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Everything posted by BarrhavenWoody

  1. Awesome evening! Many thanks to all the organizers. It was great to spend time with my cerb friends, new and old.
  2. BarrhavenWoody


    I love this pic. Great hair, pretty lips, and of course those nice boobs!
  3. BarrhavenWoody

    Absolutely gorgeous!
  4. BarrhavenWoody

    pink panties

    oooh nipples - yummy!!
  5. I hope you've had a great birthday with lots of celebrating and cake! and ice cream! yum... cake and ice cream...and Emerald...mmmm :)
  6. I'm starting to like Price. Go Sens!
  7. I feel sooo much better now. I thought it was just me. I always felt kinda stupid trying to find out which way it goes. lol
  8. I hope this is the start of a super new year! Enjoy the day.
  9. BarrhavenWoody

    Very lovely :)
  10. Ohhh now I'm wondering about what stupid things I may have said... Next time I'm going to be too afraid to say anything. Just "thank you" when I leave...
  11. ummm... aren't we in that category right now? What is it that you would like to be different?
  12. okay, I understand what you guys are saying about cross-referencing to cerb and checking out recos. BUT, why do you start with BP? Why don't you simply start with cerb and choose a nice lady? There certainly are a lot of wonderful ladies here. Am I missing something?
  13. Stupid bank employees that can't be bothered to give good client service and tell you to go to your "main branch". Grrrr
  14. I had the sunroof open on the car today for the first time of the year. Awesome! I love spring :)
  15. BarrhavenWoody

    DSC 0010 (1)

    Very sexy legs. I love 'em!
  16. BarrhavenWoody

    DSC 0038

    What a nice place for a mirror! :)
  17. oooh that looks like fun. I need to jump in there
  18. BarrhavenWoody

    Oh my heavens! That is an amazingly beautiful view!
  19. BarrhavenWoody

    Very sexy :)
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