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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Ok, sorry but have to nominate one more for this day... Megforfun!!!! You are so cute with your humor, positive outlook on life! When in need for comic relief from otherwise too serious world, Meg is always there to add cheer and laughter!! I for one find laughter the sexiest thing!!! Thanks Meg, for being so cool, funny and what else can I say??? Those sexy legs doesn't hurt either:) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470
  2. I need a hug.... I posted something while back about my cousin, and the car I bought for her!! Well the advice I got was to tell her to park the car she had not yet paid on. So I did, I told her come and park it till she can start to pay for it, as I waited for 4 months for the first payment of a 3100$ bill. Well she decided to use cerb as a way to get more money out of me, as I was in Victoria, BC paying for my mother, myself my sister and her man!! So she embezzled another 1000.00$ out of me, or she was going to "out" me to my mother!!!! So ya, I paid it! But also came clean with mom at the sometime. Well.....mostly clean, as I only gave her some details. I did this in fear, as once you pay an embezzeler....they may ask for more money down the road!! All done now....and will think of sueing for the rent for 4 months, and for embezzelment....seeing now I have nothing to hide....lol My Mom now has this car, as it is good thing, her car was dead!
  3. Enjoying the sun today, mameso in hand, and family on the way! To share with them my vaccation pic's from BC:) Love days like this, life is good!
  4. Catherine St. Clair!!! Cat is the complete embodiment of poise, grace and ultimate class!! She is incredibly strong lady, but never jaded! She is warm, supportive the the sexiest bedroom eyes I have ever seen! And the most loveliest smile to go along with those amazing eyes! She is timeless in beauty and in character! I strive to have an ounce of grace!! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=4978
  5. yes I have a beautiful place to entertain you:) Usually best to book one day advanced though...as I also do enjoy my weekends;) Pm for details hun, xoxoxo
  6. Angela of Ottawa Perhaps should be called " Angel of Ottawa". She really took the time to get to know me over this past year. She so intelligent, wise, always fair. She has the best upbeat personality! Beautiful in more ways than one! I adore the way she is almost like " mama goose" for so many of ladies here. Always willing to listen and give advice when needed, shares in our Joy and Tears! Angela, I have a great respect for you! I miss you! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=24465 Dont ever stop being you!!
  7. My mother is my friend! We are so close, we seem to be telepathic most of the time. We always know when something is wrong even if we live in different cities. This year, I took her to Victoria, BC to see my sister. We had not seen my sister for a long time now, and I knew she needed to make sure she was safe. Sadly my sister is not doing well. Not been taking care of herself as she should. Suffers with fibromiagla and other issues as well. So it was so important for Mom to be with her. While here, I went to China town with Mom, and got my sister a wellness packages. Things like Omega 3-6-9, liver detox, cedar aromatherapy( for thinning hair) Multi-vits all things I hope to help her re-gain her health and beauty. This is one of my gifts to her, is knowing where her daughter is geographical, and in health. To know that she has health products to hopefully start to get better. I hope this will ease my Mom's stresses a bit now. Today, we go to the butterfly garden:) We will have a picnic there. My Mom absolutely loves butterflies!!! Collects them, this is a surprise to her. She thinks we are going just to a park, heheheheh. I hope everyone has a fine Mother's day. If your Mother happens not to be with you, honor her in anyway you can!
  8. You help your unemployed cousin( had a job, then fired) to buy a car, and she then does nothing to pay back in 3 months, allowing you to suffer for your bills!! Grrrr....leason learned though!
  9. I adore Cato, he always knows how to make me feel special when we get together, and missed when we are apart! You are a genuine, true Gentlemen!
  10. Awsome!!! You always have interesting posts, have learned alot from them! Thanks, keep on writting!
  11. But will you put whipped cream into my hand? LMAO....JK:) there has been lots of talk about whipped cream lately lol...hmm?
  12. See this is what I have been told too! That is why I started to use my massage business to pay my taxes through...
  13. I was thinking if I found traveling SP, then perhaps I would ask 400.00, they can stay at place for up to one week...that week I would not work. It may make it easier instead of the lady paying for hotel fee, which is a higher expence then my fee. Also, it is so small town here, I would not advertise so that she will do well for herself when here in Fredericton. The rest of the month I would work. Hmmmm..I might post in NB to see if there is interest. Not many travel here, but some do....But of course, I will always make sure I can afford on my own as well;) Thanks Nicolette!!
