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100 Excellent


About HopingToHaveATime

  • Rank
    *NEW ACCOUNT* (Moderated Member)

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  • Location
    Charlottetown, PEI

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  1. Thanks @GRoberts, I chickened out this time... next time I'm here I'll definetly look her up though. Cheers!
  2. I'm spending my last night in Freddy tomorrow (24th), looking for a nice massage to round out the weeks stresses. Any recommendations?
  3. Absolutely breathtaking.
  4. Have any SP's ever thought about doing something like this? Hopefully this isn't offensive, I personally have yet to meet with an SP and was thinking this would be a fun way to both indulge with the interest (on a small scale) and also contribute to the community.
  5. Wow, this is a hot fucking thread! Damn fine job all!
  6. HopingToHaveATime

    so damn sexy! You win everything!
  7. HopingToHaveATime

    Beautiful photo!
  8. Spot on Adryanna, so damn fine!!
  9. HopingToHaveATime


    Unreal! You must squat!! Absolutely drop dead stunning Christie.
  10. HopingToHaveATime

    I can't stop staring, incredibly sexy!!!
  11. HopingToHaveATime

    This album is tremendous. You are absolutely stunning! Would love to meet you some day.
  12. wow... beautiful photo, absolutely Stunning! You're a gem!
  13. HopingToHaveATime


    Spectacular! Hope you'll take a trip to PEI someday!
  14. HopingToHaveATime

    This is so wonderful! you're a star.
  15. HopingToHaveATime


    wow, is this real life?!? So damn stunning!
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