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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Awww, I know it is hard at first. I had waited for like months for my first recco to be posted....dont despair, once you get one posted more will fallow. Keep your chin up:)
  2. So hard to choose one, you all have a special unique qualities! Good luck to all of you here, Cheers!
  3. Weather or not we don't always agree with each other's way of thinking, I can appreciate the time and work you have put into your post. It takes alot of effort to have reached this milestone, to that I raise a glass to you! Cheers;)
  4. Good luck to all my fellow contenders! It has been a pleasure to work with you here on this board. With so many great ladies here nominated, I am honored to have been chosen as well:) Thank you!xoxoxo
  5. I use it as a template to my ads, but also.....if I have notes about certain dates such as if they like perfume, or not, or if they prefer no lipstick, what wine they like, music...etc. it helps me to remember and organize my dates appropriately.
  6. I want to thank MOD for looking after the stalker situation so diligently. Good job!!! It is nice to know we got MOD to help with such a scary situation...so again thanks MOD!!
  7. I have learned here that our profession is much more sophisticated and organized then what the general public realizes. That there is many more positive sides to this than the "horror" stories that the media puts out there. I also have learned that a community like this becomes more than just a job, or a place to advertise, but get real support from other's, and how important that support is to me and my well-being. I also have learned not to let other people's opinions of other people to cloud my own judgment on who they are as an individual. I love cerb:)
  8. hahaha great responses!! Many many giggles from read this this morning, LMAO, thanks everyone;) Todays law......I gave a massage to someone with a headache, and now I have a headache...arg!
  9. I think there is a difference in Advertising....and networking. Advertising is to go where the ads are properly posted, networking is what we do on guest books. So I feel there is nothing wrong with a nice little flirty message in guest books, but if you are out right advertising you services, then ya that belongs in the advertisement box.
  10. Hahahah wow! Good job! I thought I felt proud at 300!! I am looking forward to hearing more from you...keep'em comin' !!!!
  11. I am sure if any SP here ever did something like collect deposit for bookings, and say she did not end up going, and also did not refund the client, then she would be risking all reputation she had built on this board. A reputation takes a long time and effort to build, but can so easily be taken away, much faster than it took to build! I don't think SP's would risk ruining all the work they put into building a good rep here just to score 1/2 of the booking fee.
  12. So how would this work? VIA western union? pay pal? In the case of going to a different city other than home base.
  13. Here is a comment from a comedian, he said : " If i were standing at an intersection waiting to cross the street, and just seen 54% of the people get hit by cars.......would I really want to cross that street?" Of course this is referring to marriage........I laughed for days over that one!
  14. In the case of aggressive soliciting on the guest books, is there an option to report that? I do show appreciation for viewing my profile ie: caught you peeking....or thanks for checking my profile. But not to every individual that happens to check me out. I think it distasteful, and looks desperate to come right out and solicit on a guest book. They will seek you if interested, no need to put someone on the spot like that.
  15. Great idea's! All of which I do even while working. I do not take to boredom well at all, lol. Reminds me of a classmate recently said: " every day I go to the gym...but I don't seem to be getting in shape yet" so all asked why? She says: " well I have been going for 3 months.....and I look in the window" Hahahah, we all broke out into hysterical laughter! Now that is lazy! lol.
  16. We all use this saying..." That Murphy's law..." Sometimes there are some of those law's are always showing themselves...such as: every time I try to have afternoon nap...that is when my phone rings, then once I decide to give up trying to nap, the phone magically stops ringing! That's Murphy's law....lol What Murphy's law keeps bitting you in the ass? is there many...or just the same law appearing then re-appearing? Have you ever tried to fool Murphy's law? Did it work? lol....
  17. OMG!! Busty vennessa, that was such a great way to deal with her! I love it! Too funny....how pathetic eh?
  18. Well, tepic, I also have had some clients offer to pay my hotel fee for my first day in a city, on top of my booking fee. This does help if you are just going to the next city beside.ie: Fredericton to Moncton. This way you know your safe for your hotel fee, and if all fails, then you still have the cash in your pocket to eat and get to the next destination. Sometimes if an individual really wants me in Moncton, and ifI have no other appt pre-arranged, then I require min 3 hour appt.
  19. The last visit to Halifax for me was almost a bomb. I had several people requesting me to go, so I advertised for 2 weeks. The first two days I was rather upset...as the very same people who were requesting me all of a sudden did not book?? Thankfully the last two days filled up, just in time too! The same thing happened to me in Ottawa, until a member spoke up and said " come on Ottawa we can do better than this!" I never did narrow the reasons down to just a single factor as there were probably many factors involved. Could be that I had not traveled there often enough and people had never meet me yet, however I had gone with many recco's behind me, or it could be I picked the wrong dates to go, perhaps there was a overflow of travelers at that time? But my question is still lingering.....why would the people who were asking me over and over to go, but then they are not the ones who booked? Really if your gonna risk spending 1000 to go, you want the advance bookings to actually show up! The pre arranged appt are the ones that you really count on, anything beyond that is a bonus to your profits. I recently been asked again from Halifax and Ottawa for another trip, but I will be much more careful on who is pre-booking, such as are they reliable?
  20. Happy Birthday:) Hope you have been treated as a princess today!!
  21. I offer Erotic/nuru massage. I am trained in massage, so this will be both erotic as well as therapeutic. I like to first start with a full body Shiatsu massage, then move into sensual relaxing massage, finishing your front side with a nuru( body slide )......and always a happy ending:) You may refer to my ad for more details on packages offered. I am not a commercial business, private residential location. P.S. Thanks tepic;)
  22. Just be comfortable, unless dinning, then of course dress accordingly. Personally I like to see a well groomed, well dressed, confident man. If you are most comfortable with jeans, then wear nice jeans, if you are more comfortable in dress pants, then choose a nice dress pant. If you are not feeling comfortable and confident it will show no matter your style:)
  23. Well, for me, I decide to travel if I need to spice things up, or just curious about the great many that I chat with. I eventually want to know them. Much like a hobbyist trying out different girls, I like to meet new hobbyist as well:) It is not always about how much money I can make, but it is the connection with hobbyist as well as meeting other sp's for support and to experience a social life I am not able to have here in small town Fredericton!
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