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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Yes Vennessa, I often wondered if this would happen, as I do photgraph my face. tell you the truth it is the very first time it ever happened, strange seeing how I am in such a small town. I suppose I have to weigh out the pro's and con's to this, I know most of my dates love the fact they can see my face, there are flip sides to everything isn't there? Many like it when they cant see the face leaving an air of mystery. But ya, I think I will continue the way I do things, as most people are not so impolite with this type of situation. Thanks though, it is food for thought:)
  2. Wow good job everyone:) Shortcake, I am glad you found the info for RG! So nice to see other take part in this collecting!
  3. Yes this does sadden me, it really is too bad, cause so much done for her to get the help she needed, it goes to show, even the best of us can slid threw the cracks!
  4. Hahahaha awsome!! i was thinking like perhaps i should have not been so offended! It is great to see so many would have felt the same way!!
  5. Hmmm, You got me curious? Not sure I understand what you mean?? Can you tell me ? I feel silly for not understanding, lol. Additional Comments: OMG!!!! Just got informed that is soooo gross! I hate to judgmental, but I can only be open to a point! Ewwwwww
  6. For Roominguy, not sure where you are located but even in small towns there are usually a transition house or safe house even in small town's. Safe houses are just that, are usually kept somewhat on low profile. But koodoo's for trying:) Usually a salvation army would know if there is one near by to you? Good luck...pay it forward:)
  7. I am forever coming home from hotels with shampoo, conditioner and lotions. Well a girl like me has plenty of these already. So I began to collect them, and near Christmas time I donate the whole bag to women's shelter! I would encourage all of you to do the same:) These women who are so much in need of some TLC that such a small thing like a bottle of lotion can lift spirits! Something so small but means the world to another whom is in a a fragile state. Happy collecting:)
  8. My favorite part on my body is my back mussels, and the 2 dimples just above my tail bone, I never noticed before how sexy those dimples are until I had seen them in a photo:)
  9. Was out dancing lastweekend with another out of town SP. Having a really great time, feeling like just 2 normal, average girls out for the night. Then this guy comes to talk to us outside the bar. Very handsome, large biceps, well dresser. At first we were sort of week in the knee's by his good looks. For me, even though he was nice to look at, I am not in the habit of picking up or being picked up in bars. I just do not need yet another date, lol! My freind with me was feeling the same way. So we politly declined his offer, couldnt seem to figure out which one he was trying to pick up anyways. But he kept on saying" so...ladies what's up?"......:so...ladies what"s up?" Finally getting slightly irritated by the same question over and over again, I said nothing is going on, I am heading home, and so is she. Then out of now where, he says, "hey I know you 2 girls, you are from Kerb( trying to proununce cerb)" "kerb?" I say, "I dont know where kerb is, but I am from Moncton" Pretending to not know WTF he was talikng about. Again he says it" ya...your from Kerb" Again acting dumbfounded I answer " I am from NB, I dont where the hell kerb is!" So she and I were going to grab a cab where they all are staioned, but I was a bit werided out by all of that, so we took an alternate route just in case he would attempt to fallow us home. Now I am not normally easliy spooked but when you got a bunch of young guy's drinking and one gets "shoot down" you really don't know how it can end. I hope that this person will read this, and understand that it is NEVER OK to approach us in that way!! We are in a vaunerable postion in our work, and do not need to feel vaunerable when we go out for a good time! If i had met this guy in the past, perhaps I would have felt better about it. But I never met him. Also had I met him before, I would be upset that he would "out" me when I am in company of freinds. I assume he may be new to this, perhaps do not know the protocol of seeing an SP in public, so here it is.....NEVER APPROCH TO SP IN PUBLIC!!!! Additional Comments: Thanks megforfun.....It was quick thinking for sure, lol!
  10. Yes I have Ac In my place. many fans for exhaust as well. I loose momentum in th heat. Posted via Mobile Device
  11. I am sure I am not alone in this feeling, but there are times when I walk through say a mall, that I feel as if there is a bright blinking sign above my head that reads" I AM AN SP!" I wounder why? I am not a parinod type person. Could it be that in a way people do know on a basic intuition instinct? Could our pharamones say it all? It is known that after sex we emminate sex pharamones, is this what people unconsciuosly pick up on? hmmmm, curious to know....do the hobbiest feel this too?
  12. Angel Star is here right now, she is a great gal! Also i think Amellia Rodriques is here next week, she is a fun chick too!
  13. Thank you WIT! I do appreciate your wealth of knowledge. This is a new area for me as well, and want to provide a legal and safe service for me and my clientel, :))
  14. Well thank you very much, I understand now! Does anyone have info on Nuru massage if this is considered as entertainment? Or could this be viewed as a massage parlor idea? Would you still offer only outcalls for this too? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to organise my facts, Thanks so much:)
  15. As for what MOD said about discussing business not in public area's, but only behind close doors, so if these closed door are in your home, not a comercial business, does this count as private still? i would think, but I am also confused on the incall/outcall laws.
  16. Good job angel!!! looking forward to reding more, you are so cool, xoxo Posted via Mobile Device
  17. In the center of both hands, there is a pressue point. it is used to help rest, repair and clam nerves. Press with firm pressure, pump 3 times each hand. Lavendar is good to calm you down as well. Good luck, I myself LOVE to fly, I think it is such a thrill, so I feel bad for you that this is not as fun for you:( Good luck,xoxo
  18. I too find myself questioning the very same. But you know, I am a nice person, polite, caring, always ready to lend a hand to anyone I can. Often time forgetting to look out for myself. like giving my last slice of bread, and then not able to make a sandwich for me... There are those that are like vultures, they like to seize any oppurtunity no regard for others needs. They will always be there, the Trickster Coyote, but you know, This is me, who I am , and I need to be true to myself!
  19. I was raised to say please and thank-you, to have respect for my elders, lend a helping hand to those in need, hold the door open for those behind me and to love people for who they are, not what you can get from them! I was taught to treat people the way I want to be treated. What ever happen to those days? I am curious, who belives in this way of life? Do you try to uphold your convictions in your life? I do!
  20. I am offering Nuru massage. I have some of the neccesay eqipment, and waiting for a few more items to arrive. Keep your eyes open, I will be having a grand opening special soon:) I am the first and only In NB!
  21. Yes you will be missed. I for one enjoyed your contributions to the board on many disscusions. But you know your comfort level, I just hope a safe and fullfilling journey. It is shame I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but almost feel as though I have in a way. Take of yourself, find peace and happiness:)
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