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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Sorry I appearently posted this in the wrong section, please refer to announcements?
  2. Sorry I apparently have posted this in the wrong section, please refer to announcements? Sorry for the mess up.
  3. Apparently I posted in the wrong section for this posting...please look in annoucements....sorry:(
  4. What a funny story, belly chuckel...... Yes so true teens will be teens no matter the cultural background, hehehehe. Go teens, go!! lol...
  5. 1 Week before Christmas, they went on strike. I am so shocked that they are still on strike!! I really thought they would up and running again. I feel bad for the many students who depend on it for getting home and back from university. The university started a shuttle for their students, many independent driver's that are providing rides to each city in NB. I am equally shocked that we never hear anything on the news about it...or at least I have not seen or heard. Are they negotiating? What was the underlining purpose for this strike? Are we loosing our bus-line? Any end in sight? Has this impacted your lives as a student or as touring SP? I am not affected, as I use a personal driver for getting to and from each city that I visit. Does anyone have any info where this stands now, any end in sight?
  6. This is excatly what I am talking about hun:) I am more likely to book someone whom I feel a connection with VIA posts, PM's etc....rather than a member who I know nothing about in terms of values and ethics. It gives me a wider scope into their personality. I feel safer too, as I can read up on them. So if I am faced with an either/ or situation when booking, I will opt for the member who is more active, or has spent time chatting with me in PM or chat room. Than the member who has never tried to chat with me or 0 posts, 0 reco's, 0 friend list.....it just gives me the impression that they are not seasoned and the appt will feel unatural to me. Of course I do invite new member's as well, or inactive, but make an effort to get to know me a bit is always nice:)
  7. Well I am off to Moncton today! I hope it to be a successful trip. Moncton is getting beat up in this thread, I love that city! It is not a metropolis, but it is getting there slowly. I do have some good clients there, that are reliable. So In the mean time, I have decided to make a point to visit on a regualr basis, and hopefully with time and patients perhaps we can turn this around so we can all enjoy the city and touring SP's:) Here's to trying!!
  8. I am so happy you have posted here;) I too usually will be found in general discussions, however the importance of supporting our community is important as well. For the purpose of sharing, experiencing and for the general spirit of community. Our Community here is somewhat elite and specialized, so let's get to know each other and feel comfortable in doing so!
  9. I find most men here understand what is to be expected on a date with an SP( or any lady otherwise). However there are those who have been with the same women for so long, they forget how to impress a date! I have have started some professional relationships, whereas, they truly did not think of a few details. One night I had a duo night, the fella was sort of shy type. Did not date often, no girlfriend ever, and was about 27 yrs. Well this night, he arrived. Well, as we began to de-robe my GF and I noticed an awful oder:( He was medically fine, but was a heavy man. My in-experienced GF looked at me with a surprised face! She obviously did not know how to approach this situation. I immediately took the lead.... I politely took him aside, whispered in his ear and asked if he please join us in the shower. He loved this idea! I am sure he did take the time to shower, but perhaps did not pay close attention. I ran a bath, scented with oils, gave him a good Japanese style bath, then we showered. We continued with our evening. Having a grand time all together! The next visit, he was all clean, well groomed, and smelling of sandalwood! Since then we have become good friends! I just had to teach him what is acceptable on a date. I did it without embarrassing him, or lowering his already low esteem issues. I was happy for this outcome:)
  10. I want to say first, that I congratulate your deep contemplation on this subject. As many will DO without thinking about it first, questioning your motives, and seemingly very attentive to those around you. I see you are very loyal to your marriage in the way of support and obligation, I hope Love as well? I assume you indeed love your wife, but love for you may not be all that you seek?? So the answer to the question..."is this better than getting involved with messy emotions, or lies to some young girl?" I think you already know this answer, but need validation. In my opinion, YES IT IS!! BUT.....you need to feel good at the end of the day, good about your life and that you are being true to yourself! Weather or not you are a hobbyist or SP or MA, you need to be happy with your decision first. If you do it with shame and guilt, IT WILL EAT AT YOU IN THE END! Have I saved marriages? YES, I think I have.