  14. Just thought you might like to know these two have been spotted in Freddy...lmao...
  15. Victoria, sometimes we screw up....and when we do it is wisest to just come to terms with it! I know I have at least one "apology" thread out there, lol.... Just learn from it, never, ever do anything like it again, and allow your own true self rise above:) my advice from experience in "screwing up" lol...
  16. I hope you had enjoyed the wonderful wave of cerbian support with your new found Goddesshood!! xo
  17. a way to this womens.....heheheheh, is a man in my kitchen!! lol....
  18. There is a great place in Fredericton that often goes unnoticed.... Mama"s Pub!! My most favorite thing to order: Mussels in Maple curry sauce!! I have eaten this at many many places, and this sauce is the best I have had! Then main course is: Maple Jack burger platter with Spinich salad! Ohhhhh Man!!! Now I have to go there to eat!! lol...
  19. I used to do the hotel thing, but when in hometown I found it tricky. As there are times were scheduals mix up...I do not drive, so cabbing to and from is time consuming and also can be expensive. I am low volume, only up 2 appt in a day...is that low volume?? lol....and neighboors not an issue here at home, but I just want personal home space . But found the hotel I used to use started to ask questions why I live in Fredericton and yet get rooms. I used to cover it up by saying I had family visiting and did not want to worry about driving back if we should drink tonight, lol....I have been creative with my answers. But I start to feel too noticable after the 5-6th time renting room. There are only 3 places here that is worth using. Yes TRUST is most important. And certainly would want someone who is respectable, no party, no drugs, no smoking, clean and discrete. Would most likely have to be cerb lady. I think if it were a traveling SP I would simply not accept appt for up to 1 week that she was there. To provide her privacy, as when we travel every min of your day counts. If a local lady, then I suppose I would always be clear to confirm the day before with each other before booking??? I dunnno this is where I need help to figure out a fair way to go about it. Thanks for your input!!!! Was very useful for me:) Additional Comments: I would not live there though, and like I said, if it were a traveling SP I simply would take up to 1 week off work;) Sounds like a hot story though!!! You should make it inot a short story, hehehehe;)
  20. I thought you were a God already hunni....mmmm! Nicely done my friend:) :bigclap:
  21. Yes I have considered this, and I find it difficult to do this. Sometimes my Credit card may be maxed out....also for Freddy, so small here I do worry about discretion if they see me always renting a room, while my address is for freddy...then there are the no show problems whereas I get the room, pay for it, then no show:( Furniture not an issue...would not bother with cable, just internet, hope to get hydro included as well. In the long run I think easier and more functional. But Thanks RG for your thoughts:)
  22. I am at a cross road with my service right now. I am wanting to no longer work in my home space, and would consider getting another place to work from. I really want to have a separation from home life to work life. My concern is: I want a nice, well maintained place for my clients to feel comfortable. But with that will be a high cost to pay extra rent, bills etc...I would hate to move location just to find out that it may be too much for this girl to pay all alone. Have other Sp's tried this approach? Did it work for you? Did your clients ever mind, as they may see the other lady who is sharing space? Did you make a calendar schedule, or just clear it with each other for every appt? What about the Gent's? Would it matter to you, as long as we were alone in our love nest? Clean and respectable location as always:) Are there Sp's in Freddy, or planning to visit here often who would be interested? If so, PM me to discuss it further!
  23. Very sad indeed! I am shocked at this level of disrespect and stupidity! Like someone would not notice this? I too have had one of my favorite ads, somewhat copied in theme and tittle. But my version much better!! LMAO.... Perhaps I shall repost it...hehehehe.
  24. I would love to be able to pay my taxes on this trade. I do pay taxes for my Reflexology studio.....very very little goes through those books. I vote for elections, and well feel if I could pay taxes as any other business owner, would make me more of a contributing citizen! For awile, before I figured out how to pay "some" taxes, I hated the feeling I would get when I went to vote, cause I almost felt like I was lying, or scaming...if I vote, then I should pay taxes!
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