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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Tokan!! Your so flirty, make me laugh with your love of food...heheheh...I love your avitar...meep meep!
  2. I am getting ready for a photoshoot.... On top of my dinning table....not sure what food yet...but do have whipped cream and blueberries in my fridge...heheheh
  3. Lovely day!! Worked on my tanlines, hehehee, BBq breaky with mimosa in hand, lol Played with my 2 dogs, Ceaser and Tilo:) Now clean house with awsome tunes:) Posting in highlights too, lol
  4. TOO FUNNY!! lol, thanks for reminding me of how old I am getting, heheheheh
  5. When someone calls my phone, I do not answer for whatever reason, working, slepping what have you...the person keeps calling every 15 min for 1 hour!! Grrrr, like if I do not answer the first two times...give up!! Try in a few hours...geesh!
  6. CONGRATS!!!! Hope you soak up all the attention you so deserve today:)
  7. Hahha, yes had the neck kink a few times, lol... Dont you love it when both people get confused, fake left...fake right...eventually a kiss lands somewhere, but no one knows where, lol
  8. I like mrnice because....he is everyones friend:) Stopping to just say Hi, going to socials, and now organising one:) Thanks mrnice!! You are a good friend to many!! xoxo
  9. Ohhh Lee this is a BIG BIG BIG bed, I am sure we would have room for you!
  10. OMG too funny!! lol....still laughing...still....and stilll....
  11. You may adress me as Sophia....lol, if my name were `` come do me now` I might offer a different name for public....hehehehhe JK
  12. Huh.. what an interesting mind to have come up with this thread, lol You certainly thrown me for a loop and had to imagine all these senarios.... Thanks, for this was fun:) Also note!! It would be interesting to know....when looking at poll as it stands, how many are Lefty? how many Righty? Would this reflect the poll??
  13. Noted!! Thanks for heads up! Thanks for you sitting there waiting too, lol...
  14. I do enjoy a compliment and will blush and be flattered. BUT there is a way to offer a compliment, a time and a place!!! Stop and consider: Is she with her man? Or with her Lady? Or any other family, like mom, etc.. Are you home depot or in a restaurant? Bank? FOR ME....it is all in the delivery! Do you truly compliment me in all of my dignity? Or simply stating something totally obvious ...like `Nice ass`hehehe
  15. What great posts here! See hun, there is plenty of good vibes and support here for ya:) I am so happy to have read this thread:)
  16. For me, I always like to know where you seen my ad first. If a cerb member that I at least recognize, then I wont mind giving the info. But if I am not sure of them, then I simply say in a vague way like..." I entertain and host, with the activities that would expect on a date with a lady" If but if after that, they want all the little details, I usually ask them to email for a description of services....at which time I send a template that cover ALL and ANY activities that I enjoy and rates, with booking proceedure. This cuts down the 100000 questions they may have:) As for Rates, yes I will answer right away, so that if they can not accept my chosen donation, then I wont bother spending more time explaining everything... There are many "fisher's" out there, and those who want all the juicy details for their own enjoyment, there those who may be hunting info for a local competor....many reasons why. So I do my best not to 'entertain" tis kind of inquiry.
  17. Backrubman!!! I love your sensible no BS approach to thinking. You are direct but with gentleness. I thank you for helping me and so many other put things into perspective!
  18. Well I decided from this thread, to include 2 days of weekend and 2 days of weekday:) I normally never make weekends as a part of my tour dates, but I think this plan just might be the way to go! Thanks all for your input!! xoxoxox
  19. Album in the makings:) Doing a sample run at it this weekend....hint for theme......Bubbels and Bikini's....cant say more, lol
  20. I have been wanting to respond to this, actually been on my brain for days... I dont know if I have a bucket list? I am so much into the moment, that each moment that passes by, I try to absorb and enjoy! The whole world is my playground, and the people I meet are apart of this grand play called Life! I suppose for me.....the main thing on my bucket list is to: Love, to the best of my abiltiy, the people who enter my life. And in turn to be Loved by these people. When I leave this world, I want my loved ones to know that they were loved by me:)
  21. Awww Babes, so so sorry to hear this! You are so possitve, I think you can kick Cancer's ass! I will take over this stroking problem once there!! ;) Keep us informed? xoxoxoxo
  22. I truly hope your Birthday is filled with love, relaxation, giggels and laughs! I wish I could be there, we would have a blast!!! Remember....it is NOT getting older......it is getting better!! Hehehe Happy Birthday " ANGEL" of Ottawa:)
  23. Thank you, I love the fact you brought MOD to this! Yes, Thank you for all your efforts and work you put into this for us:)
  24. That is alot of key strokes!! Impressive indeed! Congrats:) Good for you....and yet, good for us! Thanks,xo
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