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Everything posted by WildTiger

  1. Had the great pleasure to see Monique again. She truly is everything that is said about her and so much more. Beautiful (as good as they are, her pics don't do her justice!), warm, friendly, great kisser, energetic. She makes you feel like you have known each other forever. Time spent with Monique is what anyone would dream of for a perfect evening spent with their girlfriend. This last time she left me feeling weak legged even an hour after reluctantly saying goodbye. Definitely a lovely person that I will continue to see.
  2. Well said Spud. Although I suspect from a slightly different time frame, I too have had the privilege of serving our country in combat. I was fortunate not to lose anyone in my command but also know the loss of comrades. We must always remember those that have sacrificed themselves on behalf of others and those that continue to voluntarily put themselves in harms way so that others may not have to.
  3. We've never had the pleasure of meeting, but you are obviously a person with a big heart! I agree with 2-30, we can all afford either a little cash or time to help those less fortunate.
  4. Well said. I also enjoy hearing what the ladies have to say, whether it is advertising or an amusing or thought provoking discussions. Cheers to all the ladies!!!
  5. The above is correct. Once convicted he will lose his rank, be demoted to 2nd Lt, lose his commission and all rights and benefits earned during his career. The media could simply refer to him by his name but reminding everyone that he is a senior military officer makes the story that much juicier. Unfortunately deviants such as Williams exist in all walks of society.
  6. Thanks to all for the feedback on Monique. Saw her today and she was everything you said and so much more. Definitely a lovely young lady to be treated well. Will definitely plan on seeing her again :-D
  7. Came across as ad for Monique Matheson on Lyla. Couldn't find any reviews or comments on CERB. Love to know more about her. Has anyone seen her before? Feel free to send a PM if you prefer. Thanks, WildTiger
  8. Tess, You have taken the first and biggest step, seeking help dealing with a personal demon. Keep up with the personal strength and courage that has gotten you this far. Good luck and all your friends look forward to seeing you come out the other end healthy and happy.
  9. Seems a little silly but can't hurt. And if it works.... Let us know how it goes and you might be able to offer a new service along with your already fine repertoire ;-}
  10. Hi Badog, Never met Holly myself but agree she looks smokin'! Based on her info I suspect she is more than a MP. Call or email Phoebee at a T2T, and she will give you all the info you need. Cheers, WT
  11. I couldn't agree more and hope to make it happen :smile:
  12. I'm new to CERB and this "hobby". For my first exploration in the local area I took a chance on trying to hook up with Tess. Talk about hitting the jackpot! Aside from her incredible beauty on the outside, she is truly a beautiful person on the inside. Having only one other previous experience with this hobby (didn't go so well), I was a little nervous meeting Tess. She quickly put me at ease as we got to know each other better over a glass of wine. For a first visit Tess likes to get to know you, what you want, and what makes you tick. I really like this as you can get sex anywhere, and probably for less $$, but developing a connection with Tess will only make the time spent with her that much more incredible. We then moved on to her play room to get to each other even better.... As I was leaving she gave me the most incredible cuddle and kisses. Walking down the hall I was ready to go all over again, if you know what I mean.... Even though the entire time spent with Tess was a true pleasure, that goodbye alone was enough to make me want to come back! As I left I realized that I can stop searching the Internet, I have lucked into a true gem!! I'm already looking forward to seeing her again. Tess, Ottawa is truly fortunate to have you here. Cheers, WildTiger
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