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About verticalsmile

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    a little shy, but laidback, i love to be spontaneous

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  1. has anyone been by the playmate now that Montreal Road is fully open?
  2. So you had slightly better luck than I did @r__d. The last time I went... there was about 30 guys and 1 brave tiny dancer. She was smoking hot slender and barely 5' 2, but she was never out of the private dance cubicles for more than a minute before guys came to see her. She probably made a killing though.
  3. Around what time did you go @r__d? Last two times i went the selection was abysmal.
  4. Has the playmate been open through this last lockdown?
  5. Carmella is no longer club alpha roster.....
  6. I think the fact thst barefax is open so damn late in the evening is helping the playmate get more customers.... also the last time i went..... masks were not on all the time.... hard to drink beer with your mask on..... can't say what mask status is the champagne room as i did not go for a dance with anyone...
  7. I think the fact thst barefax is open so damn late in the evening is helping the playmate get more customers....
  8. Dropped by the Barefax last week...i went slightly on the earlier side..... there were very few dancers... only 3 in fact.... 2 simply stayed at the bar talking to the bar tender... 1 sat in a corner eating dinner with one of the bouncers..... so it was dead..... so I left..... more annoying was they were charging $9 coat check fee.... is that normal for barefax..... seems quite high...
  9. man... that is so late for an opening.... i like going in the day times.
  10. Carmella working at Club Alpha must be a new thing.... and it looks like her hours at Alpha are co-ordinated with the hours when Barefax is open.
  11. Sucks to here that happened.... and thanks for the warning.... but dude... never carry your SIN card anywhere.... memorize the number. With your SIN Card, you can go to Service Canada and replace all you ID cards (Drivers License, Health Card and more critically your passport) pretty much no questions asked... and since SIN cards do not have a photo there is little scrutinization.... leave your SIN card at home.... if anyone needs to see the actual card (which is unlikely) make a special trip to with the card to there person that needs to see it... and make sure it never leaves your line of sight...
  12. which girls are available at nuden these days.... i haven't seen anyone post any names recently....
  13. I've only ever been to Barefax about 5 times... of those 5 times... only 2 times did any of the girls actively approach me.... and then of those 2 times, one just came up and said "you've been here a while... let's go upstairs"..... I said no thanks and got up and left after that one and have not returned since.... I like to have a girl sit and talk to me a bit... get to know them... see if we click... before taking them "upstairs".... Also on those 5 visits, 2 of those visits, the bartender, waitresses and the shooter girl did not approach me.... I had always thought that it almost mandatory to not have a drink of some at all times during a stay at a strip club.... but apparently not the case at Barefax...
  14. I don't think that's likely... that seriously 20 years... some of these dancers have since moved on.... maybe married had children..... and some of these married dancers may never have told their husbands that they were dancers..... and some those children may be able to go to the clubs..... not going to happen my friend....
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