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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Happy Birthday sweetpea!!!! I hope you were celebrated for the great man I think you are....xoxoxo
  2. Lexy Grace said pretty much the way I see it as well...And completely agree with the notion of " I should be able to ask....if you are asking this of me too..." I for one do not ask for much information, as I have noticed a great deal of " uncomfortable-ness" with this issue, as they seem to always studier and hesitate over this, so to make you feel better, I will go on good faith. I also rarley see dates outside of this site. Most of the time, only accepting my donation at the end of a date...I have not been steered wrong yet....but perhaps that is just luck??? ( many of which appreciate this from me) But for me, I am very comfortable with my clientle, rarely take someone without getting to know a bit about them first. And I do look at your profile and get an idea from that if you are recognized member here or not. If you are new member then I may ask more detailed info, but for the most part go on good faith that you are honest and true. But I am certainly more cautious when I travel... So in a way ....Your participation here on the site will reflect on your reputation here, and will make it easier for me to " screen" you... Just as you seek me out....I will follow up on your rep here too:)
  3. Mightypen....wow isn't that cool we have the same meaning for the same dream, hmmmm...It must be that it is the most vital part of survival in the wild, and well we are apart of this animal kingdom. Last night I had a dream of mice in my bed, LMAO...they were biting my baby toe. I woke up looking all over my room trying to find it, just in case it wasnt a dream LOL...felt so real. So how do I interpret this? well.... What was the emotion? Being bugged and felt like picking on me... What is happening in my life? I have a few friends that may be bugging me by always asking for things( money, food,etc) I also got into an argument last week with a GF as she was drunk and was in a way "picking" on me. Was not very fun So were the mice my friends around me? Is it my brain telling me to preserve things for myself, not for other's to take? By asking thoes 2 questions, it has helped me to understand....I think, lol @ RG...you can always highjack my threads, as long as you can make me laugh, lmao...
  4. I tend to get all worked up after I have had a good romp in the sac, lol... If I have been fulfilled and inspired by the fun-loving activites, it seems to make me horny all over again by bedtime, or few hours after. Just replaying the whole experience in my head all over again. I been in trouble a few times with this as my lover may say" didn't I please you ??" My answer is " yes...but pleased me so well I want more, " hehehe, like a bag of chips.
  5. I like Lee because he always makes me laugh each morning with his shout outs, lol
  6. Awww Nice, thanks for so many awesome posts!! You are defiantly a major cornerstone to our community. You really have helped many here with your wisdom , encouragement and humor!! We love ya:)
  7. A BIG hug to Nicollete....I am sure you need an extra BIG, strong hug. My heart goes out you hunni!!!!
  8. I tend not to look at these books to interpret my dreams, as what an apple may symbolize to me, may not be the same for you. But instead I look at the emotion behind the dream and apply it to what may happing in my life..
  9. Yes I have had many awkward moments dealing with booking protocol. There is a reason why I do things the way I do. It is for the discretion that is needed for safety for both of us. Also to assure a nice, smooth easy date. I never like to feel rushed into a meeting. I work in my home, so therefore, in order for us to have a good time, I must feel that everything is in it's proper place and clean. I like to book one day advance( when I work at home, travel is different) this way I can be sure not to have too much traffic in one day. My biggest problem is..... I do not mind txting for info, but I like to have a phone call for confirmations. So when you inquire and I give you the info, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not think you can txt me all day long with sexting!! It is awkward for me, as I may be in a bank meeting, eating lunch with my mom, who knows! And it is time consuming, and last time I checked, I do accept donations for my time. Lot of the time if they continue sexting me, I ill just cancel the appt, as I feel this is a sign of a person who is rude and inconsiderate. I really get annoyed when they can see all my pics on albums, but yet they want another pic sent from phone. Like I am going to really excuse myself during a bank meeting to take a pic in the bathroom, lol....I DO NOT SEND pornographic pic's ever on my phone or anything else! Why not come and see it yourself! lol.... Another issue I come up against, is the person who txt or send IM and I do not answer right away, I may be cleaning or whatever, and I look at the phone and they have sent 5 txt saying hello...where are you....are you mad at me?....if you dont want to talk, just say so....etc....PLEASE do not do this! If I do not answer i could be with a client, or taking care of personal things and will get your txt when I have the time. No need to get mad at me for it! K, there is my rant, lol.... Just always remember there is a method behind my madness.
