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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Thank you Kyra, for the well thought out post, however we do slightly view it differently. I appreciate your research and time you had put into it. I suppose I just see so much of this binging lately it makes sad and worried for so many of them. Just the other day, my GF and I were out, and this Young girl was falling down in a alleyway. She was so intoxicated she had no clue even where she lived! Alone in alleyway, 2pm...There was a group of equally drunk young men standing not far from her, all watching her, waiting for her to drop.I couldn't leave her there, so I invited her home with me for the night. Slept on my couch. I placed a note on the coffee table so if she woke she would not be scared, in the note explained how and why I found her. Let her know she was safe, not to be frightened. Later when she awoke, she was so embarrassed and so grateful I had taken her home. She said she will learn from that experience and I hope she really did.
  2. You must have been busy my dear! Good for you, glad to have your contibutions here, thanks xoxo
  3. Well, I started to drink rather late, I must have been 24 before I had my first glass of wine...( like very much now I might add....lol). My parents drank often and heavily when growing up. so perhaps it was that fact that steared me away till I was older. I always had a strong sence of my own personal limitations with drinking. I seem to be the one who keeps a clear head, and walks a straight line and the end of the night. Mind you did learn a few hard lessons with nasty hangover's too!! lol. Had I been involved with the university culture perhaps I would have fallowed thoes same binge drinking habits we see on the rise today, who know's?? I would like to think not though.
  4. HERE! HERE! .....And they all raised their glasses in a toast!!! To our great community that has been bulit by all, each member with there own unique signature! Thanks Old Dog! xoxo
  5. As for the plastic cup statement...I had asked the bartender to a pub, I was there on Cheep Student Night, I asked why are they serving in plastic cups? I was answered " because it is student night, and beer is cheep they will end up breaking our glasses. Although I agree with you on the fact we are adults at 19, and need to be responsible for our selves. But is there not bylaws or something that states, a bartender is not to serve to a customer once they have become intoxicated?
  6. Yes, true this student died in the dorm's. But I think it is wrong to encourage this type of drinking, it is like the bar's want to say" hey man, it is perfectly O.K. to over induldge...have fun!" It is like they are saying it is normal to sit and have 15 beer's in an hour, or 10 shots of tequila in 10 min. This is not what I call responsible drinking. So they go out every Thursday get shit faced time and time again, eventually they assume this is normal behavior, and then they find it cheaper yet to drink in the dorm's so they turn around and push the limit a little bit more.....till something like this happens:(
  7. I wanted to post this sometime ago, but was otherwise occupied. I live in a university town, binge drinking is nothing new around here. But I would like to see the city step up to the plate and force our bar's and bar tender's to be more responsable in there business. A few places even serve the beer on student night's in a plastic cup!! Cheep cheep beer and shots! For God's sake if you need to drink your beer from a sippy cup, it is time to go home! And shame on the bar's to allow this type of behavior!! Bar's need to be accountable for for these young people who have nearly no experience in drinking and out from the nest for the first time. And that's my rant.....lol.
  8. Yes I too have noticed a sudden burst of new commers to the site! I am very happy to see:)
  9. My photographer suggested to me to post my pic's with her logo on it. I have not done it as I want to ask MOD if I can do that. That way if someone were to try using my pic's the logo could prevent them from using for any commerical reasons. The logo is small, doesnt take away from the pic at all. Then it would be not just me who could sue, but the photographer is protected as well. But if this is being done to you, I would sugest bluring your face out of the pic's. Which I would not want to do, I personally do show my face....for now. Sorry you have this issue to deal with. But Please just think of your safty first! Good luck!
  10. LOL!!! I cant wait for the 3rd doll to be available, theheheheh. Thanks for that one, need a good laugh:))
  11. Ohh sorry that had to happen to you:( I am glad you posted that , as I too do not have access to SP section:( Thanks for sharing your info!!
  12. Very sad indeed! But Emily, don't despair.....we all had the great opportunity to have insight into your charming nature and your beautiful mind! Next time around I think we will remember this, and how well you carried yourself throughout all of this drama. Cheer's love sister!!
  13. Well, you made it to this milestone.....great job!!
  14. Well....gusse you would have to come meet me to find out? LOL....JK....seeing my shopping list in NB discussion....I think we can conclude I LIKE BUM SPANKS, hehehehe, just till pink, not red! LMAO
  15. I call it my kitty...lady parts.....but I agree vagina is a lovely word too!
  16. From what I see, there is no stipulation on how long an SP should be an sp here on the board before she is nominated for the award( other than 10 posts??) It is about involvement, which I would think it should be publicly. It is the impact we have to be a positive influence and a safety net for each other as well. Through sound advice, or cheering someone up what have you. I can see, from the little I know on Emily, that she must have made a wonderful entrance to us here on cerb, even being a new member, she defiantly has our attention. She seems to be bright, well spoken, kind and that is a good representation of our community here. I do hope to see more involvement to have a better sense into her beautiful mind. however, for her to have been nominated, that would suggest to me that she has these great qualities that would deserve such an award, otherwise people would have not nominated her.....as for the votes as well. The math speaks for itself here. Admitingly....for those who have spent so much effort in publicly being involved, perhaps it may sting just a bit, but you know....at least you made a difference here! Our efforts are not lost if we have helped someone through tough times, or to help them learn etc... I am so thankful for all the members here for what I have learned form each of you!
  17. I have been putting on condoms with my mouth for like 10 years....does this mean I stole it from someone? There are only so many descriptive words and activities, that eventually we will run these threw a circulation. Like how many of us has used the word " sensational" in our title? But to copy and paste word for word is just wrong. Take sometime and create your ad, and your true character will shine threw.
  18. Happy Birthday sweety.....hope you have a special day planned for yourself? Find a snuggel bunny to give you Birthday spankings? lol
  19. hmmm this is tricky one! I agree it is wrong to hide this kind of information when having unprotected sex with a partner(s), but really, is it worth giving the guy a charge as serious as sexual assault. Perhaps they could have another classification for this type of charge....something that may not result in not finding a job etc.
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