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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I find it extremely sexy and erotic to cook with my date. No matter what the meal, but just chopping fresh veggies, sizzling meats, just find it a turn on to cook with my dates! I love a man who has kitchen talents as well as bedroom talents!
  2. I think you might be right! I always cook from scratch, hardly ever anything from a box or package.....so ya eating healthy and organic for so long I cant eat processed food, or sugar sweet things.
  3. The only way I like KD.... Tuna, celery, onion, and topped with bread crumbs then oven baked.... For some reason this is the only way I can eat it, on its own I actually get nauseous:(
  4. Although we only met breifly last Nov....I feel like we had known each other much longer! You were missed here with your wonderful humor and wise words! Yipppy, OD is back....watch out ladies! lol....xoxooxox
  5. Today I am visiting my Grandmother! Her B'day today, 90 yrs old! I look so much like her, that her pics from she was 20-40, most people think it is me in one of those photographs that are made to look antiqued. My mother side of family has 14 aunts and uncles, plus all of the kids...and kids kids...and well you get the idea! Will be a ton of relatives in all generations! Gonna be a blast, but I am sure I will cry lots too, as she is so old and frail with dementia:(
  6. Emerald, hope you have a wonderful day, filled with love, laughter and joy! You certainly are a precious gem who shines brightly!!
  7. I have a background in Gymnastics, dance and aerobics. I can perform splits, handsprings, sort of invented a thing I call a bed dance, where I perform multitude of acrobatic maneuvers as you lay on the bed! Very different and exciting show for sure! Looking at June as a possiabilty:)
  8. I have a SO in my life, and it does not interfer with my level of service at all! If anything it allows me to be more attentive, and inspires me to what it is that you are wanting/needing. With love in my life, I feel warmer, happier and more creative than when single. When being single for too long, I seem to get a bit bitter, or jaded towards intimacy and passion. the big difference for me is...What I do with you as my client, is very different than with my SO, as with a client I am " selling" fantasy, a persona, therapeutic touch.....with my SO I am not selling anything! This is not to say I am "acting", as I naturally am a flirty, warm, friendly, nurturing type personality...so I do remain as my true self...but it is marketing and is business too!
  9. If ever in Fredericton, NB...and you are looking for a nice place to eat.... well, KEEP DRIVING! lol....Freddy has next to nothing for good eats:( In Moncton however, you have many great restaurants, bistro, tappis, sushi, just an amazing variety of tastes:) Tide and Bore : Was featured on the Food Network for best Maritime restaurant! This was about 2 Months ago. They hosted East Coast Music Awards, here last month. A small menu that changes frequently. It is fresh as fresh can be! Unique food combination, brilliant in color and texture! Psst...Have a Whiskey Sour....lol... they make with hand squeezed lemon and lime! Mmmm mmm Entertainment in Evening, is so welcomed! depending on the night you go, you will see many talented Canadian bands touring will always give you a night you will always remember! Kitchen party style to country, to indy!
  10. Ahhh wow, what a family we have here in cyber space!!! I feel like I have a sister who needs support, love and all things possitive! You know what you need to do, so go do it with strength and support! You will be fine....I know it!
  11. Aww, hun we never met yet....would still love to? I always was a " fan" of yours, think you are cute as a peach!! Sweet as one too! I wish you best of luck, and good things for you in the future! TC, hope we can keep in touch? xoxoxoxo
  12. You parthos!!! You are a breath of fresh air! You are really a great contributer to this bored, I value your words! You truly are a gentlemen!
  13. A big, fat juicy Shawarma from the place on Carleton and....ummmm something, lol....by the byward blue inn.... OMG, they are good, open till 4am...smoke the hooka if you like too.... I took 2 home with me last trip, on the plane, ate them that day too! But many good times and many good dollars spent at EMPIRE GRILL!!! omg, the rocket salad is to die for, as well as the Seafood plater! wooowie!! Good food, amazing atmosphere, beautiful food!
  14. Keep you eyes open, I come to Moncton often, but Keissy Hennessey...
  15. Such thoughful posts were made here! Thanks to all of you, I feel much better now with your support! Samantha Evans, Nicolette, RG, Katherine, Angela, Victoria, WIT,.....everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read and respond, your advice and wisdom really shines through! Thanks, xoxo
  16. Yes, dont you love the" are you avail this afternoon?" then It happens to be 1pm at the time of PM, so I say ....Yes actually I do have time, can you be here by 2pm....then they say "ohhh, well was hoping right now!" LMAO....really??? I have my sweats on cleaning my house, have not showered and got a vaccume in my hand, lol... The afternoon only has a few hours, so what hour works????
