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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Cool feeling eh? No really, that is quite the milestone, congrats on your dedication and contibutions here:)
  2. My oh my, where did the time go? Seems just not long ago I was still trying to figure out how to post, lol!! I have learned a new found self respect and pride since being apart of this community. You all have taught me so much here. I have learned what good things come from a supportive community like cerb. Even through some tough times, you stood beside me, gave me a chance to grow and learn from my mistakes, and from other's too! You have shown me a new perspective on my trade, and for that I Thank you whole heartedly! I Thank MOD and Town counsel as well. For allowing me to have a place to feel safe and to be treated fairly. As in any family, we have ups and downs, but always have a sence of " belonging" and that is the diligence from Mod and TC that creates this positive, safe place to be. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUOUS SUPPORT!! I love you all for it! xoxoxoox
  3. I have noticed, that if you are able to have your partner look after you, and not bounce or have your head downward, it makes a big difference. Just lay back and allow your partner to please you, the natural Endorphins be released along with tension. I suppoe it depends on the type of migrain too, this one must have been a tension tirggered one, as, once I was able to release, the migrain also ceased! Thankfully too, it was a 12 hour migrain:(
  4. I certainly will be taking 1 day just explore, and these places you have suggested will be a "go see" for sure! Thanks for the suggestions you have given here, I am so excitted to go now!!
  5. What about electrical Nipple clamps? They are fun, and great to stimulate, not nearly as painful as I thought it would be either, really quite pleasant feeling:)
  6. I almost canceled an appt tonight. I am sooo glad I didnt!! After suffering for 12 hours, taking everything I could and using all the remedies that I know of.....the one thing that fixed me was ENDORPHINS!!!!! I always heard sex(orgasm) was a good way to rid a headache, but never believed it till now! So the next time, I know what to do, Good buy Tylonol...hello orgasm!!
  7. I enjoy my double strap on dildo....however I think I will get the one that has a viberator for me with the didldo for the recpient. The double dildo, is fun, but for me I didnt get as much of a thrill as my partner. Each of us will like different things, experiment with them, and you will discover what thrills you the most! Have fun shopping;)
  8. This being a milestone for me as well, I certainly can apprectiate the time and well thought out posts you have made here for all of us! Thank you:)
  9. I have only been there 1 time so far. I loved the variety of fine food your city has to offer! So I thought I would make a list of places I find along the way in your fantastic city!! To start this list for Halifax I will pick.....Economy Shoe Shop! I loved eating there, I ordered The Lobster Flambe( sp?) If you have suggestions for your favorite places? I will go there and perhaps add to my list! Could be for food, shopping, dancing, entertainment!
  10. Hmmm, I like the sound of this pole idea, lol!! Did you say you were a firman too? JK
  11. Yes It would have been a disappoinment for sure, glad you never got hurt on it!!
  12. I have 2 dogs, a poodle...and a Razor Back Pittbul, whom is just 1 years old. He is the smartest puppy I have the pleasure to train. With in 2 days of having him here with me at the age of 10 weeks, he never used the bathroom in the house! He does like to chew, but he seems to understand he can chew his toys, not my shoes!! he has been a challenge as I need to be more stubborn then he. But all in all I would recommend this breed to anyone who has a good understanding of the breed and their needs. If you have never had a dog, a pitty may be a bit hard to handle, as they do require a strong leader. he is kind, loving, gentle, patient and so so loyal. My life would not have as much love without him! His name is Ceaser, and I love my Pitty!!
  13. RG... Nicely done my Dear!! You have always posted intellegent and unique posts. Some of which I had learned from, Some I have debated on, but all well spoken and true! Your an an inspiration indeed! Good job!
  14. Thank you sooo much for telling me this!! I was thinking the gimmick ones, were not going to cut it. So never got one yet.
  15. I hope you enjoy the beauty in this song and video as much as I do!! ENJOY:)
  16. I thought I would share with you what I have planned for my Halloween night. I am first having a Ham dinner with all the fix'en, fallowed by handing out treats, then after kids stop, we are doing guided meditaion session, hynosis, and tarot card readings( erotic deck, heheh) I am looking forward to this:))
  17. I was the remote controll for my older sisters, lmao
  18. The 158th Solider body brought back for burial in Trenton today:(( Such a young man too:(
  19. happy Birthday love:) hope you get your bday spanking!! lol HERE IS A GIFT FOR YOU TODAY.....hope you enjoy?
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