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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. LOL...catch your attention? In spirit of participation, I thought this might be a fun and light subject to get to know each other a bit more. So truthfully, how many of us like to catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror doing the deed? Or are you looking at your date? or do you just say your looking at your date, when in fact looking at yourself? lol... I will admit first......Yes I do like to watch my partner and I in a mirror, or even shadows on the wall, hehehehe. Happened last night in fact, our 2 bodies just looked so amazing together, I had to stop and look. I pointed it out to my date, he totally agreed it was hot! Do you have a mirror strategically placed for this viewing pleasure?
  2. There are times when I cant belive how shy I will get just before a meeting. I will have clamy palms, eyes peeled on the drive way in antcipation, checking my hair, teeth....thoughts of 'what will we have to say to each other?" That is the biggest one for me! I am confident that the sex will be good, but what if we have nothing to talk about! That is when I get the most nervouse, when my date has nothing to talk about, or doesnt recpirocate back to me. I usually can take the lead really well, always a good hostess. But silence does erk me a bit. So I know what your thinking now...."well if there are no words, then go to the bedroom!" but what if he only lasts 5 min? Now we got 40 min of silence to get through! lol....Thank god for MSOG!! LMAO.... I always laugh at myself because I am an exhibitionist at heart, but yet so shy at the same time! Strange! When I was a dancer, my best shows were preferomed when I was nervouse!
  3. I am not only saying we need only rec's as contribution's, but in general. In discussions like this, or starting a thread of your own for us to comment on. In this participation we can learn more about the industry, protocol on making a booking, and just to have the chance to share with other's. I find it helpful and therapeutic to me, when I feel a bit confused, or sad, or want to share a special event in my life, there are threads to do this, Each post I make gives you a glimpse into who I am as a person and a provider. Thus making it easier for you hobbyist to know whether I am your type of girl. And as stated by one, he always backed out due to his shyness, but yet perhaps the shyness could be remedied by participation more in discussions. I am not convinced the population is too small, as everyday I find a new member, ( well not new, but never posted so I did not reconize them) And it is to these gentlemen that I am trying to reach through this thread. If you feel you have wasted money in the past, then too bad for them not have you back. I wonder if you took the time to read posts, look into rep?
  4. Ohhh babes, so terribly sorry to hear this:( I have seen you have been posting, which is a great start!! I think this site has the best to offer, and a safe avenue to use. Of course, we always need to exercise common sense and caution, which is all the more reason to post and read posts. It helps to develop trust and respect for one another. I am sure any of these fine ladies here will help you overcome from that scenario. I am sure you will always have a lingering feeling until you really get to know an SP. But I whole-heartedly believe you will meet amazing women and will experience what the finest have to offer you!
  5. YES!! Thanks doll, happy to hear from you:) It is a good way to break the ice and get over shyness issues too! It can be a very fun and fulfilling to contribute and be involved outside of just the bedroom:) heheheh. Keep on posting! For Antoine....You say your reputation is found in your friendships, which i think is wonderful!! But unless we are friends I would not know this. Perhaps causing us to miss a great opportunity to become good friends as I will choose a known member, who contributes and thus allowing me more insight into that person. Will we get along, do we have common interest? I will first book appt with a known contributer over someone whom I know nothing about. I dont turn away new hobbyiest, it just may take awhile before I get to see you. Also for new hobbyist, it is helpful to read these posts, as there is much to be learned in the way of booking procedures, abbreviations, perspective of the trade, etc...So this in turn may help you to learn a bit before you contact your chosen SP.
  6. So when I am asked what is Girlfriend Experience service..........I say, you go sit on the couch and u can ask me to bring you a beer! LMAO.....heheheeh
  7. In light of the most recent discussion here, I thought I would post this thread about participation and the value it holds as a hobbyist and us SP"S. When I get an inquiry, the first thing I do is got to your profile page. I look at your sign on date, then look at how many posts you have. " Why" you ask? If you have created your profile 2 yrs ago, and I see no post being made, and no one seems to know you, then I may not take your inquiry seriously, or will accept another hobbyist instead. This is because, some ppl will simply get kicks out of asking a ton of questions about my service, activities involved. Strange I know....but it happens alot! There are some who end up no-show or cancel because they get " cold feet" and are too shy.But perhaps if they were to post more often they would not be so shy. As this becomes a way to open up. when you get 2 in one day like this, and you have hotel fee's or plane flights to pay...just simply wont hold my breath or turn away a seasoned member. Also, just as you seek out the best SP for yourself, I also am looking for the best clients to be with. You are able to read my posts, read what other's have to say, pictures, at times some of my most intimate feeling are even posted here for all to read. This gives you insight into the kind of women I am. As an SP, and an elite one at that, I would like to read about you too! I would like to see how treat ppl, what your moto in life is, what makes you smile, cry and all that makes you ...you I see participation all over the board, but none here in NB. WE need hobbyist to contribute here! With no one posting, no one is getting reputation's built, and SP have no way of knowing if you are a sincere client, or someone who just think the site is for kicks and giggles and a way to see sexy pic's. When I do ask a hobbyist from here..." why have you been a members here for 3 years, but no post, no rec's?" They usually say..." well I dont really care about that stuff" I ask..." do you only use cerb?" usually the answer is yes....so now I ask and suggest..." Well does it not make since to contribute, to keep the board active and alive?" They usually shrug at the shoulders and dont answer. If SP's dont see action here why would they want to come here? So this is funny, I am posting about the lack of particpation....let's see if anyone wishes to participate? or will it be a dead post? lmao....
