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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I find it sexy to see a man blow! The way their body tights up, exposing their mussle...mmmm mmmm! For some reason it feels like a gift to me, heheheh....job well done! lol The pulsing throb just before it blows to me is the coolest feeling!
  2. My mother is in Moncton, I am here in Fredericton. I love my life here in Fredericton, but my mother will need me soon and not sure for how long she will need me either. She has had a broken foot for almost 2 years! Now they discovered she has AVN, which means, The blood capiliries have disinagrated in the bone( tarssel )which means, no oxagen is getting to the bones, the bones will just die. If this happens the foot collapases. So they will be putting "cement" in place of the bones, but still 70% chance it will still collaps:( If this happens she will be looking at amputaion of the foot:(( So I am faced with a difficult desicion now, how I can help her there, and still maintain my happy life here in Fredericton. I will not move there, I have 2 dogs that I love dearly, and Moncton is one of the most non-dog freindly cities I have ever lived in. So, I just need a hug to tell me this will all work out for both of us. I am having hard time to type with the tears gathering around my eyes:(
  3. We were arguing because he never liked to go down on me( not just me, anyone), and I found out he cheated on me and did in fact go down on her, so we fought. Then we had angry sex, I started to finger....and SPLOUSH!! I sprayed right there on the living room floor! we had to mop before company came!! Needless to say that was our last f***!! hehehehe
  4. Really? Ick, that would be not nice. There is a medication my father is on. He only takes it when needed, but what it does is: it helps to slow your thinking down, so that the hamster on the wheel doesnt keep running. It is not a sleeping pill, does not leave you drowsy the next day. For the type of person who cant settle their thoughts down, or can not acheive meditaion state, then it may help you. I am not sure of the name of this, I could find it for you. Then you can inquire with your doctor if it is good for you as wel. My father says it works like a charm!
  5. I do enjoy a soft sensual kiss. I like the lower lip bitten ever so gently. I like tongues to swirl as if a tango dance. I DO NOT like wet kisses that end up on my chin, or tongue half way down my thoroat. and FRESH BREATH IS A MUST!!
  6. I am certified in Reflexology, we use 4 points. In the center of the palm and center of the ball of the foot. This activates the rest and repair parasymapathiec system, allowing the adrenail glad to stop over working( fight and flight) Breath deep breath in as you press these points.work all 4 points. There are a varity of natural remidies to take as well, visit your local store to inquire which is best for you, some may cause nightmares tho:(
  7. If something about your body that contribute to a lack of confidence, and is hurting your self esteem, then I see nothing wrong with it. Providing you have a good doctor who can recognize symptoms of an unhealthy body image( such in the case of those who truly can not see what other's do see) and assuming the decision has been made with the guidance of a doctor.
  8. I am a natural health practitioner. My ex BF had type 2 when we first met, but we were able to reverse it!! It took about 8 months, and with the proper combination of nutritional supplements and eating habits, it was reversed to the point he did not have to take his meds after. It did come back, as when we went our separate ways, he ended up with it again. because he did not follow the same regiment as we designed earlier. Things like stiva actually in time, can help the pancreas to produce it's own insulin! Eating protein in the morn, kidney support with juniper extract. If you like to pm me I can suggest the same type of regiment for you as well. I do not claim to heal, only advise.
  9. So who will give you your Birthday spankings?? Have a great day sweets! xoxo
  10. It seems to be unpredictable.....you just never know where, which way, far, straight up in the air! hahahaha
  11. My girlfreind wanted to watch to see how I do it, she was standing to my left around halfway down, for some reason it came out towards the left and hit her face on!!! LMAO
  12. How interesting......hmmmmm, That would make for an interesting family weekend wouldn't it? LOl, but seriously, yes it is a good idea!
  13. Hello Regina! I have been asked by a dear freind to go to Regina to visit. So, I of course would want to meet with some Cerbies here in Regina as well! I am looking at october/november. I would stay a week. I would like to know if there are suggestions of when is the best time to go, ie: pay week, or are there any attractions or events I should know about, which hotel ( nice quality), any other bits of info would be great! I will post my ad when I decide the dates for my trip. Hope to meet you soon, xoxoxo
  14. My suggestion is to not bother with CL, you really dont know who your getting. A lot of switch and bait happens there, and who knows what kind of girl you will meet either. You have got the best quality,service, maintaining high standards,right here on this board. If you do decide to try CL, just be cautious, there are alot of bad apples out there:(
  15. Well I know how I squirt.......I can make myself do it 1 min or less!!! How you ask?...........That is my secret....lol.
  16. I have an option for 45 min with my erotic massage, which works great for an introduction. For the gentlemen that is new to the hobby, it seems to break the ice. It is 30 min of full body massage with an extra 15 at the end;) But for the GFE service, I offer 1 hour. Mainly cause it doesnt matter if you are here for 1 hour or 45 min, as I will be occupied with preparations for up to 1.5 -2 hours. I also do not like too much traffic in and out my door. Also, I do not like 30 or 45 min the first time I meet someone, it feels too impersonal for me. But say if I have seen you a few times, and your sneaking in on your lunch break, then I will accommodate you for 30-45 min, with a few dollars off of the donation. But I do not advertise 30-45 min sessions.
  17. Voted...good luck, hope they get it!!! Yippy...who doesnt like ballons, lol
  18. My day just started.....but a client from 3 years ago, just found me again! I am so happy he found me too:)
  19. I say in the morning, but late morn, like 10:00. I like to have coffee, shower, breakfast, then I am all ready for a romp in the sac! heheheh, in fact it is 10:00 right now....lol
  20. Congrats WIT!!!! And to all of you that were nominated. I have gotten to know you all just a bit more these days, and so glad I have!! I would like to say as well......as the other poll is now closed, Congrats to Samantha Evans as well! It is too bad in a way for this to be the last, in a strange ,strange way, the train wreak it turned into, has made us a bit closer in an ironic way. It is like a family fued, feeling get hurt, things are said, but in the end we all love each other:)
  21. So right it is that it is our individual responsibility. But on the same hand, I know I have seen older patrons of a bar get asked to leave( 45 yr old man) the bar due to intoxication, so why not extend that same preventive care to our young who do not have the experience behind them to know when to leave. I was impressed when I seen an older man be told he was cut off, would be even more impressed if it were a youngin'. I remember coming of age in Moncton, and there was a pub...Fat Tuesday's. They served draft .25 each hour it would go up another .25, now the city had to step in and say" no way can we sell alcohol so cheep and keep our youth and streets safe" They were closed a few years after. I gusse I am just saying, our bars can do better in ensuring their safety, especially were it is to the students that is their targeted market.
  22. Ahhh wow, Thank God!!! So nice to hear good news on such a sad day, Thanks for sharing;)
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