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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. wow, 42?! Very cool:) Happy Birthday to you all! xoxo
  2. My bath time very much. I use a mustured bath with oils in a sea salt. It is purifying and refreshing. I love my music too, usually Itallian, Latino or French, classic. I enjoy a glass of sparkling wine, my fav it YellowTail Bubbely. Then a good movie on my couch with a slice of cherry pie:)
  3. other cultures precieve sex so differently then us here in the west. I always have the most respect for the way Japanese culture revered sex, and how it was welcomed in the home. Not something to be shunned or made taboo. If I am wrong, then forgive me, but I was told once that in Traditional Japanese, it most welcomed to hear the sounds of love coming form a houshold. I always loved that. As well as the traditional Geshia, wow!! But in our own western way somehow we shun it, make it taboo but yet use it as a marketing tool for nearly everything, media etc... it so much a part of culture, yet not?? Hmmmm
  4. Short notice is a trickey one to pull off at times. Sometimes I could be out for lunch with my mother...or perhaps my house is not ready or at least up to my standards for company, etc.... I do take short notice, if the timing is right. It may be easier for you to get to know someone through chatting and post often, then the lady may be more at ease to see you just fresh from a shower and her regular day wear, natural with hair in a ponytail, lol. But For me, I really want my first meeting with you to be proper and does take more prep time. I am often told," ohh you dont have to do all that for me"....but I feel more comfortable when everyting is perfect for our first date. Usually after we have gotten closer, then I dont mind to invite you over a la natural look for a quick nooner. Also keep your eyes on the times we post that we are avail, so like for me if you call at 10pm, chances are you will not get a booking that night. As I usually will only go till 9pm. The shout box is a great tool to see if she is ready and able. hang in there, and certainly try to form connections VIA post, chats, and PM...Best of luck to ya:)
  5. a level of understanding, compromise, peace, trust and best of all happiness here on CERB? I think we are well on our way towards it, Thanks for everyone coming out and teaching and influencing this great step to the betterment for all our benifit! I have learned alot from these past few weeks, and also know that I have a genuin consern for how fragile our community is here, must be handeled with care.
  6. Thanks, I am happy you wrote this! I often wonder if MOD and TC knows how much they are appreciated for their countless hours, even perhaps sleepless nights they have had to go threw to make this the best site ever! HERE HERE to MOD and TC:)
  7. I am sorry for the surrounding ignorance to all of this drama here right now, But from what I can see here, is an individual who feels " on the spot" for what he may feel or think about some of his relations here?? No matter if you are an SP or a hobbiest, you should be feel welcomed to express your point of view openly. As long as it is positive and in good spirit! If not then please feel free to not say anything at all! Sometimes we as SP's may feel uber competitve, but when we can stand together it would be so much bettter then when we stand alone! I for one will miss PP post..... but will continue contact:) xoxo
  8. I have overlooked this thread almost on pupose, as it made me question my own intent and desire. I once has had an awful flirtation with addiction. So much so that it deystriod my life, of the material and as physical. I was at that cross road where I needed to decide what I was going to do to fix it....it did not happpen the first time What I have learned and want to share with you is... If there is something that is disrupting your life, setting off those triggers, or simply affecting you in a harmful way and you have no control over it... then THAT IS AN ADDICTION. so if you do hun.... then you do need to make an attempt to understand it. Do so with an open mind;) Sincerly, my best wishes, xoxo
  9. Well first of course my family and freinds my 2 dogs theigh high boots and definatly CERB!!!
  10. Well I may consider this, however, I am not very good at playing pool...but some say look fine trying to play it, LOL.
  11. Awww how cool to have a Christmas B'day! Hope you got spoiled? Enjoy your day, xoxo
  12. In this site, we can feel a since of belonging. A source of strength when we need it. I feel as though this is a huge family, from one coast to the other. As an SP, and before I came to CERB, I felt very alone. It is not just anyone whom I could be honest with what I do. Always having to live that "double" life. freinships were hard to come by as I would have to worry about " what if they find out?" But now I have all of you, and know that when I need support and advice or just something simple like cheering me up when I feel sad or alone. I am so greatful to be here!! In the morning, CERB is the first thing I look at, even before my first coffee! It gives me so much more than just a source to make a living, but true friendships and guidence.
  13. Hmmm so do like your birthdate or not? LOL.....Happy Birthday:) How will you know which comes from Santa or not? lol, enjoy your day sweety! xoxo
  14. Wow Pete!! That is alot of key strokes made for that many posts!! I hope you do not give up posting, as I always enjoy reading what you have to say here. There will always be up and downs here, but I truly think it is the "ups" that really count! Stay true, as I know you will! xoxoxo
  15. To everyone here I give a big big hug! I hope you all have loved ones to spend your Christmas with. Christmas can feel lonely for some, so if you are, I hope this thread helps you feel wanted and loved too! You all mean so much to me, please have a safe and lovely Holiday:) xoxoxox
  16. Ohh Eric, I hope the best for you. I was stunned when I just read this! I hope you recover with ease, and hopefully no long lasting problems down the road! Wow, why do poeople continue to drink and drive?? My thoughts will be on you and yours this christmas! xoxo
  17. Great job hun!! Hope you enoy the well deserved attention you get as a goddess!!
  18. We all get down like this from time to time. If it is not long lasting, then probably normal. But if it a lingering effect, then you may need to ask yourself questions. Like: Is there something in your life that does not fit? Something missing? Are your ducks in order? What changes have you had, or not had? Also, do you know that men have a "PMS" type thing once a month like us women. You will have a drop in testosterone once a month, that make you feel out of sorts in many ways. For me when I feel like this I find if I go tan just for 8 min, it really does give me a boost and I feel better for the day or 2. You consider D-drops as well for longer lasting effects. Good luck, and let us know what you do and how did it make you feel so that we can also learn from your experience:) Taker easy love!
  19. Thank you so much WOW!!! I had goosbumps the whole time!!!
  20. Sounds like a lovely time CC, You know, my family was distant for years. But as we all matured and time heeled old wounds then we came to be close again. I hope that your family will too! Good luck, and be sure to surround yourself with people whon love and care for you this year!
  21. To all of the people that I have met on this trip to Ottawa, I truly had the greatest time here:) I will be leaving with the fondest memories of the time we shared. I laughed, I was romanced, inspired and will leave with an urge to come back back for more! As for the social is more than I could have hoped for! I felt so welcomed by each of you, Thank you for that! Till we meet again, stay happy, healthy and hope you Holiday season is filled with joy and love! xoxoxo
  22. I have a 14 yr old Rhodesian Ridge back/ shep... Karma is her name. When I return home to Freddy, I will be putting her down, makes me sooo sad. But we want her barried on the family land, so we know she will not make it threw winter. So got to do it now, as the ground will soon freeze. For her, I plan to make a roast beef dinner, deer jerky, and a good moose bone. Of course we will all eat together, and just cuddel with her:( She will be missed dearly, truly the best dog I have had the pleasure to know and love!
  23. The most fun I have had in a long time!!! I am already making plans for Valentine's!! So nice to have met you all, many thanks to old dog and Angela!! For those of you who maybe thought of attending, but wasnt sure,let me tell ya, GO!!! You will not be dissapoionted, it is a blast!!!
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