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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. You most definitely need to stop CL, as it is not a Moderated site. Our community here is built on mutual respect, and with honest intention. You need to take some time a chat with whom you find appealing, make sure you explain your needs and wants. I most confident you will find not just one, but many ladies here that will do you right! have you looked into the spcial needs group here?? may help you on your search;)
  2. Thanks Julia for your post. It really hit home to me as I have many friends over sea's. Living in Fredericton, has brought so many soldiers to my life. It is a difficult time of year for me, as I am reminded just how many brave young men and women have laid down their own lives for the sake of many!
  3. I also do have other professional career as well. However, it still does not explain my lifestyle, shoe fetish, hehehh, and the akward scheduling. But yes it is all about comfort level.
  4. Your input has helped me to find my way of dealing with this scenario! I find it difficult to lie to people, it really is not in my nature. But I have learned how to give give partial truths, lol. Thanks alot for taking the time to post on this, much love to you all!
  5. Yes you are right on this, it is a risk I take. But if they go to that extent to "out" me....well the good thing is, that my closest friends already know what I do, and they( the girl and he BF) do not know my family or what city I am from. So hopefully they wont cause much damage to me ( if it ever goes that way)and their attempts will be nile and void.
  6. I am looking for input on how other's deal with meeting new people. Do you tell them right away that you are an SP? Or do you bend the truth a bit like, " I am adult enetertainor....or I do web cam show..." Do you tell them, and not let them know your stage name or place of advertisements? Is it a concern to you or not? I recently met a girl and her BF, at first I said nothing about my work, but after a bit of time, and a few drinks, I feed them just a little bit of info on my trade....then a bit more....and a bit more. But something told me not to ever tell them my stage name or place of advertisement. In fear that they could use that against me somehow down the line. She asked to see my profile, etc...but I firmly said" I will never tell my friends where I advertise, sorry" You think this is a smart way of dealing with this situation?
  7. So I had uninstalled it for now, but will both come up when I re-insatll it? Then do as you perscribed? I have an HP computer does this matter any?
  8. Ok...I have no clue how to fix this mistake. I created an account, and did not know you can not change your skyp name! I accidentally used my own name...big ooopsy!! So I have created another one using my stage name, and switched the email address associated with it. I also changed in my details here on the site to use my email matched to my new skyp account. Now, when I post my number, and you click on it, sometimes the old account with my name will show, and other times it is the new account that shows! So for now I have only used my phone number with no area code. I lied awake all night over this, and hope someone can help me? I have a friend coming today to try to help me.... If we are successful, I will fill you in, and if not hopefully someone here can help me? Additional Comments: Well I just uninstalled my skyp, at least a temp fix to this big ooopsy, lol.
  9. I was wondering the same thing. I thought it just was my computer....thanks!
  10. I like to look deep into a man's eyes!! But I like the butt pretty well to, lol
  11. No, I have worked for many agencies coast to coast, and I was never aske to provide test results at all. We all need to be respondsable for our own sexual health practices.
  12. I was in Moncton just short while ago. I probably be back next week. I tend to go on Wed-Fri. I will post one week advance, and will take reservations once I post my ad. Pre-booking usually suggested to assure we have a smooth easy going date, I sometimes can accommodate on the spot booking, but can not guarantee it. Just keep your eyes on the advertisements, as most Sp's do post a week or more before visiting.
  13. I know this feeling! I have had some people that started off as just a normal client one day...then 1 year later, true friends and lovers. Then after 5 years...almost in love!! I try to distance myself as much as possible, cause if all my clients become my lovers, then that is just no good for my business, lol. There is a fine line, and once it is crossed it is almost impossible to turn back. I am thinking of one in particular, that if he were not in the army....I am sure we would end up together! Perhaps the only one that would make me want to commit to just one! But alas....he is in the army and I can not be with him. We met over 5 years ago. He tries to visit every chance he has, we chat almost everyday. We have cried on each other's shoulders, we have made each other smile, feel safe in his arms. But now so close to each other, he is no longer a client. But then there are the reg clients. That I do truly care about their well being and happiness. I chat with them, wish them Happy Birthday, send good night kisses. It is not an act as we do respect the boundaries that are in place, and yet can sit and have lunch with no sex, or playtime, no fee. But once we get to my room, then it is all about professionalism again. Then there are just the fly by nighter....the client I may only ever see one time and never hear of them again. I dont mind this either. I do like to meet new people, I seem to get a great deal of satisfaction from this too! All in all I like each person who spends time with me to feel special, wanted and appreciated!
  14. yes I agree with what has been suggested here. Sounds like distance is the answer. I call this type of personality a "coyote", a coytoe is a trickster and cunning. They like to lurk around, tricking people around them into thinking whatever they want them to think. They would rather to come along and steal the prey you hunt, instad of chasing the hunt down for themselves. They always seem to come out on top....but in time it will catch up to them. Be true to yourself, dont allow him to take your confidence away from you! Just hold your head high in knowing you are being true. Eventually a person like this will sink into his own "sink hole" and other's will see right threw him!
  15. you can see in my latest album. I always seem to be a witch, each year just a bit different then the last. I love to dress for Halloween!!!
  16. I screwed up my soup. LMAO....will try again some day soon, heheheh. Not sure where I went wrong?
  17. I would make a compliant to the company. A person like this obviously could been seen as a threat. Anyone who comes into my home for a professional job, must only do their job!! Not snoop, and if they do see anything, it should not be discussed! I was a landscaper, I have been a house cleaner, and if I had ever stuck my nose into their stuff I would be fired! A security company should know better! I would make a complaint, and perhaps change companies. This is an invasion of your privacy, from someone you are entrusting your security with!! I think the company will take action to further protect you if they have any kind of professionalism. In your complaint you can say that he has assumed this, and that it is for personal use! That your are offended he would try to "make an appt...whatever that means( lol...wink)and then tell the number of phone calls he has made. Also mention that he wanted to barder...boss wont like that!!!
  18. I watched this, and found new hope for the fate of Humanity! I hope you do too! I know it is idealistic, however, possibility is there!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXFJUnws5rs&feature=share Additional Comments: To change our fate as the human race, it starts with communication, then we can conceive a better way...then our perceptions can change too.
  19. I am carving out my pumpkins, and would like to know if anyone has a good recipe for this?
  20. Here is a good laugh ...lol! Do you have some Halloween laughs to add to this? Or Halloween spooky pics?
  21. Watch this! Allow yourself to have peace and hope ! I watch this inspire me, and to find beauty in our world, planet and home.
  22. Even though it did not take as long, and no massage. You did take the time to GO TO his place of work, and catering to this risky fettish request he should have tipped you, not short you! It was a fanatsy that you fullfilled for him.
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