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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Well Code Blue, this leads us to another saying....when one door closes another one opens:)
  2. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Thanks G11, sorry not sure how to quote just this line...heheh. But so true, it is hard at first to practice forgiveness. But actually get's easier with time. Like anything, it takes practice! What about "time heals all wounds?" Does it? I always thought so, but when it comes to holding grudges, time seems to stand still. Your not able to move forward.
  3. Whatever word is chosen to describe " inner peace" , it can invite so much more greater results rather then the suffocating feeling of turmoil we get from hanging on to the past.
  4. You have more class in your little pinky than most of us could only hope for! Thank you for your very wise words you have shared with us here, I for one has learned alot in having the pleasure to get to know you, and hope to continue to learn from you Cat!
  5. I found some quotes that may apply to many of us. I am motivated by my own need for forgiveness and getting rid of negative energy around me. Perhaps you have some quotes to help heal wounds of actions and words that were designed to hurt us? This quote is from Norman Vincent Peale " Resentment or grudges do no harm to the person against whom you hold these feelings, but everyday and every night of your life, they are eating you alive." What is Forgiveness? Generally it is a decision of letting go of resentments and thoughts of revenge. the act that hurt you or offended you, may always remain as a part of your life but forgiveness can lessen the grip on you and help you focus on other, positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to understanding, empathy, and compassion toward the one who hurt you. Forgiveness does not mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that let's you go on with your life. I hope these words of wisdom will help all or any of us that sometimes get wrapped up in these feelings, and realize life is just too short to spend energy on what is just perpetuating negative energy. If we spend our energy on what has happened in the past, we will miss the great opportunity that our lives have to offer right here, right now! LOVE TO ALL, WISH PEACE AND HAPPINESS TO ALL!
  6. You got it Angela! I had my leg in cast for 8months, compund break of the fibula:( These are the best postions for ya! Dont forget to wiggel your toes too, keep the blood pumping and mussels working.
  7. Nice work beautiful!! A well deserved pat on the back for you:)
  8. I am surprised...this was a photo shoot that was not planned! Completely spontaneous indeed! Glad to see you all enjoyed it. Nice album too for Jessciamassage too!! very impressed with it:)
  9. That is what I got Malika:) It has like ridges on it, nice material too! Cant wait to try it now...heheheh
  10. Ohh wowie....shopping in Moncton has got me all pumped now! I added a strap on double dildo to my collection, along with PVC corsett and min skirt, mmm mmm. I will have to take a pic for you to see it on me, lookin' hot!!
  11. Happy Birthday beautiful! What will your specail day have for you? I hope laughter, joy and love!!
  12. I had a great time in Moncton! I ate sushie on Main st, had cold beer from the pumphouse, fine food and wine at Pascallie's. Went shopping at Exclusive boutique...hehehehe I will have great memories of the friends I met here! I am a lucky girl to have spent time you, creating a longlasting friendhip with amasing chemistry! I am already planing my next trip down to see you again real soon:) If I was not able to meet you this time, hopefully the stars will align next trip! xoxoxo, Love Sophia:)
  13. Did it feel like it took you long or not? Great work Dorinda! 1st Milestone, on to the second:))
  14. I now have a matress for nuru massage!!! Wowie...slippery fun times ahead!! I am visiting the Sex shop in Moncton.....wonder what I will find?
  15. I have dated men before whom I did not have that" OMG I am attracted to you" feeling. My BF was very overweight, who had constant candids, diabetes and all the undesirable traits. But none the same I found something so special about that person that made me want to be with him. He had morals, great attitude, just all around great guy! But I did learn that if you are not sexually attracted, then no matter how hard we tried, we just could not make it work:( Our sex life did suffer, and this did not help his (or mine) self esteem, as we were not being sexually fulfilled. It hurt me to break his heart and leave, but really I had to. For his sake and mine. i did not want to have a relationship that was sexless. That cant be good for either of us. So I did learn what my own needs and standards are, but NEVER NEVER would I look at a person and judge them for their size, race or any other "difference" we may have!! Like a used car sales men said once....there is an ass for every seat!!LOl
  16. I am visiting Thurs to Sat. But there are many nice girls who visit, just watch the ads, xoxox, Good luck on your search:))
  17. Hahahha, I know...what is the deal wit dat?? lol. I get the same thing all the time!!
  18. So sorry Malika. Big Cyber hug to you!!!
  19. You have always had real substantial posts. You have humorous side, and yet a serious level headed side, very refreshing! Thanks for all your efforts:)
  20. Yes this does happen to me like eveytime I get a coffee at tim's:( I hate it, like I know they are busy...but come on!! I brewed a fresh pot of coffee this morn....had only one tsp of sugar in the jar...grrrr Might have to go to tim's and hope my lid is on right, lol
  21. Thanks so very much! I already feel a bit better:) It is amasing how people you have never met can support you like this! Thanks to the original poster! I rarely open up to my "real life friends" but here I feel like I am able to, without feeling week. BIG HUGS ALL AROUND:)
  22. I thought I would just point that out. It seems to me, That this person who is suspended may have burnt bridges behind him, this is why he is asking about CL?? Just a thought.....
  23. I would accept her here with open arms, however, her husband is very very sick as well. And, she has many health problems as well, so I would have to get rid of my dogs if she were to move in here. Also I have stairs. It is so madening, as I do have a sister there, her kids all grown up now, and yet she has offered no help on her part!! Grrrr....I always knew when it came to my parents aging, it would have to be me to step in to help, my mother is my best friend. But thanks for the thoughful idea, and hug. I did not know how much it was bothering me until I wrote this post.It is good to release some tears form time to time. Thanks for listening:)
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