  8. Yes..the dreaded year lease, you think I might have commitment issues? lmao... I may just have sign a year lease after all. But that is fine. I like HFX a lot, so I am sure I can make it work. I am supper excited, I always like new chapters in life, scary and thrilling at the same time.
  9. In CATO we trust...now all bow heads...lol Congrats my friend!!!
  10. I dont think I read any negative comments here?? Just stating how it is for us in Moncton. I am from Moncton, and I certainly don't feel like we are bashing the city. Well a list of where in Canada we will visit...that would be a long list. And the turn out would be the same...Moncton would not be on the list...lol I stated in my first responds, that" with the exception to 3 Gentlemen in Moncton that I find reliable " I dont think I have painted all Moncton men with same brush stroke. I have no problem going to Moncton for even one client. As long as my rate is agreed on and travel expense is paid. In this case however, it is the hobbyist who gets a hotel room. Also for new members who have sleepy accounts, as in no participation on the site, I will ask you for a deposit for travel in advance. This will show sincerity and good faith. I have made too many trips to have no one show up. I have a driver to pay, a dog sitter to pay....so if i get there and you decide not to see me, then who is gonna pay my sitter and driver? besides, driving to Freddy from Moncton is not far, I have sat in traffic for as long as the drive would take. So most of the time the hobbyist agree to visit me here, as it is easier for both.
  11. Ohh wow it sounds great and Thank you, however, I am not looking to buy a place, only rent. I would prefer a 6month sub-lease. As I have been told most places are a year lease?
  12. Not sure if it is necessarily about one service VS another kind of service. The important thing is that you know what type of experience you are truly looking for. For example, if you are in need of tenderness, intimacy, passion and romance, then I would look toward a GFE provider. If it is experimentation and entertainment, perhaps a PSE provider? But on the other hand, you may want to dive all in either, but have the needs to be touched, entertained and experience total body relaxation, then I suppose this would be fitting for a Spa, or MA... Hope this helps, because I have many new hobbyist that get confused on what it is they desire, and what they know themselves what they are comfortable with. It is always about comfort and enjoyment....perhaps you will swich back and forth? lol.... But as for cleanliness, then as all business, check their reputation!
  13. I am making Hot and Sour soup, all organic including the soy sauce:) Skikatki mushroom...........Flu beware!! You wont get me this year!
  14. OH yes do not let this discussion deter you from making a tour, as ER stated, STJ and Freddy are great, continue east you have HFX. So ya it will be worth the trip if you advertise well, giving lots of notice for the Gent's to clear there agenda, and prepare for you. Hope to see you here in the future:)
  15. katherin you said it the way it is for sure. There is an expection to 3 members there, who is always pollite and does show up....but other than them, I have had an awful time to make Moncton work for me and..... I AM FROM THERE!! lol....I also experience too many ppl looking for discounts, trying to get a better deal, no shows....I think Moncton is accustomed to thier Agency girls,and strip bars and are set in their patteren. The market doesn't seem to support Indy Traveling ladies:( I was there not too long ago nbnbnb, did you not see my ad? It was like a month or so ago....ONLY 1 appt arrived!!! I had someone want 100.00 service....another wanted 20 min service...BOOOOO!!!! So wheather it is the rates that Moncton can not seem to understand....or they are used to the girls they have been seeing regularl bases?? I dont know...wish I did! But as I always tell ppl if you want me to come to see you, then book me the day before, and book for 2 hour session+ travel....then I will be there!
  16. I wish we didn't miss it!! Well I suppose we didn't completly miss it;)
  17. Thank you for this very important reminder, one which I will be enforcing with diligence. I also do ask for phone confirmation 1h pior to appt, but now you mention it, it is easy to be tricked as well. So now a confirmation will be done 2 times, one VIA PM and the other phone. Mind you I always investigate your profile here upon inquiry as well.
  18. I like soleil...even tho have not met her yet.... Because her name is one of my favorite things....the nice and warm sun! And her cute smile on her avitar! Heheheh
  19. often times an SP will take clothing request. We all usually have something gothic for us to wear for you;) Have you tried Erotic massage, a men's spa type service;)
  20. I do not offer the mechanical style of service. I tend to agree with mod on their description of GFE. I firmly believe that kissing, looking into each other's eyes, truly concerning for their comfort and enjoyment. I don't think has to have a list of abbreviations, or should be narrowed down to that only, but the feeling that is shared between hobbyist and SP. Besides how would we abbreviate to convey passion? It is the style and approach to a date....to be like a date! Not a transaction.
  21. I have done this a couple of times, as if once wasn't bad enough! We sometimes can mix up our days and times, it happens. Hopefully he has seen you before, so he knows how things usually are with you in regards to being professional. We all make mistakes, no one can be 100% perfect all the time. Most people understand and will return to you. At least you called him and explained yourself;)
  22. OMG cato, this sucks! I really hope this childish game stops! Is there a way for MOD to investigate this person? It must be a bit spooky as to who would go to such extream to make your life uncomfortable like this! Dont worry, baby, I always will know if is you who is PMing me:)
  23. I model often. For me there is a distinct difference in a hobbyist asking for his own personal model show, or modeling as a professional. When it is for a client my rates are the same, perhaps sometimes rates will be adjusted for what it is you are looking for. Never do I do film!!!! And there is a limit to what I will reveal for this type of session. When I am hired as a model, my rates change. It depends if the photography is of use to me or not, and also depends on a basic contract that deals with selling prints for profits, whereas some royalty is paid, and where they may be published. You can PM me anytime to discuss this further;)
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