmas party isn't right without someone making photocopies of their ass. Also rooms to rent near by - not for perverted reasons ... sometimes if I'm at a party with a bar I crash hard by the end ....
  12. if you take a stroll down the strip you'll bu inundated with loads of cards - a buddy of mine collects them - will be an expensive part of your trip though ...
  13. Jack Handey is, I think, a modern day prophet ... " Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis. " Jack Handey " I wish I would have a real tragic love affair and get so bummed out that I'd just quit my job and become a bum for a few years, because I was thinking about doing that anyway " Jack Handey " I wish outer space guys would conquer Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little basket-beds with my name on it." Jack Handey " If there was a big gardening convention, and you got up and gave a speech in favor of fast-motion gardening, I bet you would get booed right off the stage. They're just not ready. " Jack Handey
  14. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid - one of my favorite movies - weeeeiiiirdddd ...
  15. definitely - I'm no stranger to odd pictures. Most that are taken of me I seem to have my eyes closed, or yawning, or my finger up my nose... guess that last one could be avoided.
  16. I had originally thought it was Cohen as well. A buddy and I had a debate = him saying A3 and myself Cohen, turns out he was right .
  17. Sopranos theme by A 3 Bourne identity theme by Moby - Extreme ways
  18. liquor is giving what is most likely the best route to take - lawyers are sometimes a necessary evil type of thing. I know I've help put a few lawyers kids through school ... A less practical and less .... sane thing to do is liquidate everything, put the funds in a fire box stashed somewhere and tell the kids to suck it. not a recommended route but likely what I'd do ...
  19. 'twas sitting at home feeling perverted mine urges could not be diverted I got up my nerve, consulted cerb, now on my way to meet a lady, crisis averted.
  20. I'd go back to my senior year in high school, tell a very good friend of mine not to drive anywhere that night, then tell his brother not to be racing his bike a year later - maybe save two birds with one stone. still miss them 20 years later.
  21. Gothic is hottt - right up there with the birthday suit. I think my top three choices would be - birthday suit, goth, birthday suit ... in no particular order..
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