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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Thank you Ottawa!!! Each time I come, it just gets better and better! We have bonded and have become closer friends! My freinds here have treated me with respect, tenderness and much joy:) A special Thanks to a couple of awsome ladies here too...uno who you are! Till I return, please stay happy, healthy and safe! Much love, Yours Truly, xoxoxo
  2. I am happy for you!! Love is a wonderful feeling, and I am proud of you for making this step! I hope all the best for you and your lady, you will certainly missed by many. :) Best wishes, xoxo
  3. OMG!! I am speechless at your complete beauty!
  4. massage is a great way to get to know each other! It can be fully erotic and theraputic experience. I think you are wise to start with this. I travel occationally to Moncton, and would be more than happy to give you a nice soothing, romantic massage when I am there! PM me for more info and schedual. Good luck:) Also keep your eyes open for Katherine from HFX, she has magic hands as I have heard!
  5. I have been complemented on my appearance, or cloths, and just general personality. Just the other day, I was stopped by a gentlemen as i was walking downtown Fredericton. He wanted to compliment me on my walk! This was a new one! I blushed profusely then Thanked him. I began to walk away, and was in deep thoughts about how unique that was. His words rang in my ear...." you have the most amazing gate I have ever seen! You gild as if you are on air! Like a fashion model or dancer." Then of course my attention was on my gate, then started to look around at other ladies walking by. I noticed how sexy a walk can be! Or unfortunately, how unappealing some are when walking. Is it the hips? The shoulders, the length of the stride? I suppose all of the above. Is this something that men notice? Does it cause you to become attracted? This was one of those moments that will have me paying more attention to the way I present myself when out and about. I thought it was interesting take on how beauty can be portrayed!
  6. Didnt we do this last time, you went east, I came here? lol..
  7. Ahhh Ottawa, my fav city in Canada!!! Nice to be back in the heart of the city again. Leave sleepy Freddy behind for a few days:) Plan to enjoy myself on this visit, as always!
  8. This my poodel.....Tilo:) This is my Razor back Pitbul........ Ceaser, yes the poodel is boss! lol
  9. Are you for real???? Or are you joking? I think this is just wrong!
  10. Awww I can't bring myself to watch it, but I am sure it is awful. I seen something someone posted on my facebook while ago. Kids put firecracker in a shepards mouth, taped the mouth shut....and well you can imagin, the face was blown off and the dog lived!!! I was so sicked, it F***** my whole day. I was crying for hours over it! I love my animals so much, I can not wrap my brain around these types of stories. Booooo:((((
  11. Grammer class 101.....hahahaha funny:) Not sure if you will find this in massage section???I may be wrong?
  12. I am very very sorry to hear this! Booooo! It is strange, cause I remember going through something like this when I first joined, so did Amelia Rodriquez, I wonder if it someone who gets their kicks by scaring new girls????? Hmmmm, How many other new girls go through it? I am not saying they are totally connected, but maybe? The unfortunate thing is that if it is a new member....all they have to do is change handles.....So in the meantime, be sure you screen your clients carefully. As we all should do with diligences.Try not let it get the better of you though. Hang in there, and I am sure this person will give up sooner or later! Stay safe hun:)
  13. I am so happy you did " Jump " in Whoooo Hooo:) Good to see people watching-reading.....blah!!!! Lol!!! I am having a great night with you all!
  14. OK! , So this is a chance to show off your creative and sexy talent for writing your ad fellas!! I would be interested in reading what you would write for us ladies to impress us, make us want to pick you above all other's! LMAO.... This purely for fun, let' keep it within the parameters of the etiquette expected on this site!!
  15. Ohh but Scottthecunuck....did your partner know? Did you look at her, you, or both...or all the above? hehehehe
  16. First of all, Penelope, that was so kind, I do the same when I travel, here in Canada or abroad!! I am now sitting on my balcony, sun out, no wind, BBQ, dogs, and a ceaser in hand! I love today, it sure is the calm before the storm!
  17. Wow that is deffinatly Hot! Hot! Hot!....almost wish was there to watch, lol!!
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