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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Congrats!! You certainly deserve the attention from this, as you are a wonderful women, always a valued member here.
  2. I have also just noticed, I stress out to easily when I have not got my ducks all in order. Just need faith things will work out, do the best I can for what is within my controll. If it is not within my controll, then I will not stress about it!
  3. I like Katherine, she is kind, supportive, and so cheerful it is contagious! And cause we always have a "virtual" morning coffee together, lol
  4. Yes, you certainly deserve an applause for this milestone! You are always well spoken, intellegent and fair in your posts!! Thank you for all of your efforts, it is people like you that make this board so great!
  5. When u say ....you base yourself on the profile, but a reco tells the reader if she is as advertised, and give's you as the hobbyist to see consistency in her services. Of course one reco may describe say, more on my outfit I was wearing rather than my massage, or personality, knowlege...or perhaps will be more about the bedroom talents. But the bottom line is, Yes in our industry we have to maintain reputation and maintain level of services the hobbyist are seeking. And yes...this is a recommendation board. For many this is a livelyhood and do have to keep high quality standards to be profitable. I think perhaps when you say...we "need" it??? Not sure but that seems a bit extreme. Is that the right word? lol But hey if your not comfortable with it, Np problem. It is not like I would preasure you too do so either.
  6. I agree, with you. I feel somewhat awkward with this is as well. I never want to pressure or put someone on the spot either. I have suggested to a few whom really seemed to be excited about our experience, or show interest in getting to know the site( such as new members ). I may say " If you like, there is a thread for recommendations. feel free to post your comments." This is usually leads into a conversation about the thread, and the value of participation in this site. Again this is typically the case with a new member. If it is a well seasoned member, then I know I do not have to suggest it, or explain it. I will leave it to them to do or not do...although if I see them posting, and I have seen him for 2 times or more, I may feel a bit down from that too. Then perhaps bring it up out of curiosity. And yes, it was useful:)
  7. Yes it is always nice to see a reco on your services. It allows you to know what it is that people are enjoying about your services. I am always seeing in discussion threads, " can any one recommend someone from....." And I always wonder why they are not looking in the actual reco threads? Also some people I know may be shy, but if you had taken the time to read a reco, then from reading that you decide to book that SP, why not add a few comments to support the reco?
  8. I am not here in Ottawa often, but do visit from time to time. I am known for this talent. If you are looking for a talent, best place to find out is to Pm an SP that interest you and ask her, or read reco's, also check the tags along the side of ads, I always add that into my tag. Good luck on your talent search, hehehe...
  9. Well I sure hope you are treated as princess today!!
  10. For me I would try to contact you in a discrete manner, if I could not get a hold of you then either: a) if it were a significant amount, and felt it were on purpose i would bring it to the attention of sp section... B) but if it was small enough like a 20, then I would see if you are honest enough to contact me, then next time I will mention it and ask you for the difference when to confirm your appt.... and will count it when you hand it to me. if not proper, then ask you to leave and then report to sp section....plus you prob have a hard time trying to get a hold of me. Especially when I travel.
  11. This is wonderful! I think the same my friend:) I mean...wow imagine if we knew what everyday has in store for us? What kind of ambition would we have at the end of a day?
  12. I am writing this as one who has also been " attacked" on the web. And I would have to honestly say that you should have to have your own experience with an individual before you judge or have pre-conceived notions on them. If these ladies are all bad, then eventually will be worked out in the wash, or otherwise then their reputations will stand on their own. I have no idea of the said rumorers here you all talk about, and do not wish to know. But like all things in life, have an open mind, and enjoy the moment!
  13. Yes I do believe, but not sure if it as described or even conceived... I do have a thought that says....." for all of the history, we have conceived, believed, agree, disagreed and fought war, must be all for some reason?" What are the chances though out history there is this constant question of something greater than us? I mean there has to be something there, for I have had many experiences that does point toward faith, I guess I will have to wait to see....or not see.
  14. You just made my life easier, lol...I really need help folding bed sheets, hahahaha I suck at it! I also like the walnut for scratched wood. Any trick for water marks left from a glass?
  15. Love the pic's guy's LMAO....i needed that laugh...was bored till now, heheheh
  16. I need to improve on not procrastination,always has been my most annoying downfall. I was going to respond to this earlier, but never got around to it till now...lol
  17. I thought I might respond to this as I am arriving to STJ on Friday, as well as Amelia Rodriquez. Staying till Sunday. Most often there is someone in STJ for you, as many do travel. Keep your eyes on announcements and you will see who is visiting and when. Also check out the reco thread to see who peeks your interest;)
  18. Not sure.....I think I may have been drunk....LMAO No really, I wont put you through the boring details, as it was a disaster!! LOL
  19. I thought you were already a " god" status, heheheh, good job:)
  20. I have said that one before " would still like to be friends" but typically this means....." I am involved with someone new, not sure where it will go, so keep in touch, so if this one doesn't work out then I will give you a try" NOT SAYING this is what this situation is, but just my own experience. So perhaps keep the door open for awile, but if interest is not reciprocated then time to move on:( Hope the door swings in your favor, perhaps just needs time to develop? Good luck, you are an awsome guy and deserve to be someone's first choice!!
  21. CAN you teach an old dog new tricks? lol.....have a super duoper day:)
  22. I am glad you brought it up. As I have the same issue all the time. I have one that is a " regular" that always seem to get a better deal out of me. I wish he would not, as I truly do not see that many people, and keep low traffic volume. I also do not see him often enough to give him a VIP rate. But yet, I know he see's other SP's, and I am sure he pays their rate no matter. So I find this insulting, and have decided that he will not be getting these great deals form me anymore. As I know that I could turn his deal down, but yet have a gentlemen who is willing to pay my reg fee. I find that if you are nice one time, the next time they expect the same great deal. Even when I say this is a one time deal...they always say" well you gave me a deal before" now I respond with " well then consider yourself lucky"....or..." you can watch my ads for the occasional special rate" Yes it does seem to be youger clientel as well. The one who says, " baby, I am not an old grampy" I say to them..." i prefer older men, as they know how to treat a lady" I am more likly to give the older gentlmen a discounted price rather than a good looking hardbody youg buck, as this type tends to be more difficult to have an encounter with anyways. Just stay steadfast when this situation comes up, and remember you do not need to say yes to everyone who wants to book with you. Good luck!
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