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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. OMG!!! So funny WIT!! You had me in stitches reading these:) I will get back to you on this, as I am stumped, but I know I have had many!
  2. I am one ruled by my nose, lol..I love aroma!! But there are good ones and bad ones. I like a fresh clean smell, Nautical is a really nice one. I Think Armani, D&G is awsome, Abercrombie &Finch is really really really nice, I have the women's version. I think Uni-sex sents are nice as well, seems to be a lot on the market now for that too. A nice smelling man drives me wild!
  3. Wow, what awsome advice, and will certainly put these suggestions to use! I submitted a resume to a mobile cell company, they are seeking a sales team leader in my area. Looking for creative, leadership, people skills, that sort of thing. So i think I have the personality and skills to fill this positions nicely. Just as one person mentioned, I have to be willing to start at the bottom again, which I certainly do not mind doing. With hopes of future management options. I do Volunteer as well for a political party, canvasing for certain issues, also at SPCA I groom free for them for the dogs who need it. I wont leave this behind, as I do enjoy the lifestyle that it brings me. But Do not want to look at another 5 year gap either:( So cheers to all of you for helping me out with this, I can always count on cerb family for the best advice with so many life issues!! Love ya all, xoxo
  4. Not 100% sure, but I dont think paypal will link to adult sites?? something like that. This is what I found out http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=85151
  5. Thanks Cristy:) Yes have tried that approach before, but never ended up with a job that was worth doing:( So I do try to expand on my trades as what I have learned from business. it is scary a bit to realize 5 years later, I am almost unemployable for the lack of references:( But I am sure something will come my way with my name written on it! That is the plan, to pick up a job...any job, just to fill in the gap for awile;) I hope I can "sell" myself on the job market as well as this market heheheh
  6. You and I have alot in common I think, lol...I too have backpacked across country, did also pick apples etc...hehehe Yes I am certified in Pet grooming and Relexology massage. But I want to leave those trades, or at least not depend on self employment any longer:( It is too hard for future retirments etc...No pension plan and no bennifits:( I will maitain my massage, but would like to have something to back me up as well. Thanks for your input, I was starting to feel I was alone with this issue:)
  7. I have now been full time SP for about 5 years. Although I have had many job tittles in the past there is this hole of 5 years or so with no job reference:( So, I am building a resume now, trying to utilize the skills I have now from marketing and operating a small business owner...lol... I am lucky however that I have run a Professional pet grooming studio and now a reflexology studio. So now not only is there 5 years I have spent as SP, but another 5 years of those 2 other businesses. There is a down side to being an small business owner, as employers do not want to see self employment for 10 years, they may think I am too "set in my ways" or simply, how do I give a reference for just myself? So what is my natural skills to bring to the job market? Sales seem likely?? I certainly have gained skill with marketing, assessing clients needs, well organized scheduling, diffusing stressful situations, working under pressure, self motivated, leadership qualities. But is this enough? With no one to provide reference for my work...too bad they cant see my rec's lol.. How do other full time SP's deal with issue? What suggestion might you have for someone in this position? Anyone in an employer position could possibly help me with what you are looking for in a resume, and what are your impressions when you see a resume with a 5 year gap in it?
  8. I often find myself thrown into a whirlwind of hilarious, chaotic episodes I like to call" Sophia Moments" lol... Today I was sitting on my balcony enjoying the sun, txt with friends, then suddenly the screen shows " emergency only"!! OHHH NO!! I thought I was disconnected! Did forget to pay bill? I try to use the 611 option...not so lucky:( So off to the mall to koodo I go! Wait forever to be served. Then magically it is discovered it was my sim card was out of place!! So yippy not cut off!! Right???? Well, then i am walking to the car, and didn't I go and swing my arm, phone fly's there the air, right into a puddle!!!! So now....back to Koodo I go!! Thankfully I had enough credit to get new phone!! Doesnt end there....got home, hungry. made some sweet potato fries, mmmm smelling good....then poof!! All over the floor:( Was the last of the bag too!! boooo, lol When you find yourself saying...." just one of those days!" Then please feel free to post it here! lmao
  9. It is not as much of a concern for me here in Freddy, but yes, I can certainly see how it would be an issue! Interesting suggestion, would help to slow down the bumping trend...hmm?
  10. Having a coffee with a very special friend from PEI:) A real coffee, not a virtual one, hehehehe
  11. Sunny hug to all of you:) What a good day to be in Fredericton! Life is good today:)
  12. Today I got my new leather sectional couch set!! Ohhh so soft and comfy, gonna be hard to get me off this couch now! lol..hard work pays off sometimes:)
  13. yes true true, they want to monitor our movement on the web, so how will this affect us? It still would be " not public" right?
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