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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Wow, lucky you a Bday and social all on the same day?? Hope you are treated a princess today!!
  2. So sad to hear this, she is lucky to have you as a friend to help her threw this tragedy:( Best wishes to you and her and family!
  3. BIG BANG!!! All the way!! I even watched a 72h marathone and still not tired of it! lol
  4. GRRRRRR.... OMG!! Unbelivable!! I will never understand this one! I am left speechless! Huh! How is that they can do this? They would rather less volunteers?? I truly am outraged at this, thanks for the info!
  5. Nice to see your tradition continue Malika, I too have had christmas times just by myself. For me I like to contribute my time to making other people's festivites easier, like helping a family in need or helping to prepare food for a community kitchen. Perhaps you would share with us what Yule tradition is like?
  6. Very effective, smart marketing!! Anyone needs help to examin...let me know, lol
  7. I get kinda mushy this time of year, I am big on traditions, and festivities!! Almost any holiday gets me, but Christmas season really fills me with joy, love and peace. I am so happy to hear of all of your traditions! The post on blackberry pudding really has my intrest...any recipe you can share with me? I would love to try it, black berry is my most favorite berry!!
  8. This reminds me of one christmas I spent in a remote part of BC, I lived on a tiny island on the sunshine coast. That year I too had real candle lite tree:) I was nervous at first, but then thought well what the heck, pioneers did it, so can I, lol..Thanks for the story, do you continue with this tradition?
  9. As I was flying into the city this morning, I was thinking of all the little traditions that my family has each year. In my family we have a few: 1. enjoy seafood casserole so thick you can stand a spoon straight up, lol. 2. open 1 gift on Christmas Eve, always a pair of PJ's and house coat, not a favorite with most kids, but I LOVED IT!! 3. Christmas breakfast.....so much food!!! Almost bigger than dinner! 4. After Night time mass, we listened to the " Santa Report" on the drive home, of course only Mom and Dad could see his sleigh from the car window, lol 5. Boxing day, we have Acadian Poutine, old fashion style, with brown sugar, What are you traditions? Do you keep them alive and pass on to your kids too? Have you made new Traditions? I want to hear all about it:)
  10. I am out of the loop on this one, but understand what you mean Pete! I have made mistakes here on the board as well, I have learned from them ! When we screw up, we either learn from it and move on, or we will dwell and most likely repeat the mistake again. It is just a part of life and being apart of a community. As for Christmas spirit.......I have all year long. I am always helping people around me and those who are distant from me too. Just the other day I furnished an apartment for a young girl who has 2 small children and had nothing, I would do this anytime of year. One Christmas, I had visited Cuba( no Christmas there) I was curious if my " Christmas spirit" would fallow me there,. Sure enough, I awoke Christmas morning filled with love and generosity. There was one small run down Cathedral in Veradero, so I went to Christmas mass. There was a small young boy with an even smaller boy held in his arms. I knelt beside him in the peu, and slid ( 100 American dollars converted to Paso) into his tiny hands and told him to bring it to his mother and father right after mass. His dark brown eyes, filled with tears looked up at me. At that moment, I was hooked, I found so much joy in giving, that one moment changed my life for ever! I think if it is in your nature to be generous, then no matter what time of year, it will shine threw. So what IS Christmas spirit? It can be found in any cultural background, any religion...... LOVE and GENEROSITY can be shown in any culture, from any walk of life, and from any econimic standing! So weather you believe in Christan Christmas or other traditions, it is essentially all about LOVE and GENEROSITY. Think about it, what better time for our pioneers to share food, cloths for warmth, candles etc...but in the coldest and hardest time of the year( speaking about our environment here). Too bad we turned it into a consumer holiday tho, as it was in the past for making our winters just a little bit easier for our neighbors and family. To get a simple orange was a great treat in December!!
  11. And to you, have a wonderful Christmas:) Hope you spend it with loved ones, drink too much rum and egg nog, sing songs, eat too much, and most of all, have a safe Christmas!! xoxoxo
  12. Nice post:) I too love to sing, I also have been thinking of taking opera voice training. I have a good range for higher notes, and a full sound. This is a new developed talent( 10 yrs) But... Dancing is my first love!! I LOVE LOVE to dance, almost any style from any country. I have been a trained dancer and choreographer for a well reconsider east coast company.
  13. For my Albums, I play a vital role in designing the layout, costume and props. I feel it is an extention of my artisic personaility, and my ability to model. It is not just simply standing there in a piece of lingeri, but it is the pose, the make up, cloths, and mood I am setting. If one is going to spend 200+ for a pro shoot, and has put much time and effort into creating an album, then yes, it is nice to be reconised for it!
  14. I know you meant no harm CC with this post. But I want to state how I view this topic. Many times I see a gentlemen, and you can see he has a lowered self esteem for whatever reason. Perhaps his home life is unhappy, or he is just not good with the ladies, perhaps he is not as handsome as his peers, whatever the reason. I truly want to help this gentlemen feel like a man! I want him to leave me feeling like a king, on top of the world! I have had several dates that look at me with tears in the eyes, because they do not feel worthy of love and tenderness. I have had one say he felt like he didn't matter to this world, but after being with me, felt so good about himself, with his head held high! This to me is the most rewarding aspect to this industry! I would not want to further damage their self perspective by voting on this type of post. But do not feel bad CC, I know your a kind and sweet person, perhaps just a bit new to this. But I think you see how something like this is a bit too sensitive for discussion.
  15. On my first encounter with someone, I usually will ask if they are sensitve, or if they like MSOG. This way I can gage how intensly or softly they would like it. If someone tells me they are very sensitve but yet want MSOG, I tend to " get the first one out of the way" then we have lots of time to bulid desire again, and go more slowly for the remaining of the time, most often leaving 40 min to the hour. But if I see they are not looking for MSOG, then I take our time, building in desire, so that we are going for quality rather than quanity. There are times when they want MSOG but yet I can tell they are holding back....I remind them if they hold back too long, they may not be able to get the desired goal, or they may run out of time. I only offer MSOG in an hour appt, not 45 min sessions.
  16. excitted to get there, ohhh wow this should be fun! I miss Ottawa, and the friends I have met there, as well as the friends I have met here in the east. To have a night with you all is the best this girl can hope for, see ya all soon!! xoxo
  17. I really love music, of all kinds. Music can really set the mood for the day! I have seen me feel low and in a slum, but then put on some music and " BAM" I suddenly transform into a happy cheerful person I usually am! I have some music I listen to for cleaning my house, some for when I study, some for party, some for contemplation and meditation, some for romantic engagements. My most favrotie artisit is loreena mckennitte, here is a sample of her lovely music.
  18. Fantastic! Happy for you, glad to see you back in a new form, the beautiful butterfly you are!
  19. When I met you, you welcomed me with open arms. You inspired me, gave me the gift of the sense of belonging here! You are so wise, well spoken, and truly a unique person who has made a definite lasting impression on me!! Thank you Cat for being the women you are!
  20. Happy cerb Birthday!! lol...sort of a birthday dont you think?
  21. I had heard on a health report, that bacon raises testosterone levels in men when they eat bacon.....perhaps this is why men love their bacon so much? LMAO....true story!!
  22. Ho ho ho...I am going to be at the social!!!! Yippy, Looking forward to seeing you all there. I am arriving the 6-9, ohhhh sooo excitted too!
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