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About shawn23

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  1. Hmm yes I would also appreciate any info.
  2. I am listening to Atoms For Peace A LOT lately. SO GOOD! Also, a dear friend turned me on to a Justin Timberlake song recently. haha
  3. I am going to preface what I have to say with this: if I could go back a year to when I first started this hobby I would tell myself to not waste another minute before meeting Nathalie Lefebvre. Nat and I first started talking a few months ago and I quickly realized from her messages that this was a person worth meeting. It took us a while to arrange a date but we eventually met around the christmas break. For our first encounter I had only arranged to meet for an hour and I quickly realized after meeting her in person that I should definitely have arranged for more time but alas. That is not to say that our first encounter was not amazing and I definitely never felt rushed. It has been said that Nathalie is an amazing kisser and I believe everyone should know that amazing is an understatement. I will not go into too many more intimate details but lets just say she is just as good at kissing as she is at... ahem other activities. I have met Nathalie a few times since the first and each encounter has been better than the last. She is beautiful beyond explanation, smart beyond comprehension and caring in the most genuine way. It is obvious to me that this woman has the capacity to be great in whatever she does and we should consider ourselves extremely lucky that she decides to devote her time to providing intimacy to people. Those of you who have met her know what I mean when I say an encounter with Nathalie is truly unique and memorable and those of you have not met her, well, I urge you to go find out for yourself. You will thank me after. Thank you, Nat for the amazing time we have shared and the times to come.
  4. I found this quite entertaining. Especially the part where he asks energizer how long until the battery dies. The story, for your amusement.
  5. You pose a difficult question, Old Dog. I choose..... Blue! Now, sex in the morning or right before bed?
  6. That is a tough one but I will have to land on Sci Fi. T.V. Series or Movies?
  7. I just saw this thread and I thought I would contribute... Street Spirit - Radiohead
  8. What this woman does for her clients and what she brings to their lives is very special. I think this is a beautiful showcase of the good sex workers do in the world. The Scarlet Road highlights a sex worker in Australia who specializes in a much overlooked demographic. Maybe this is old news or a re-post but I just came across it via reddit and I knew that the wonderful people of Cerb would (if they haven't already) appreciate it. Enjoy!
  9. I saw this today while perusing reddit. Thought the good people of Cerb would find it interesting. P.s. I hope it is okay to link to something like this. I was not 100% sure but I have seen other people link to various things so figured it was no biggie.
  10. Haha I was half expecting to see a number of ladies chime in with something like "Sqeee, Twilight! I want to have Edwards cold, undead babies!". But I was pleasantly surprised at the responses. I have to hand it to mrrnice2 though, it can't be easy to admit to liking something that was obviously aimed at a very different audience. Props sir, for your honesty! As for my opinion... well I think that The Oatmeal said it best.
  11. This is Tard, the grumpy cat: He's become quite popular on redit Best cat ever! Haha.
  12. Haha somehow I totally misunderstood that situation. This makes a lot more sense, I thought the guy was secretly his son or something. lol
  13. I just saw last nights episode! I have to say, I was kind of bored/thrown off at the start of of this season. I think it was maybe just lingering from last season being less than awesome BUT it has really picked up since then. Also, I really liked the way they disposed of Lewis. He was not worthy of Dexters time in my opinion.
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