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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. There is a nice small Acadian fishing village, that has stood still in the face of time. Boutcouche, it is a beautiful place with the greatest seafood deals!! The longest boardwalk, takes most of the day to walk it. All up that coast makes for an interesting tour:)
  2. Have you watched Ancient Alliens??? I feel apart of the " Alien" race, hahaahah. Thoes wern't Gods in chariots descending from the sky....but another race from another world, hehehehe
  3. Thanks everyone...You made this year so much more special then ever before! xoxo
  4. Although hearing or reading things like this it does cause people to be alarmed. But it is important to cross refernce your material, never take just one source of information to be true. The statement about the CEO of AMERICAN REDCROSS, Marsha J Evans.. The figures do seem to be outrages for sure! If the number's are right, well...hmmmm ya. But also need to consider that her position is a demanding one, and is, I am sure stressfull. So does she deserve to be paid well, sure she does! To have her job title does not happen over night, and requires dedication and years of education. But I can see your consern CC, nothing wrong with questioning these things:)
  5. Wow, how nice SMQ!! You are so talented and a real joy to know! Enjoy your new status, keep on posting. Thank you for the time and dedication you have given us all! xoxo
  6. From one fellow capricorn to another....hope your day is happy, rememberable with plenty of lovin's!!
  7. Thanks everyone! You really know how to make a girl feel special! I uaually love Birthday's, but this year is different. Not sure why, but just feel blue. Eyes tearfilled, I write this Thankyou note. I had plans to celebrate with my best friend, but just 2 days ago she had to move away. It was with no notice, no plans, just poof she is gone! So now I am feeling at a lost with out her:( But all your Bday wishes have cheered me up! I love you all dearly. so I will wipe my tears, open my bottel of sparkling wine, paint, dance in my kitchen all the while knowing I have great friends here! Thanks, xoxoxo
  8. I still have my Santa on top of my kitchen table, lol... Tree was down Jan 1:)
  9. I like Sensual Erin, for being the kind hearted and soft spoken, intellegent lady:)
  10. I sympathise with your situation, I really do! However, having a section like this could be used in a very bad way as well. Let's say SP has something against another SP in her city( or wherever) and wants to damage her reputation. That SP let's say " has a way" to muniplate her #1 client into creating a post that is completly bogus, how would we know? Or let's say....I had to refuse a client for reasons like rudness, intoxication etc...he gets mad and wants to get "even" with me by posting false stories, how could we regulate this? I would have to say this type of section could become very messy quickly. It is unfortainate that you had gone through this with her. Hopefully she will do right by you as soon as she can. For me, I always use professional photographers, and if a client wants to play photographer I look at it is booked session, for my time. But I have learned to keep things clearly in black and white with no grey area's when dealing with any kind of session I book. As the hobbiest should as well. Good luck, I do hope you get the answer you are looking for. Just learn from this experience, cut your losses and move on. There are some really great ladies here that will do right by you each visit:)
  11. Valid point WIT...When I travel I usually only advertise for SP as I will not bring my massage table around with me. I rarely offer a massage on a bed, because I want to give the best massage I can. But when asked to do one, I certainly would not say no either. I suppose if were driving there I may want to bring the table, but I fly and is too awkard. I thought if they made a section like this it woud be for all the board, I did not consider it would be just for certain places. Might be the answer to the confusion for large cities, but means more MOD work too.
  12. Thanks GL I missed that. I am not commercial with a studio, I am residental in a private home.
  13. Great work!!! You are so helpful to us here, we are lucky to have you!
  14. Although I see your point, but what section would I fall in? I offer GFE but also have a massage room and I am a trained massuse but yet enjoy providing GFE as well:) I always clearly state in my ads that I offer both services, and with inquiries I give all information on both types of service and what you can expect while you are with me. Sometimes they decide as they get here too.
  15. I just finished a painting, perhaps I will post it here? I like the repersentaion on my painting. It is an androgenouse figure looking into the future, into the light leaving the dark behind. Very appropiate for this time of year. It is very different to the style I usually do. I think it will be a series?? I will post it soon....as I figure out how to lol.
  16. I have been lucky so far, everyone around me is getting sick, as it is the time of year:( I almost went down with it, but I took Vit C, with buckly's capsules. I was sick for one day and poof!! I was much better:) Buckly's is by far the best( for me) than any other cold meds out there, with neocitrin coming close 2nd. I turn into a big baby when I am sick, it is funny actually. I will cry at the slightest fever, lol. So comfort is big when sick, isn't it? So I wrap myself into my most favorite blanky, soft and warm. Pick a good movie, chick soup, hearbal tea's and wont move till bedtime, lol. For some reason I always want rice crispies squares too. dunno what's with that? lol. What brings you comfort when sick? Do you play the " I will ignore it and it will go away game?" Or do you have a comfort list?
  17. Ahhh very well deserved, hope you enjoy the attention you will recieve:)
  18. to welcome me here on the board! I have really enjoyed your post, and our friendship too! You have an amazing mind and a beautiful spirit!
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