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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I am glad you are alright!! It is a scary thing to go threw:( I hope they catch the bugger who did this to you!! Much love to you, xoxoxox
  2. I look for any reason for my family and I to celebrate together, but this year not able to for distance, time and money has gotten in the way this year:( But when ever we all are together, then we make a celebration anytime of year!
  3. So here I am in Moncton, and have lost my phone! if you are wanting to make appt, or confirm, please do so VIA PM? I hope to find it soon, as like most, my whole life is on that phone!! Sorry for any inconvience this may cause:( Additional Comments: Thank god:) I found my phone at Sobey's lol. Sorry if I caused any inconvience to you? xoxox
  4. American dad, I find funnier, lol. But truthfully, did not offend me as much as when they push the limit on Mohammad, and trying to create him into an image. I don't think it is wise to push anymore hostility Muslims have with North America than already exists. But it does take alot to offend this girl anyways, heheheh
  5. butternut squash soup corned beef broil dinner lamb roast with sweet potatoes
  6. Your not alone with your addictions, I have suffered and have been recovery for other substance abuse myself. It was not a part of my life that I am proud of, but my recovery allows me to feel stronger and more proud than ever! I applaud your honesty and strength for admitting to yourself( most important) and to us. You are on the right path now, and have better days to look forward to! In my recovery, I have fallen down a couple of times. I have learned that if you don't fall, you wont know what it feels like to get back up! You need to dust yourself off and move forward! I also have learned, that I will always be an addict, but I do not have to be an active user either. In time, it does get easier to say no, change patterns, and the urges do get further and further apart each time you beat that urge! I sincerely hope the best you, it wont be easy, but you have one hell of a support system here! Get support from wherever you can, and from those who have gone through this challenge of sobriety! YOU ARE ALWAYS AN ANGLE TO US!!
  7. big brother is watching huh? will check out the links, thanks! Additional Comments: i shared the link on my Fb account!
  8. good clean fun huh? lol, very nice work!
  9. omg Too funny!!! I had myself in stitches laughing this morning on my couch over this.... But ya, we see children show's all the time that seem to know they need to entertain the parents as well as the children as the grown-ups wouldn't watch it. Subliminal marketing?? Still laughing.....thanks:)
  10. well depends on the amount I suppose. If it were lots and lots, I would travel the world, help orphanages in Africa to support the children! It an humble amount then I would have a country home and small private rescue for abused animals, domestic and farm animals alike!
  11. It sounds like the blond lady knows Sarah is interested in you! Be non-chalont and casual about it..." If you have no plan after work, would you like to join me for desert after your supper tonight?" I love desert dates, it is just long enough to know were the interest lies, without putting too much stress on the whole situation, and short enough that if it goes well then slip out for a martini or cocktails. Even if she is busy after supper, she knows you are interested as well and prob suggest another plan or time. BUT YES ASK ONLY AFTER YOUR HAIR CUT..lol
  12. I want to go so so so badly! I am gonna do all that I can to get there for this one:)) Thanks for pulling this together Angela, and Old Dog!!
  13. that is just it! Additional Comments: Here is a supportive news clip that just supports the need of change!! http://www.gorillawire.com/?p=9779
  14. As Jacque also point out, that the only way to change that staus quo is to continue to talk to other's and share this perspective. It all begins as a concept and conversation before perceptions change. Like the example of the Arabs in the community whom thought the world was flat, and just in 1.5 he changed their perception. Additonal comments.. To substantiate a better future for all humanity, we need to understand -WHAT- is 'need'. What is needed?...clean water, air, food, shelter and education. This are basic necessities for every human being, not just a select few who can afford but all mankind. We need to start working towards a method of provision for all mankind
  15. watch this video!! The possibility is there! Jacque Fresco's Interview with TVnewzealand close up I hope I did the link right? Lol, but if not just go to you tube, and search his name. This is a unique and brillant man! When you watch it you will see why I wanted to pass it along! It is about 30 min long, worth every second too!
  16. I feel extra Happy today....so if your not feeling happy today, you can have some of mine:)
  17. I have seen myself evolve within this industry. Some of the things I offer now, I never dreamed of in the past! But one golden rule for me from the start, and was a promise to myself, was to never do anything that made me feel bad about myself! For if I would feel bad about it, I knew it would become self-destructive. So at the end of the day....only do what feels natural to you at this time. If you have to become nervous or anxious then best to wait till you feel like you are ready. For heaven sakes, always hold your chin up high! hope that helps? Additional comments: I do not like to advertise all services either, as I will offer some services that I may not otherwise offer another. For me, it is decided when I am in communication with the potentail client.
  18. hahaha, thanks for brightening my day with satire!!! Love it:)
  19. I am so envious for all of you who had the great opportunity to meet our "cerb Celebrities"! The first trip i went to Ottawa, i had just missed a social then too, and again, I have missed the boat:( I would have loved to hear SMQ's infectious laugh, Malika's warm smile, Angela's( of Ottawa) inspiring attitude,and all of you that I had the pleasure of meeting last trip:) Hopefully will have the chance again, Much love to you all, xoxo
  20. In the Daily Gleaner news, an article explains an agency 'heaven Scent" was busted for having a 15 year old working!!! As the article states, the mother of the year old unlawfully entered the residence of the owner to get her daughter out! The mother faces charges for unlawful entry, but the courts took pitty on her and gave the most minimal charge available for it was a Nobel cause. Not sure if charges have been laid yet, but the charges will be, enticing other in prostitution, endangering a minor, living off the avails! I am shocked that this person would do this! As I did once work for her, never thought she would stoop so low:( It reminds me of how thankful I am to have gotten away from the agency's and work on my own. No ill feeling meant to other agency's, but I find the ones we have around here to be unprofessional and not organized as they always seem to be apart of less desirable work ethics! Just gives this profession a bad name:(
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