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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Has anyone put that one last penney in the penny jar yet? Imagin 100 years down the road, it will be like finding a little treasure, that penny that feel into the cracks of the floor board, lol
  2. The momentum of our actions perpetuates and can dictate future actions. So yes, in the since of transgression of our soul, reincarnation theories do say what do in this life time directly can influence our next life. Pretty broad view however, as then we have to get into the topic of what is sin, what does sin mean in my mind vrs your mind....whole other nasty topic though, lol. In Buddhism, they fallow a code of living, The Eight Fold Path. Claims if you were to live by this code of conduct you will have good karma for your life as you are now and the next. Somewhat like the Christain 10 commandments. Every action has a reaction!! Simple science perhaps? or Divine universal rule?
  3. Ohh yes in the afternoon's you will often find me in an office skirt, stocking with a nice vest or blazer...but at 8-9am?? Still feels odd...lol... Thanks and will certainly keep this in mind for the next nooner...heheheh
  4. Pajama party starting to form here lol!! How cute:) Interesting how PJ's are so much more popular then I though, hehehe...
  5. As I suspected email is my way to go for this! Thank you very much for this info:) I have been asked about it...and figured as much.
  6. I am wondering if we are able to link paypal to this site? I am sort of new to paypal, and seen this option for web sites links...any advice??
  7. I do ask, but often times they say they will leave it up to me...so hmmm...still do not know what to wear, lol... Often times I waer a cute skirt, with sexy gear underneath and heels. Then as I am walking then out afterwords, I tend to change into my regular clothing, never fails, they say "ohhh you look nice like that! I love jeans and tank top' lol...so I suppose they are getting best of both sides of me:)
  8. I often get confused on what to wear for the " early bird" appointments?? Do I wear cute PJ'S with bunny slipper's? lol...a nice office type outfit? summer dress? hmmmm, do I put on my sexy boudoir lingerie, with stelito heels and stocking( which feels very strange at 9 am, hahaha). What do other SP'S do for the early morning appt? What does the hobbyists expect at AM?? Some clients arrive and say "OMG you didn't have to doll up for me so early in the morn"...and other's get disappointed that I am not wearing the sexy gear.. Hmmmm what should I wear?
  9. I love HFX, it is a fun city with lots to offer. I just do not seem to get there enough..hence I want an apartment there...but sub lets are hard to find. My search goes on though:) I am determined to find the right place:)
  10. I am in a small town, Fredericton. I have only been spotted one time, but in my town most of the population is not from here, as most are students and soldiers that come and go.My clientel is mainly older professional men, and if they see in public they certainly wont "out" me. Because of my age, I tend to get more men closer to my age as well. If you are young SP you may find you have more younger men...who may not have the maturity needed to be discrete. Whereas you are new to the industry, I think you feel safer and more secure if you did not show your face?? I have been in the industry for a long time now and have mastered my screening process. But it took time to learn. Had I jumped in with face shoots and little wisdom on booking and screening I too may have risked "outing" myself. The first priority is your safety and peace of mind! So do what feels right to you. Plenty of men also get intrigued with no face shoots;) Best of luck, If I can help in anyway, I am a PM away:)
  11. I was admittedly nervous to introduce this. As I was worried that people would be scared off and not book me. As any new revolutionary idea, endeavor is shaky ground at first. I am confident that this will be better for my clients and for me to come visit more often. I was worried about trust as well. As any lady here can tell you, it is hard work building and maintain your reputation here, the last thing I would ever do, is to be dishonest with deposit!! Thank you for your support, I feel much better with this now:)
  12. Ya, I just do not bother booking there, lol...hahaha. But also, I usually accept appt last call is 10:00 to enter my room. I am an early bird, hehe
  13. I think they are referring to not being able to use elevator in the lobby past 10:00 pm.You need a room key??? The hotel guest has to escort you to your room. I may be wrong but I seem to think it was something like that. I rarely have meeting that enter past 10:00pm, so I may be out of the loop?
  14. Today I am facing a hard decision:( I am putting my 14 year old Rodesian Ridgeback down. Her name is Karma. She has given me much love, support, and brought so much meaning to my life! When she was a puppy, I looked after her, but in her mature years, she looked after me! I got her when I was a young adult, and she has seen me grow into the women I have become. I will miss her, and so happy she was in my life! She brought love and joy to my aunt and uncle as well, as she retired her last 5 years on their farm with the rest of her pack, Jake a shep/pitty mix, he also is going to sleep today. They are both the same age. R.I.P Karma and Jake :(((
  15. Yes That is one way I have used to get around the elevator situation, time tested and true! Just be sure your lady friend knows about this in advance;)
  16. I sat today in a bikini, suntanned and felt the warmth of a summer sun for the first day of spring!!!! Hoooray!!
  17. I don't know what I would do.....let you know when/if it happens! Hehehe;)
  18. Thought I would stop in say Happy Birthday:) As you are Sophie!!! lol... Cheers!! have a great day today!
  19. I have the same thinking as ER on this one. I think you need to be true to your ads...." as advertised.." to put it that way. It will catch up to you. I have tried the PSE thing, but in short time I found that I was not PSE enough to support my advertising as such. Although somethings that I do, I consider PSE service, but not all the way. So I had come to am impasse with this form of service. I would rather offer what I feel most natural with rather than forcing it out of me. In the end the client will know if it is a natural service or not. The word "Elite" does not necessarily mean you are more expensive ( although does suggest such in some cases ) but I take it as not taking every call that I get. I choose through carefully screening and from the personality that comes across in their inquiry. As expmple.... " how much baby" will not get a responds from me. As I am catering for gentlemen and provide a " date like experience" with the men whom I feel comfortable with. And whom meets my booking requirements. " what is your donation expected for a GFE date?" This is the inquiry I will respond to. So for me, I may state "Elite"....meaning I will pick who I want to be with based on how they interact with me, not dollar value. This is my Elite. But yes, If you are advertising as a sweetheart kind of girl, then yes you should be polite, soft spoken. But if you are more of dominate type, a wild child, then perhaps perhaps sweetheart may not be the right word??? If you are a rocker chick, then perhaps Sweet and nice may not fit?? " there is an a** for every seat" as said by a used car sales men, and holds true for this too. No shame in advertising as you are! I find it admirable for the ladies who are mature in age, or a voluptuois shapes or small chest, that speak honestly of their attributes...In the end of the day, you will been seen for who you are!
  20. You may or may not have read my announcement for new booking protocol for when I am on tour. I think it will limit the amount of no shows and countless hours of responding to ppl questions and concerns, with no booking at the end of it all. I will applying this new new requirement soon. I am just now working out the kinks. It is hard to tell sometimes who really is asking questions, or if they are are merely entertaining themselves with my answers to their questions. Also, it is hard to tell who is booking just to snoop on my location or any other ulterior reasons. Perhaps they get nearvous or shy, but I do not think I should have to pay for that. I hope this helps me with this growing problem of no show's on tour. Also will allow me to be the Elite style of service I prefer to uphold. I thought this was mostly a problem in the east coast, but learning now it is across the board.
  21. Well for my personality, I enjoy being helpful to people who are in need. I would love to be able to help people in many different ways....perhpas Charity org, or councilor, operate an orphanage in 3rd world, animal rescue, non profit lawyer would be awesome. I suppose anything that allows me to help the underdog, or help people see the beauty in themselves and around them. In a way I do that with this job too:)
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