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Posts posted by WildTiger

  1. I also use NordVPN and like it.  Occasionally I come across a website that won't load if it detects a VPN.  When that happens I select the option to disconnect or pause for a specified period of time and then the VPN re-connects.

  2. 7 hours ago, NotchJohnson said:

    I'm a big fan of neck and exposed shoulder just like WildTiger said.   You want to have my attention just wear a nice choker around your neck and expose your shoulder and I will take a second look.

    But to answer your question Sasha between bewbs and legs I would have to pick legs.  If a sexy lady like yourself wants to have my attention then wear a long slit dress and show those legs.  Don't get me wrong I love boobs as well and a sexy cleavage will make me look twice but at the end your legs will have me melting in your hands.😉🤪😍

    The higher the slit the better.


    OMG Notch, YES!!  I love a long skirt/dress with a sexy slit to tease you with glimpses of those sexy legs.

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  3. I love supporting local businesses but you may want to re-consider ordering through 3rd party delivery services as they charge 10-30% and the restaurants end up losing money. Order direct from the restaurant.  The link below is a great explanation of how this is hurting local businesses.




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  4. Happy Easter everyone.  Hopefully all your friends and family are safe and healthy.  This is normally a time when many get together with their loved ones.  Since we can't this year be sure to reach out to them by phone, social media, or web conferencing apps like Zoom to stay in touch.  




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  5. Thanks for this thread Notch.  I agree, I love seeing a lady wear a flattering dress that catches the eye.  How someone dresses can also reflect their personality.  For me, I love seeing bare neck/shoulders, cleavage (optional), and legs, but leave something to the imagination.

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  6. Went onto Amazon and bought an electric guitar cord and a playing guitar book.  I used to play but it's been many years since I last did.  Have always said to myself that when I have more time I will take it up again.  Well, it seems I have more time now.  😊


    Stay safe everyone.

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  7. I had the great pleasure of meeting with the sensualist Adèle today.  I had been following her for a little while on Twitter and was captivated by her charm and humour.  I could tell just from her posts that this was a lady that was as beautiful inside as she is on the outside.  I usually see SPs but thought I really needed to meet her.  My spidey senses were bang on.  
    I booked an extended session because I knew I would want to spend some time getting to know her and trust me it was time well spent.  I don't know if she came up with the term "sensualist" but she certainly defines it and sets the bar very high.  Her location is discreet, simple on the outside but by far one of the nicest locations I have seen once inside.  Whatever you are hoping to get from a visit with an MA she will surpass.  I am already looking forward to my next visit.
    • Like 2

  8. Total Bait & Switch.  Lady that answers the door is not the lady in the photos.  Missing tattoo on the shoulder, smaller breasts, different ethnic background, etc..  Second lady also in the townhouse.  Ran away as fast as I could.



  9. On 7/29/2019 at 6:33 AM, NotchJohnson said:

    It is the law to stop and report what you seen after an accident other wise you may be prosecuted for not reporting it.

    When I lived in Germany, not only was it the law to have a first aid kit in your vehicle but you were legally required to provide first aid with no risk of a law suit as long as you stayed within your abilities.

  10. Like most, my experience simply PM'ing someone has been mixed if I'm expecting a quick reply.  Likely because most ladies aren't sitting by their computer waiting for me to contact them and prefer to use texts or email for quicker contact and response.  If I'm not in a hurry to see them but want to gain additional information or simply introduce myself I will send a PM and rarely have I not eventually received a nice reply.  If I'm trying to set up a meeting but want to exchange more information than a text is suitable for I will contact them by their preferred method with the information they require to initiate a meeting and indicate that I have also sent them an email or PM with additional information.

    • Like 1

  11. 10 hours ago, roamingguy said:

    It is set up in the recommendation template (if that's the right term) that a lady's ethnicity is included.  Not meant to toot my own horn but I mentioned this in another thread (page 2)

    Toot away RG.  It's nice to see that some of the suggestions were actioned.  :classic_smile:

    Like I said, I just found it odd as part of the heading, not offensive.  And if it helps people in their search that's definitely not a bad thing.

    • Thanks 1

  12. Does anyone else find it odd that the title of the recommendations often includes the ladies ethnicity (e.g. white, Asian, mixed)?  Is it automatically inserted from the data fields the reviewer fills in?  I understand identifying that in ads or even within the review as some people prefer to meet ladies of a specific ethnicity.  If it's meant to help the reader discriminate between what recommendations they want to read the title could include many other data points such as height, weight, hair colour, etc..  Personally I would rather see two separate categories for recommendations, one for SPs and one for MAs, or insert that into the title.  It doesn't matter to me as beauty comes in all shapes and colours.  In this time of acceptance, even embracing, of diversity it just seems odd to me.

    • Like 3

  13. Just too add to Notch and RG's comments.  By arranging a duo with a lady that you already know and have a lot of fun with you will go into the experience much more relaxed.  Even better if you know both ladies.  We've all had less than satisfactory experiences where there was no chemistry with the lady.  

    • Like 1

  14. 17 hours ago, Greenteal said:

    Not everything needs to be choreographed. Let's just enjoy those moments.

    I agree GreenTeal.  In fact whenever a lady asks what I want to do my usual response is to just go with the flow.  I never go in with a pre-conceived idea of what I want to happen unless it is with a regular and I/we have planned something special.

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  15. I apologize if this has been covered before but I couldn't find a thread specific to this question.  First of all, I'm a firm believer in being freshly showered just prior to meeting the lady or take the time to shower when I arrive.  I can't believe that some guys think it's OK to do otherwise.

    My question is, after showering do you return to the lady au naturiel, with a towel wrapped around your waist, or partially/fully dressed?  Personally I like to slip my shirt and pants back on, going commando after the shower, as I like to spend a little time enjoying the lady's company before getting down to other activities.  And undressing each other is part of the fun and anticipation.  Would love to hear what the ladies have to say as well.

    Cheers, WildTiger

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  16. On 7/13/2019 at 8:39 AM, NotchJohnson said:

    So my rant is to all the guys that don't show or cancel last minute with any ladies that travel to our city or even if they are local ladies.

    Notch, I feel your pain as I've had providers cancel at the last minute as well and it can be very frustrating.  I would take your last comment one step further and include the guys that cancel last minute or don't show for local ladies as well.  I get it, things come up, but in the decade I have been hobbying I have had to cancel an appointment less than 5 times.  And when I do I always gave the lady as much advance notice as I could, determined if any compensation was required (the ladies understood and didn't request any compensation), and followed up with another booking when possible.  Time, and money, are important to both the client and provider and the clients need to take care of their end of the arrangement in good faith.

    • Thanks 1

  17. On 6/21/2019 at 11:17 PM, forkyew said:

    We gotta respect all women?  This is total BS!!

    Women are human beings.  We do not need to respect all human beings.  Some human beings are horrible.  This includes women.  It also includes men.

    Respect is earned. It is not something that is simply granted to you because you happen to have a specific gender.

    I've got to say forkyew that I have a slightly different view on respecting people.  I believe that all people deserve a basic level of respect.  After that they can earn greater respect, or lose it, by their actions.  In my experience, people that feel respected will return the respect to you and generally results in a much more pleasant encounter.  JMHO.

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  18. Just seeing the area code is enough to make me start image searching.  In general, I will always do an image searches and check for reviews to provide a sense of whether an ad is a scam or legit.  Also the additional information will give you a better idea if the person you are interested in is a good match for you.

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