( I have never had an angry spouse call me yet, and have not heard from a client being caught ...yet) As many whom I have spent time with have never said they were ever caught. I have seen men come to me in complete break down mode, feeling so bad about themselves as a man. Perhaps their wife is a new mother, has no desire? Perhaps they are ill? Perhaps she is having her own affair? Perhaps they have entered a new change in a mature life? Perhaps it is the man who needs an ego boost? But as a spouse, I think it should be looked into as to why? Are you still making love to your wife??? Whatever the reason, THIS HOBBY IS NOT A CURE, BUT A WAY TO GET THROUGH IT! Perhaps this is a phase that you need to explore? Just always be very careful, as you stated.......you will never leave her, but will she leave you if caught? Always be mindful of what your limitations, mindful of how your hobby affects your home life. Make sure your hobby does not take away from the love you have from your family and home life! I hope I have answered or validated something for you, as this has been my experience and testimony from years of experience and observations. I my self am not married. Not sure If I will be, but..........I know at the end of the day, I am happy and satisfied with my path in life:)
  11. I have noticed each year that when spring arrives, the phone starts to ring more. Is it simply the winter blues ending? Or is it a reaction from our primal instincts? Like other mammals in the kingdom, we seem to become more alive with more drive than all of the somber winter. I tend to get insomnia for the first 3 weeks of spring. Also more sex drive is certainly noticeable. Does this ring true for you? Are you in fact more horny in spring then winter?
  12. I would imagine that it would be a mood kill for an SP to treat you merely as a wallet rather than Gentlemen! I always try to make the mood to feel as a date not a "john"! But a person, not a transaction.
  13. I love mornings! I feel at my optimum energy level between 9-11am. I start with doing dishes while my coffee is brewing, then come to my computer table with coffee in hand. I always start with my early bird shout box freinds, sharing good wishes for the day. move on to a few threads that peek my interest. Then by 10, I begin to study( reflexology ). I have to start to study at 10-12 or I can not do it. I need that specific time window, or I do not seem to retain much information after that. I wish i could sleep in though, even if I go to bed early, I always wake up at 745. Especially a saturday morning, like this morning!
  14. I am so sorry for you lost! I hope you have friends and loved ones to help suport you. Surround yourself in thier love.
  15. So nice it is to have a " Womens Day" cause after all women are pretty amazing people! I know my grandmother was incredible because of the strength she had to have, the determination to make it as an airplane mechanic in WW2 !!! Plus raise 12 children, all the while with her husband over sea's fighting for liberation! My mother who has worked a government job on the base, full time hours, continued her education all the while raising 3 kids and looking after her husband, and dealing with all the issues and bumps, curves that life has! Union president, fighting for human rights, raise 3 girls.... how did she ever have time? She made the time!!!! I can only hope to be 1/2 the women they were!!!
  16. Is Amelia Rodriquez, her and I have been together for a year. She is a local SP, and I am considering to move to HFX as well. As it is now, I visit about every 2 months, but will be more often as of April:) You will notice our ads in the announcements soon:) you can view our duo album " what girls do" on my profile page.
  17. My mother and cousin is arriving today:) On Thursday we will have a BBQ and a real maritme kitchen party:) Guitars, spoons, singing!!
  18. Been looking at many places, have it narrowed down to a few locations now. Thanks to many of you who have replied! I will keep you updated for any information on the " announcement ads" thread, in the near future:) Thanks!
  19. A "grower".....not a "shower"..........is.......... A grower is one who doesnt look impressive till it gets aroused, and a "shower" is one that looks good even before aroused, hehehehe
  20. Sorry Emma, I know this is suppose to be about dogs....but it sort of is, and just so darn cute!
  21. This sort of snuck up on me! I really have to Thank all of you for your support. I feel honered to be here on cerb. When I first started here, I thought it was nothing more than an advertising venue, but now 1 year later, you all have become something so special to me! I have learned so much and cherish the advice, love and laughter we have shared!
  22. I love the fact we reached this milestone sort of together:) Congrats, Sister Goddess katherine;)
  23. mmmm yes, very seductive!
  24. Again an award winning smile!
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