  10. I have this annoying ability to have premonitions dreams. Well as far as I can tell they are premonitions, or just very very coincidental. Especially when it comes to ones who are close to me, such as family or BF. My Ex boyfriend a few years back, I would always dream about a fight, would be like a week later and sure enough the fight was a direct reflection of my dream. He could never get a way with a lie, as I would dream about it , then discover the truth behind the lie. So was this always a coincident? I think not, as it happens much too often. Now there are the dreams that dredge up the past, is this so your brain can sort it out? understand it? I have heard that dreaming has been the key to our survival as humans, for we learn as we dream how to problem solve. Weather it be a cave man dreaming of a buffalo hunt, or the work man trying to fight traffic to get to work on time so not to loose his job....both are survival. Then there are dreams that ruin your entire day.....which I had last night, grrrr. They seem to leave a residue on you all day long. Dragging the emotion of the dream throughout your whole day! Or the dream you wake up sobbing like a baby! Leaving you emotional all day:( Recurring dreams, these ones are strange. I have one, where if I feel venerable I will dream of my teeth falling out! As an animal in the wild surely will not survive with no teeth. This type of dream tells me when I am not operating my life properly. Last....and best....the wet dream. I had mu first one around age 30, still have them. Sometimes my hands are no where near the area...but will wake up in a full Orgasm!! Wow what a strange sensation! What do you dream of? Does it hold meaning to you? What is your take on premonitions?
  11. All this time I thought you were a God!! Hehehehe Congrats hun!!
  12. How did I miss this?? lol... I am a trained masseuse and offer the little bit extra as well:) See my ad for deatils, or Pm. You can see my touch therapy room on my albums. Hope I am not too late? lol....xoxo
  13. I have been thinking of this thread since it was posted, lol.... Really I do not think I would change my cerb name, I think my name lends to my personality, soft and romantic:)
  14. Ahhh yes Mount Olympus will surley shine by your golden locks!! Congrats:)
  15. Yes it is impressive!! That was really cool thanks RG:) It was by the 2nd line that I was able to see what it was....so I suppose that is good, as it says by " this line" you can begin to see....
  16. Have you tried increasing your magnisuim? It works well, my mother had to start taking it, now she is sleeping all night long...Good luck!
  17. I am cooking bacon right now! maple thick cut....mmmmm mmmm mmmm
  18. My mother laying in acoma was very very difficult for 8 weeks. I had to be strong when I was in the room with her. She was on breathing life support, and would notice that when I talked, or sang to her, her breathing would be from her and not the machine. It was amazing experience for the both of us, as she actually would respond to me and seems to recall me being there. She claims she can remember the songs I sang to her. it was so hard to see her so venerable and week. Laying there as her body was disappearing before my eyes. Luck she pulled through, and is stronger now. The other time was having to leave a dog behind at SPCA....It still hurts to this day when I think of her, watching me as I walked away. I will never forgive myself for having to do that!
  19. Life has no remote controll....get up and change it!
  20. Awww I hop you are surrounded by all that love and cherish you, for the great girl you are!! I know things have been hard for you, but today...let it all go and allow some happy, positive light shine through! You deserve it!!!!
  21. Ahh sounds like you need a sun destination!! Ever take time off in winter? I could never work outside in winter...brrrrr... I am a sun loving creature, lol. In fact heading south 1 week in Feb:)
  22. I dont seem to collect anything really. When I am asked what is my favorite color, or song, food, I never can answer it, as it changes almost everyday for me. So with that in mind, collecting would be difficult for as I could not stick to one thing, lol. I suppose I can safely say....I think I collect shoes, hahahaha. It probably is the one item I have many of...lMAO
  23. How do you spend your snow day? I love the romance of a winter storm. It allows us to slow down and enjoy our homes, friends and comfort food. Of course best of all, gives you a good reason to stay under the covers with a lover! Turn up the tunes, get the kettle on for hot chocolate and watch as the snow blankets us. This is the first winter that I truly have enjoyed. Perhaps it is because of the lovely home I have made for myself? The great friends I have here on cerb that keep me entertained? Whatever reason, I am enjoying this winter:) I know for some winter blues can hit hard, if you are....then I hope we can share tip's on how to keep the blues away. I for one tan one time a week, also take vit D drops. I try to find creative ways to spend my energy. Either physical energy or the excess of mental energy. I like to paint, helps me to spend some mental energy...or sing. Do you snowmobile? ski? skate? I think it is important to try to find activities to get you outside during winter months. Indoors can feel stagnant after awile.
  24. Nice discussion CC:) It depends on the time of year. In the summer I love to kayak, bike, hike, almost anything that will allow me to play in the sun! This winter I started doing yoga, I really enjoy this! I have 2 girlfriends that come over 2 times a week for yoga, as one of them is an instructor. It really helps for many many different things: lymaphitic drainage, cirrculation, keeps you tonned and flexable, increases endurance, and so meditative for your mind.
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