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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Good point Zealous4u These members for me have really made a difference to ME. By all means if YOU have any gents that particularly have affected you in a positive manner, then feel free to post! We all learn from each other, Sp, MA and Hobbiest alike:)
  2. I am working on a plan to get there.... I will be in Ottawa till 20th, Just might fly right into HFX for the 22. I will let you all know as soon as I book my flights:)
  3. Ohhh How could I forget about the charming Gentlmen we all know as Pistol Pete!! He is such a romantic, tender, caring and always so smart in his advice and support! Thank you Pete!! Ohhh my...mylist grows, lol....Jazzitup! You have not been forgotten! lol...You are so playful and sensitive I just love the way you make me feel! Easy going and cool baby!
  4. I am so happy we both hit this milestone almost at the exact same time lol.... Katherin, I adore your posts. You have a beautiful personality that shines here! You are witty, cleaver, caring all the qualities that make you YOU are clearly shown to us in your posts! keep it up beautiful lady:)
  5. YES!! Build it and they will come! I always say that too... I have a close friend who is in transition. It is sad to see how he is treated by other`s. You can just see the gears turning in other peoples heads, as they are trying to `figure` him out. Recently was told he was not suited for a job as a cook in a hotel!! As if there customers care, as long as thier eggs are cooked! We are all judged at times, as SP`s, gay, big, small, tall short....it is very tiring lol... I think you will do fine here...and you are damn hot too!
  6. So sorry, must have been terrible to have gone threw that with whom you thought was a freind.... I really agree that we can be exploited in many other ways on the job market, such as you pointed out waitressing for 10 hour... I know it is hard to hear things like: we dont have a real job....laying on your back is not a real job etc.... But remember, we do a great service for men, sometimes even couples. We can make a man who is insecure feel good about them selves again! We can make a man who feels inadequate feel appreciated! A man who is not ever touched, can feel the nurturing heeling our hands give. We in a way, are a therapist. Helping people to overcome their social anxiety,feeling better about who they are as a man! Us ladies will go to the spa, shopping what have you, but some men find this is their way of rewarding themselves. I think we all have a strong desire to feel we are of good service to people, no matter what job we do, we want to know we do it well! This is our success! I feel successful when I have a gent who is feeling low, sad, inadequate, then after 1 hour with me, his posture is straight, chin up and with an Aura of confidence!! This is my success:) I feel good about this now too:) There are many services and products that are designed all for the benefit of personal pleasure.....this is simply another avenue to accomplish that! I hope you find peace of mind with all of that, and I do hope your friend can open her eyes to the truth of our service. We do not always have to agree with our friends choices in life, but respect is always a must! As for self worth....well as I said, it is about personal goals, and sucess. If you do any job to the best of your abilty, accomplishing what you set out to do, then yes that will weigh in as self worth. So weather you do this service to your best, and she does her job to her best, then both equally have not short changed yourselves in self worth. It is about pride:)
  7. I know Katherine:)...heheheh was hangin back....asI hoped to reach this as a dual climax...lmao..... I will await your 1000 with eyes wide open:) xoxoox
  8. I do love the water....but unless warm, or at least an extremely warm day you wont find me in it!! After all Spud, I am a Capricorn.... lol However, most summer days you will find me Kayaking up and down the SYJ river...hehehee From Mactaquack damn......all the way to downtown Freddy.....you might just call my phone and I will respond with "what am I doing? I am in the middle of the river talking to you!" hehehehehe It is about a 3 hour journey from the damn to an old train bridge. Ohhh I love my water sports lmao
  9. I really need to express the deep feeling of complete respect and admiration to the Gentlemen of CERB!! Each one of you who participate on this board just know exactly how to make a girl feel like a princess! You all make a lady feel so appreciated and welcomed here:) You are here for us when we need advice. When we need to laugh. When need to be assured about our way of life! You never make us feel dirty, or under-appreciated. Never have I been treated like a commodity with my CERB lovers. From my HEART I want to say Thank You! Ladies lets give a hand to the fine Gentlemen who make our days easier, with laughter, support, and genuin respect!!! Ladies, Please feel free to give thanks to your special loved peeps from CERB! WIT Cato RG Hockey Spud Porthos Liquor Scottthecunuck LeeRichards Rowdy 1963Kennedy Tokan Dameltanin096 Cometman Steveyk Ohhh my I could go on and on, but thanks to all of you for being there for me when I needed you!
  10. Big Big hugs back to all, thank you for your hugs:)
  11. Ohhh my Gosh! Thank you to everyone here for your praise and support! Too kind:)
  12. Without noticing.....I have reached my 1000 post. It was completely undected by my ownself, but by WIT. Thanks for attention from everyone:) Does put a smile on my face knowing that others notice the small milestones we make:)
  13. Hmmmm, I may have the right dates in place, as my dates include 2 weekend days, and 2 weekday....hopefully will satisfy both worlds on scheduling?
  14. I forgot to mention.... I find there is something very sexy and thrilling when all of a sudden my phone rings.....someone is looking for that afternoon delight, in a quicky way.... then POOF!! he is at my door, and we run up to the room and spend 45 min in passion play....then POOF he is gone like the wind! Hehehehhe, duuno, does anyone else find that sexy?
  15. Awww Happy Birthday love! Hope you have the best day ever, filled with joy, love, and sexy fun! Wish i could be the one to give you your Birthday spankings hehehehhee:spank:
  16. I have just posted my dates for my upcoming visit. I have just noticed it falls on a Saturday. Here at home I rarely will work weekends. I know many family men may have more difficulty on weekends, is it best for a touring lady to stick to the weekdays in this case? Does the weekend interfer with your playtime? What about the non family man? Does it matter to you if it a weekend or weekday?
  17. I do offer a 45 min package. But it greatly depends on our first chats... If I get the sense you really want to be seduced, flirty fun, entertainment then I would not suggest the 45 min session. As this would be counter active and too rushed. Also first time with SP, I do not suggest 45 min either. I want to be sure you are in a comfort zone before heading to my bedroom. I prefer to have had at least an hour or more with you before offering a 45 min session, so that I too will know my comfort zone with you as well:) But I am a fan of afternoon quicky's, so sure if we have met or at least communicated a lot, then 45 min session are welcomed:)
  18. Yup scary indeed....on our way to Global/one world Government!
  19. Ohhhh hahahaha, I always forget to check time stamp, lol
  20. My highlight, even though the day is young..... has been chatting with some friends here, I have been very pre-occupied with some other projects and have not been on line very much. So, it has felt good to reconnect again:)
  21. I am a bit shocked by this whole "freebie" thing....a bit confused too. I do believe this is against the rules for the site? To provide service's for a review?? I can see it was meant for a joke...hope it was. It can take time for your first Recommendation, it was like 3 months for my first one. I did have a few who refused to see me because I did not yet have a reco. I found after the first one, more trickled in. But the key is to remain consistent in the quality of your service. Be true to yourself, true to your advertising and the reco's will come:) Best Wishes!!
  22. This is so sad Angela, There is almost no way to console such a thing, except to be there for your friend if he needs anything. Let him know you are there to help and to make anything you can easier for him while he and his friends try to recover from there loss. It is a hard place to be angela, but you are so compassionate, I am sure they will feel your love and support! xoxo
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