  17. Not sure what you mean hun....shy about other's know he is visiting? Who are these "other" people to know?? I tried that approach too. I asked if 2 would work, then I did 1 and 3....if one says ealy afternoon would not you assume between 12-3? the afternoon is only so long, lol.... Dont waste my day away just cause you are paranoid, or your schedule is all over the place. I cant tell you how many days have gone wasted for people who can not book a specific time. Making me loose out on what I need to do. Wait till you know for sure on your own schedule first. Then contact me. Simple I think....
  18. I am very fustrated...grrr...roar...lol I am a very busy person. Not just with this work, but with other important projects on the go. As a recent example: I get a PM, it says.."I will be in Fredericton tomorrow, would you be available early afternoon?" Sound simple enough? Right? So I respond with...." OK, what time are you thinking? 2 would work best for me." Then get a confusing responds back, about all the things he has to do first, then what time he is expected back to his final destination. So, I say to him. I have got few commitments on the go, I can shuffle around somethings, but need to know what time to reserve for you. I need to know by 10 am what time you need. So his responds is.... " Not too sure what time yet, will let you know..." So with him knowing I have other commitments on my agenda, and knowing I would shuffle my schedule around for him........he still doesn't just give me a time frame to work with. So am I really going to wait around to find out what time? Risking screwing up my other plans?? What if if I spend all morning waiting for someone who may not even have the time to actually visit?? Do we call a dentist and say..".ohh sometime Monday afternoon I will be there, not sure what time exactly?" As Murphy's law seems to always have his way with me.....I will go do the other commitments I have, just as I arrive to my job, he will PM or call, saying ohhh I can meet you in hour! Well that simply can not work! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SANITY!!! When you are booking an appt, please have a specific time in mind!!!! Especially when you are told that I have other jobs as well. I can not wait around for something that may or may not happen! If you can not narrow down a specific time, then take your chance I will not be able to see you, as there is not a day that goes by that I haven't got something I need to do. And if you are not sure of what time, are you really sure you can arrive at that time? That is my rant.....I hope that you read this and take into consideration that I do have other projects that is work for me. My schedule needs to be well timed. So if you have not a time in mind...then dont ask me to book you! All have a great day now:)
  19. I like Gena because of her corky sense of humor and for her contrabutions to the the story game lol....
  20. Angela, I like you because you are: True, solid, kind, smart and just a really beauiful person inside and out!
  21. Yes, I completley agree! Not lame at all!!! Although I do like the adventure of toy`s, I honestly prefer thhe real thing! But my most favorite is a mutli speed soft coated vibe;) But I enjoy so much more raw and real stimulation !! More than happy to show others though:)
  22. Ohh wow..these posts are amazing " Sophia Moments" !! The airline post are almost a thread in thier own right!! lol...wink So here is an airline flight missed story..... So it was my 1st trip to Ottawa-Freddy flight. I had an amazing time, perhaps too much fun, cause I wanted to bring the fun times back with me:) So to the airport I go... I boared the flight without a glitch...just a bit of a glow.... I arrive to HFX...expecting flight to Freddy..... But had 1hour 40min to spare, so yes stopped for a burger and a beer( OK..2, lol) did not know that the entercom system is not heard in the resturants...lol! So yes, I missed my flight.....returned to the very spot that caused my demise... While there, I meet a fellow who was totaly my style:) we had 2.5 hours to learn that both had the same " missed flight senareo" then we continued to drink, be merry and flew home to Freddy!! We were the entertainment for the whole flight, the staff said..... " good thing it is our last flight, and your so freindly, that you two can fly home tonight" As you can guess we are feeling rather happy at this time, heheheh So end of story, I became good friends with him, his wife, and a few passengers along the way:) When I thought of the possiabilty of being stuk all night in the airport was dreadfull, but then found out that it was amasing fun if you let it all happen:)
  23. And what are we having for dinner?? Lol.....I would love a T-bone steak please? hehehe My highlight was receiving such great advice on my How to enter the work force.....then sending out my resume, first one in 5 years, lol...
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