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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Hi My name is Sophia, and I am a cerb addict!!! I spend more time on cerb then chatting on the phone, FB or games for sure! I find myself irritable if I can not log on for my morning shouts, discussion etc. When I left for vacation, it took 3 days to fight the urge to log on. It is the first thing I do in the morning with my coffee, and the last I do at night! But really...there are really so many awesome people, discussions, chats, pics... and I find it makes my day much more fulfilled knowing I can share my day with all of you! Can cheer me up, challenge me, make me think and grow...I think I will stay a cerb addict!
  2. I am speechless WIT!! Amazing efforts from an amazing guy is all I can say! We are so lucky to have you here with us in this great community! :bigclap: Thank you so much! xoxox
  3. I have 2 dogs. I am lucky to have a space with lots of room. 3 Floors. In my basement, which is a rec room, has a kennel, so I put them there when I am working. Also I got a leather couch set, which helps to prevent shedding to get all over my guests cloths. My dogs are never permitted to enter my work room or massage room, for comfort of those whom may have allergies to dogs. I have never had a problem, expect one time I had a visitor, and I did not yet have a kennel. One of my dogs( was a puppy) snuck up the stairs and ate a pair of sunglasses!!! OH MY!! I was sooo embarrassed! That is when I got my kennel, lol also....VERY IMPORTANT....Be sure to properly dispose any items that you may use durring your session!!!! I had a dog once eat a condom, he had gotten into my garbage can:( Strangely, the condom slid down throat without blocking airways. There was no sign of anything wrong. He ate his food, drank water, everything normal. Then one day he started to vomit, and then choked. I open his mouth and was mortified to see this condom full of food going down his throat!!! I ran olive oil down his throat and slowly pulled it out! He and I were lucky!
  4. But on the flip side.....the sunnier it is early morns, for me, I tend to wake up even earlier, with and energetic pounce in my step! So if fliped side, then perhaps, it is easier to get out the door??...hehehe Or I can learn how to controll the weather?? LMAO...JK
  5. Just wondering.....I got an gmail with a link, it had a bunch of cerb names attatched to it. I did not click the link though. Is this what we are refering to?
  6. Awww thanks!! I do love my big dogs !!! lol...see ya soon! xo
  7. That is an interesting point! I have stayed at this location 3 times, I wonder if i will see adifferent crowd on the weekend? Perhpas a later crouwd that I am not accoustomed to? We will see...
  8. Today I am going to treat myself with a salon day:) Going to my Favorite salon in Freddy, Sue Lawrence Hair salon & Gallery:) Never sure what my stylist will do, so it is always a surprise lol...I love suprises;) They even give you a hand massage while getting your hair done! Which is great for me, as I massage alot, Shiatsu tends to hurt the thumbs afterwile.....ahhhhh cant wait!!
  9. I truly hope you enjoy the well deserved attention you will get from your Goddess achievement!
  10. Set up my new fish tank today, as my poor fish out grew their smaller one. Wow It is soo nice to watch them swim about. The colors are beautiful, so peacefull! Water sounds, light boucing off the water, ahhhh.... Was a hard job too! Switching tanks, holy, took like 3 hours!
  11. Yes, Phaedrus, you are so right here! I should quote, but someone a few back post suggested that perhaps the lady could go INDY.... that way she does not compromise her own work ethic, nor does the agency?? However we dont know if this lady has chosen AGENCY over INDY for a personal reason as well?
  12. This is why if were me, and I would assess the situation, determine if it appears she is really too far gone...if so I would leave before I found myself with a dead body to answer for, and go threw this whole process that would end up causing much to answer for. BUT if while in my company then FOR SURE I would call 911!!!! No doubt about it! If he/she doesn't look too far off, and they are showing they are alert to their surrounding, I would explain how it wasn't gonna happen today, and try to politely exchange funds back, if not, then cut loss and never return. If you know her well, then contact her when sober, and try to see what she remembers, etc..
  13. Parthos, I adore your enthusiasm in life!! You have a beautiful way with words, descriptive, concise, and always able to provide humor when we need a chuckle:)
  14. Years back when I worked in Vancouver I was working for an Asian massage parlor, and there were plenty of different races that were patron's. I was not selected because of the color of my skin, and I just had to accept it. On the flip side, there were those who selected me because I was Caucasian. I would not post it publicly!! As it may reflect on your business ethics. Perhaps if you have web-site, you can write a mission statement ot the effect that your business is open to many different races, however is at the discretion for the individual ladies to choose. Then when an Afri-Canadian, or Indian/Asain do inquire, and they want a particular lady, you as an agent can offer a better match.
  15. I will respond more in depth to this, but as an INTROVERT, I need time to digest and reflect upon on it! I am happy you posted this, as it is a subject I find myself trying to explain to my peers. They see me as Extrovert, but yet I am soooo not! I appear to be because of exhibitionist ways... Will explain more later today, think on it more...
  16. Just for curiosity sakes...... let say they were married, would that mean RG would have to close his account?? Or would he just not be permitted to add to rep, rec, etc??
  17. LOL....I read this as Old Dog, like our friend here on site, hahahah, I was like what?? Why would Old Dog do that? Kheheheheh
  18. Hmmmm, I think I would either leave, and cut my losses. As it would be very very messy if she were to overdose while in your company. Then you would need to call ambulance and if you did not call, then you may face charges of manslaughter(in the event she died) or some kind of criminal neglect type charge...or finish the session,( which I think would be difficult, as it would be a turn off) and do not return... This happened to a girl I know who ran an agency, her girl went on a call, and she was on something...well she overdosed in his bathroom, thankfully he did call ambulance! But it caused a whole mess of issues for him, as the neighbors stood outside to watch the drama unfold:(
  19. Really?? lol...too funny!! wow you two really really have to meet for sure now, hehehehe....good vibes:)
  20. I admire Angela, she totaly rocks her age...50 is the new 40!! She is awsome possitive, but says what needs to be said...always!
  21. Ok?? And what is the discussion?? lol...or a rec?? I do hear good things about Tiffany, would love to see her get rec too!
  22. For sure, as I said earlier....yes if she has been there for that many years, then yes would only be prudent to leave some for her....I may be confused, for some reason I though she and he only met may - Dec??? yes if many years have gone by, and she has been living with him... cant say without knowing kids ages like WIT pointed out, but I know it would not be a nice day for all when discovered dad left all to other kids and wife:(
  23. All true, and thoughtful post...but what about writting out your own kids?? That is where this becomes more than age difference:(
  24. This saddens me greatly:( Love is LOVE...but come on!! Really?? I do understand, that if she has been there faithfully for him, but May to Dec?....not cool!! But in time or with true love.....then yes a certain amount would be nice for her and her kids....but to unwrite his own????? wow! I am 37 and I am with a 50 yr old man, if he ever told me that he was unwritting his own family for my sake I would say it was UNACCEPTABLE by me! I would never put him or his family threw something like that. And if he did without my knowledge, I would do right by him and divide it up! If he is a good friend to you, I hope you have given him a heads up? Although may be tricky, and needs tackfulness, might be good. Best wishes on this tricky situation!
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