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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I have been thinking of this for awhile now. I am considering moving to Halifax on a part-time schedule. I would perhaps would stay for the part of the month and returning home to my friends and family in Fredericton. I am also hoping your insight to the city will help me pick the right place. I want a well maintained place. Condo style would be nice. Not a high rise tho...1 bedroom, balcony. Also which area's are easy and discrete to go to? Clayton park? bedford south? any other's? I have begun my search, I would like for this to happen for April. I will let you know in announcements when all is arranged. Thanks for your help and support;)
  2. If you are operating a proper business, without scandal and hidden agenda's then you reputation will stand for itself! If you are open and honest about your service, then all will eventually learn this. If not we will learn this too. When we hear of things it wise to have an open mind, but also important to use some caution and instinct. I hope that this one situation does not cloud the way things usually are here. We have great services and ladies in NB, hope that our traveling SP's and hobbiest do not get discouraged either;)
  3. Hope you do open up here;) It truly is a unique site, with dynamic, interesting good people. To share with, and be able to connect with people whom are like minded:) I for one, find being apart of cerb as a privilege that has become very meaningful to my life. Hope you spread your wings, and get what you need from this community and in turn participate and let us get to know you too!
  4. They were members here, but as most things do, it comes out in the wash! They had plans to move here to Freddy as I was told. The ladies were not charged if I understand the report correctly, but the young man was charged for " pimping" for lack of a better word. Goes to show, just because they are a memeber here,doesn't mean you shouldn't still investigate who they are for your own personal safety with the LE. I would hate to hear of a hobbiest getting wrapped up in a mess like this. Here is a link.....http://www.halifax.ca/police/PressReleases/2012/02%20February/Man-Faces-Prostitution-Related-Charges.html
  5. It is so nice out today,sun is shinning, warmth in the air....ahhhh life is good! Think it will be a day with tunes, memosa, and spring clean my house:)
  6. Well I am glad we were here for you when you needed us....but wow, no need to toss us aside like trash after you are done with us! I hope what ever issues you had dont creep on ya again, causing you to join a site again. This is not a hobby for all, as this is not a profession for all. But it is yours and yours alone to decide, hopefully next time you will quietly go and not try to make us feel sorry that we are the cause of you " falling from grace" in your marriage. Best of luck, I truly wish you a happy and loving marriage.
  7. I wanted to join but unfourtainly I eneded up with a headach and could not bare to look at the screan all night:( Next time for sure!!
  8. Angela of Ottawa because she makes me feel so welcomed when I visit Ottawa:)
  9. I just had my new dinning table set delivered from leon's! It has a marble top, with leather chairs, very modern:) cant wait to serve dinner on it!!
  10. I do hope this is a misguided client rather than the person who gave you troubles while back. I can see why you would be extra cautious after what you had gone threw. IF IT IS A MISGUIDED.... I hope he approaches you with this so you know, and able to relax. It is a good reminder indeed that discretion is paramount for our safety and peace of mind. Although it seems harmless, at first glance, clients have to understand how else it may appear to a SP.
  11. I wish I could give you your Birthday spanking, lol.. Have a great day hunni, and remember your not getting older, just getting better! Love ya, xoxo
  12. I travel to moncton, making an appearance about once a month. I stay only 1-2 days at a time. I usually post for at least 5 days ahead of time for pre arranged dates. Just keep your eyes on announcements for ads;) Added comment: LOL...just seen this was for Jan 20....not Feb 20!! Ooopsy, hahahah
  13. Ahhh what a lovely day!! I hope my cerb friends have love in their life today!! Happy Valentin's to all:)
  14. hey I got only 4003 to post to catch up to ya, heheheh. phenominal job!!
  15. Thanks everyone, you sure knowto make a girl feel special:) xoxoxoxo
  16. I didn't even know it was a milestone till at least 1000...lol Awww But thanks, it was funny, as I could not leave at 699, heheheh
  17. Ok, so strange topic huh? Well here is a chance to make fun of yourself.....before they do! So I have an obsession for having my dishes done, vaccumed floors( mopped too),( and few more too, lol) but now here is a new one............ I had to post my 700th post just for the fact I am leaving for vaccation on Monday....which actually means..no computer and no cell!! Holy cow!! This is gonna feel strange, lol. Every morning I have a virtual coffee with my early bird friends.... then in the evening wish all a good night. Get to express myself through out the day in my post, which in turn, feels great! So this is as far as I can see, is somewhat of an obssesion heheheheh..one that I love!!
  18. It certainly was ahead of it's time! I remember....too long ago....feeling a real connection to this movie:) It helped me to feel validated as a women in the industry! As she did not partake it drugs, as I did not, so for me it really helped me to break this stereotype! And now when I watch it I see myself in her character as well. As I started this industry in agencies( not that agencies are all bad, but years ago in Moncton it was bad!!!) and now I represent myself and raised my standards of working. So I see her develop from street to elite...sort of the way I did. Thanks for mentioning this movie, I think i will watch it today:)
  19. RG, you are well spoken, always a gentlemen, and I recently found out on a previous thread... clean shaven, hehehe.
  20. I like a man who looks after his appearance. But not so much so that he takes longer to "put their face on" than me, lol. I like a clean shaved face, perhaps urban goat-t or a chin strap. I like manicured eyebrows too. I cant stand nose hair or ear hair to make an appearance, lol... I will never date a man who doesnt dress well. Sounds superficial of me perhaps, but I know what I like! NOTHING turns me on more than shaply shoulder's, chest and back!! WEAR a nice scent!! I am ruled by my nose....hahahaha.
  21. I woke up today sick:(( I have only 2 days to get better for my trip...boooo I am a big baby when I am sick and need a hug....lol
  22. Check out Sandals resort in Cuba. It is an adult only resort and has a great disco-tech. It is the ultimate place to safely unwind and explore you new found freedom:) I like adult only resorts, cause then I dont feel guilty when I am drinking at 10 am....lol.
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