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Everything posted by BarrhavenWoody

  1. BarrhavenWoody

    canada 005

    Feeling patriotic. This makes me stand at attention and salute.
  2. Great thread Sara. I agree that getting to know the lady is very important to the whole experience. Although we haven't met yet, I have really enjoyed joking around with you in the chat room. The more I get to know you, the more I want to book an appointment with you. mmmm....soon...
  3. Hey Big Al. You seem to have a lot of fans cheering you on. We're waiting for an update. I hope your birthday was awesome!
  4. Please PM me with her contact info too. Jayda is awesome. She was one of my favs at CMJ. I was very sad when she left :cry:
  5. I had a professor in university (about a thousand years ago) that advised that we should never tolerate having a bad boss. Just move on. Now that I am self-employed I have expanded that to include bad clients. They bring us down and are never worth it. Dump them and you will easily replace them with more and better clients. BTW, I agree with Mc Lovin. You are drop-dead gorgeous! WOW!!!!! Best of luck to you alexg!
  6. It's "hit and miss". I've been there many, many times over the years. The club isn't usually busy so they have trouble getting dancers to come. However, occasionally there are some wonderful ladies there. I've had some very fun times there! (and some times that were a little dull) Good luck.
  7. I wish you all the best, Elizabeth. Too bad we are in different provinces. Maybe someday we can connect.
  8. Why would I treat her differently? I treat all the ladies on CERB with the utmost respect and admiration. Why would someone coming out of retirement change that?
  9. Hey Carlos, good plan. The ladies here are hotter than the weather down south anyway. :boobeyes:
  10. I've now had 2 visits with Loralee and they were both incredible. I look forward to our next encounter. ;) On my first visit to Loralee, I was initially surprised as she is a little older than I expected. But I wasn't at all disappointed, as she has such a pretty face and great figure. And she was wearing some very sexy lingerie including stockings (which I had requested). :grin: Lora has a very friendly manner and quickly put me at ease. She makes the "before and after" times very comfortable. And the play time was incredible. :bddog: She did some things that I have never experienced before. Loralee is a very sensual woman and genuinely wanted to ensure my satisfaction. She made me feel very special and desirable. Lora seemed to really enjoy her time with me too. Loralee is a real sweetie. I highly recommend her. :bowdown:
  11. I had my bank account broken by too many lap dances. Maybe I can sue the strip clubs. :rolleyes:
  12. It's hard to believe that people can be that evil. On the other hand, I'm surprised that SP's are as trusting as they are. If it was my first time with someone, I wouldn't be offended if she counted the money. Actually, I always assumed that they usually did it discretely while I was in the other room.
  13. I'm on my way to the grocery store in a few minutes. I'll pick up a couple extra items to put into the bin for the food bank. Thanks for the suggestions, Lora.
  14. I haven't had a land line for 2 years now. I don't miss it at all. When I'm out, there wouldn't be anyone home to answer it. And when I am home, I still have my cell phone in my pocket so no need for a land line.
  15. BarrhavenWoody


    The smile, the eyes - WOW!!! You are stunning!
  16. BarrhavenWoody


    I love a woman in a white blouse. Better still, a woman only half in a white blouse!
  17. BarrhavenWoody

    pic 2

    Nice rack! Awesome!
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