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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Ohhhh hunni!! I am sooo soo sorry for your loss. I just recently lost an old girl of mine too:( Why alone on B'day hun? Your so wonderful, unique and sweet! you should never feel alone, especailly on your B'day!! Next year....contact me, ...we will plan for a day of fun and girly stuff!! You have many here that will love and give you the support you need!
  2. I was just about to suggest perhaps you would do the honor of helping us to organise and come for a visit!! We would be so lucky to have you!
  3. many years ago, I was working for agency. They sent to a house. I arrive knock on the door, and who answers? The friend of my father's lady friend, more or less almost family! I step in, his jaw to the floor, stuttered and was obviously shocked. I immediately took control of the situation, and assured him everything will be fine. I said" no worries, I wont say anything to anyone, either will you. I will tell agency to send you another lady" I then left. I was surprised that I was able to have my head straight enough to take control, as I was shaky after I left. I always say, if they stumble on my ads, well I will point out that I have a right to be there as they have a right to search. This should not go one way. In most cases they wont say a thing, as they would end up "outing" themselves! It is about privacy and respect.
  4. I like Tokan...because I have a secret crush on Beaker...lol
  5. I like this thread, very cute indeed! Hey Nicki...if you read this, call me?? lol....I wanna hear too, hehehehe
  6. Well day 1 of the ECMA was mind blowing fun!! I spent most of the night at Tide and Bore, coming home with 5 new CD's! Wonder what day 2 will bring? Anyone have suggestions of who to go see? There are just so many talented Atlantic Canadian Bands!!
  7. I think the best place to start is in NB announcments....then reco...also Tiffany...is she there now??
  8. I am soooo excited for this weekend! East coast music at it's best! With 100's of bands performing in Moncton!! One best place to catch some of this amazing talent is at Tidal Bore on main St., another is Plan B on St George:) I will defiantly be seen bouncing around to each venue this weekend! Keep in mind, if you do see me, please be discrete!!!! As I will not approach you, but You are welcome to a friendly hello from me if you give me the sign;) Come and Join the fun!!!!
  9. Is anyone seen the 3-d movie? I may go this weekend:)
  10. I like Victoria, because she is so kind, welcoming and always helpful!
  11. Wow, how good for you!! And how nice for us too, for your contributions here are golden!! Wooopie!!!! Enjoy the much deserved attention;)
  12. Thanks, I never considered that angle!! I understand now.
  13. I feel a bit silly to ask, but what are the motives behind people using other's Handel to get appt? Am I missing something? I am sort of like CC on this one too, I was asked once for a reference, but I truly could not remember this particular Gent.. I always remember if it was a great session or an awful one, I am also terrible with names, but I always seem to remember the handel lol...I do not keep records of every client, but then again, most of my clients are repeat, so if you are someone I met maybe 4 months ago, only seen you one time and we did not keep in touch then I more than likely wont remember. When booking, Yes I always look into your profile here. When someone emails me I ask there handel, no handel, no booking. Then I ask them to sign my guest book or PM to assure me they are that handle. Then another confirmation with a phone call.
  14. I used to get all shy about having to tell a client that it was my " Time", but now I simply come out with it. As it is just apart of life as a women. But ya, I can certainly understand how you would have felt. No worries, I didnt get upset:)
  15. 110% agree Cristy!!! I have run into my fair share of "cyber bullies" the best thing to do in that case is really not give into the traps. If some one is bullying you, simply move on from that thread. Dont fule the fire, I suppose? Some say it shows weakness, but I think it shows maturity.
  16. Yes, this should be an easy one. I do not book while menstruating, or at least I will explain I am only available for massage and happy endings for the next 3 days. There are times however, a lady may think they are done the cycle.... and wham! It may start again from all the action. Or perhaps just started?
  17. Most ladies will take a clothing request:) As we would not want to answer the door in PJ's if the client was hoping for porn-sexy..
  18. @ mighty finn!! I just love and adore your description of the way a women walks!! thank you, for your beautiful your words:)
  19. I am so amazed by your pro-active stance you have taken here!! we should all be thanking you for this!! Amazing effort and confidence from you!! Thanks!
  20. This thread bring to mind one of my most favorite movie quote " you are a true Geisha, when you are able to stop a Gentlemen dead in his track, but just one glance!"
  21. I am going to pamper myself today. Going to salon, do hair, eyebrows, all that girly stuff. Time to de-compress from a stressful few days! Today and Saturday are "Me" day:)
  22. You may get better results by checking the little pink tag beside the providers ads. I would suggest to simply look at each ad, and when someone catched your eye, simply PM them or goto their web-site for the juciy details on service offered:)
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