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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Charlene, AKA Sophia Varoushka. I am the one who likes to fight for the underdog, sometimes that underdog might be our environment. I am also a Holistic Healer, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Juicer advocate. I strongly believe we have the power built with in our bodies to help heal and comfort illnesses. I also have LUPIS. I am a loving daughter, my Mother and Father are my best friends. I am also a loving sister. I am a dog owner and lover! I was a show groomer for 13 years. I was an exotic dancer for 10 years, ballerina and jazz between 13-17. A provincial Gymnast, on my way to national team but broke my both knees. I learned to survive in this crazy world much too young in life, left home from a very dysfunctional family at the tender age of 15! Was a drug addict,recovered and survived that too! I am for the first time really in love! I am proud of who I have become, as I had a very hard life, whereas many others would crumble into pieces, it has made me stronger:) I love being an SP, cause I truly love making people feel good about themselves!! Thanks for this thread, I feel good!
  2. Ha! Gotta love that last quote!! Wow, I better go check my lawn, now...
  3. I have just began a relationship 6 months ago. This is the first realationship for the past 4 years!! I was always remained single thinking that it would affect my work. Or if I did find a man, and he accepted my work, would he be the kind of man to hold it against me?? Well, I am a lucky girl, cause he is very accepting and has never ever made me feel bad for my choice:) I was with someone years ago that claimed he was fine with it, but then started to " demand" certain activites were off limits.....thus my service did suffer. Because I am not able to lie, and gulit ridden to do those "off limit" activites. So yes, in a way some kinds of relationships may affect me, ( which is the unhealthy varity) But when I am in a good a secure, healthy relationship, then no it does not affect my service. As Cat said...." showtime" ... But yes, availbilty certainly does suffer a bit.
  4. Yes I think it is worth it hun:) Just always be prepared for mishaps, plan carefully, and I am sure you would do fine;) keep your eyes on other's schedule as well, to be sure we dont have 10 touring ladies all the same time too. It may take a visit or two before you have a secure visit, like it was for me....or maybe not? It really is unpredictable for anyone and anywhere.
  5. That sucks Gabriellia!! I totally know the frustration with this! I do think it is a problem almost everywhere. Like I said....at least for the first couple visits I seem to have this problem too. But after I go 2 times or so, I seem to find the good ones. I now have deposits in place for first time dates, only 25%, but I think this helps weed out the insincere clients and the ones who truly want to see me wont mind. It is a one time fee. This helps to protect the regulars that I see. So that I do not say no to them for the sake of a person I have not yet met, and have them do a no show...on the spot appt are not required to make deposits, but may not have the chance to book it as my schedule may be full. I just want the gents to think, Please dont beg us to visit, then not bother booking?? It gives us false hope as to how our trip will be, then the expenses and time become a disappointment for us:(
  6. yes!! Good idea!! Although not very far away, I did my first cross border tour to Maine.So far so good, but would be nice to chat to other's about travel outside Canada:) I want to go travel much more too!
  7. Yes katherine this was excatly my first 2 experiences in ottawa too. I was almost never going to go agin...but I tried a couple more times, and has been good:) You quickly learn who the time wasters are too. But yes it is funny the very ones who were begging me to visit, are the ones who never booked or no-showed:( Strange, I will never know why??
  8. I largley it depends on your personality. I have always been comfortable around people. I have a natural ability to put people at ease, and feel welcomed. So for me, it did sort of come naturally. However, yes it does take time to get used to it. To feel confident and learn how to take controll of how the session may go. However, it is strange, because as comfrotable as I feel with taking the lead with new dates, I sometimes feel awkard in a "normal" social experience. And with a board like this one, I think it is much easier to feel at ease. As we can sort of get a feel for what kind of person I will be metting.
  9. My first visit started off with many no-shows. But I don't think it is just Ottawa either. I had this problem with almost every city for the first 1-2 visits. But as the people get to know me, and found my "regulars" it changed for me. I think you just need to be patient. Always go with enough money put away for expenses. Once you visit a couple of times, and people start to see what you have to offer, the visits will get better. Also I like to see who is advertising during my planned visit. If it appears to be a lot of touring ladies at once, then I will wait for a better time for me to visit. The supply and demand code seems to affect the scheduling.
  10. I really liked this thread, and all the posts that were in it! I think we were all so touched by Spud's post, and feel like we were able to connect with one another because of it! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=78820 BTW Cat, very nice idea for a thread:)
  11. I like Cato, because he wrote..." axe murderess' in the the 3 word story game. LOl, gave me a good chuckel! Love your dry humor cato:)
  12. Again....I still have a crush on Beaker!! Meep meep...no really, you are so positive, upbeat and fair! I love your mind!
  13. I have been asked to see a few ppl who are virgins. I do have to admit that I have a bit of moral issues with it for me. I hesitate mainly cause, I myself had a very meaningless encounter as my first, and wish it was more special. I have suggested to the few who have contacted me, to have a lunch date first.( of couse as a gentlemen you should compensate at least half her time and pay for dinner:) ) Time to chat, flirt and feel at ease. It will allow you time, and me time to know if this is how you really want to go about it. You may consider this when seeking a lady's companionship. You dont want your first time to feel like a transaction, or out of desperation. You need it to be sensitive, romantic, and know that you are being treated kindly. Of course we have fantasy's of how it will be, but just be natural. Allow yourself time to open up, then perhaps explore your adventurous side?
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