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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Ohhh Halifax, I had the best time meeting new friends:) and those I re-united with again! You know I will be back for more! I will post details for Ottawa soon. i will have only two short days to play before the Christmas Social;) Stay tunned for more details This week! Home in Fredericton will be limited availability as I am occupied with my business. Please pre-book 1 day notice? Thanks everyone, and hope my next road trip is just as fun and as special as this was!! xoxo
  2. Thank you Halifax for the best visit ever!! Wow what a nice time I had, each person I met in the last couple of days has been just " Golden" ! I will leave with such great memories and a desire for more! I hope to back soon, I will stay in touch:)xoxoxo
  3. You are an inspiration, what a good dog!! Really tho, I always look forward to reading what you have to say, always so well written, integrity in what you say, and so much heart! Love ya OD!
  4. I typically do not offer 30 min, I dont mind 45 min, but 30 min is not what I go for. However each client I see have different needs. If It is someone who has seen me at least for an hour before, and I know he is very very sensitive, to the point of going off in 2 -5 min, then yes, I will offer it included in the rate of donation. But if it has been 15 min, of pasion play, and has gone off, then I find it futile to go for the 2nd, as it is usually not all that it should be, lacking in passion and drive, But with 45 min or 1.5 hours, then you have a few minutes to gather yourself, and bulid in desire again, which is the best!
  5. we would have a " cerb orchestra" with all this talent here! hehehe
  6. Yes for real, I am a flutist! Unfortunately I do not no longer have it:(( But do plan for a new one in the near future..... I may move on to a different instrament...I have had an affair with a clarinet for a while, and really enjoy the sound of it!
  7. Nicely done! It is a cool feeling for sure, I just got my 1st milstone too! lol, have fun, enjoy the lime light today:)
  8. all of those whom have loved ones fighting for freedom! I specially dedicate this to my Love, Jason.....I love you, miss you, and so proud of you!!
  9. To bring with you your own soap that you normally use at home, to shower with after your session. Some SP's will offer to hold it there for you with your name on it. This way you are not carry unfamillair sent home. Most ladies, also keep this in mind when applying perfume or lipsticks.
  10. Totally agree!! I will stay on the 11th, and use it for time to see the city if nothing else...Thanks for your input, will be sure to keep this in mind next time!
  11. Not sure how I could have done this...but I forgot to not have Nov 11th in my dates, lol! Now I have a delima....Do I change my reservation at hotel to check out the morning of? If I do change it, then it would need to be changed like today...or Mon. Or shall I stay? If I stay I may end of spending the money for hotel and eats...but would be a fun play day for me as well:) So how does Holiday affect you as a Hobbyist? Is it harder for you to get away or not?
  12. I am most often found here in Fredericton. I am based here permanently. I do have a trip planned for HFX, Nov 9-13, so other than those dates, I would be able to accommodate you. Feel free to take a look at my Recommendations:) There are also a number of Ladies who travel here, Katherine would be a fine choose, Amila Rodriquez is a gem....just keep your eye on the sheduals and announcements:)
  13. I am a sqiurter!! I can do it over and over again, with little effort! I can show you how to make me squirt, then You can try! It is truly something you will remember for a very long long time:)
  14. I will be comming back to Fredericton about 5lbs heavier with all these great selections, lol!! Thanks, cant wait, wonder what I shall try first? I like the sounds of Saltys....Love seafood!!
  15. I have noticed with all the suggestions....Halifax has a thing for strange names eh? lol.....JK.
  16. I am soooo sorry to hear hunni!! It can be quite the ordeal, I hope you have a speedy recovery! If you would like, I will pass along the best advice as I can, as you know, I went threw a terriable break too! get well soon, xoxoxo
  17. I would love to see where the dancing industry has gone now. I think perhaps I understand Dumpy a bit, as it was a different experience some time ago. For me I left that industry behind in the late 90's, but this was east. I had performed all over Canada, up until the scene changed dramaticly...or I just had "out grown it"... not sure which happened first. Any ways, all it is... just sit back and enjoy the show:) i always think back to those days as some of the most fun times I ever had!! ;)
  18. I really like a Shepard's pie, complete with gravy:) mmmmm mmmm But as simple as a grill cheese, Will warm me up on a snow day too! I also love an Acadian dish known as " poutine rapee" it is the original poutine! I learned to make this from my ma mere, and will continue every new years:) Along with sea foo chowder! So thick you can stand your fork into!! lol
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