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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I agree Samantha! I often say that for being an open-minded, feel lovin' women as an SP, In my real life, I wont sleep with you on the first date. I really want to know that it is sincere and true. I laugh at my self at times...saying" wow, I am actually more conservative ( prude-ish...??) then I recognize.) I do not like to pick up in bars, nor do I like being "picked-up". If I feel like you are trying to pick me up, I usually will walk the other way, But I certainly love to be courted first.
  2. I get so angry when I hear stories like that! I have worked with some girls that try to squeeze every cent from a client, or manipulate emotions to get a new car... or whatever there heart desire's! It is such an awful way to go threw life! If I don't earn it, then It is not mine! That poor poor soul, I hope he can find someone genuine to trust and that will treat him the way he should be.
  3. For me I can say YES! For me I usually will not have a BF when I am working in this trade. I tried it only once, had a BF for 8months. He knew what I did when we met. He did not seem to mind it. But I sure did! I did not offer GFE at that time for the reason of intimacy. To kiss and cuddle and other activities just made it uncomfortable for me. That relationship ended not so nice. Near the end of our time together, I was emotionally confused. I no longer was have sex with my man out of desire, but out of guilt and obligation. And he, although said he was fine with my work, every chance he got to use it against me, call me names, Although he did not mind spending the money! Now he is gone from my life, and I feel so much better about providing GFE. I am not sure if I ever want another relationship. I am fulfilled in so many ways. I do get the intimacy we all crave, I have people whom I adore, and they adore me, Real respect, appreciation, good times, and freedom! So for me, I will not enter a relationship while I am in this trade. It is hard on me, hard on the BF, and I cant give the same great service that I do now. Perhaps I am getting "set in my way's?" LOL
  4. Foe Gentelman11, I was just thinking the same thought about the stereotypical "john"....It was brought to my attention from what Mikeyboy said, about being the "sexual deviant" that society portrays you to be! Thank to both of you for inspiring me to think that way!
  5. Ohh I am so game for this! If ladies are traveling threw my city, and you would like to team up, I am sure we will have a blast! Sometimes our gentlemen arrive in town with a friend or colleague ask me if I know someone for them to meet. If you are interested in a double date then let me know as well:)
  6. WoW! Thank you for such a great responds. What an affirmation of the great friends that can be found here!
  7. I find the abuse and exploitation is only from society and the media. Am I happy with my choice? That is a tricky one. I started too young, long before we had a community like this! My life would be different I am sure had I not taken this path. The biggest part that I face now is that there is no pension plan for me, no health benefits. So for that reason, I wish I had been older when I got into this industry. I would have been wiser to these facts. However, I love my life! I find myself asking what else is there that I want to do now? Honestly,no, I love my work. If that lady was a member here, then she must have not spent time getting to know the great people we conduct business with!
  8. Ok.... i got one. Years ago when I very first started erotic dancing. I was back stage, making sure every hair was in place, touching up my lipstick. Giving my self the pep talk...." ok girl get out there and wow them".....so I go on stage. Lookin' fine! The dance was angelical they seemed to be mesmerized! So at the pinnacle of of my performance I drop the unndies. Lay on the floor....spread my legs.....and here hangs this white string glowing in the black lights! OMG!!! Guess I forgot something......
  9. Just wonderin'.....can we post there if we had a bad date, and they do not belong to cerb?
  10. For Shortcake. I know what you are sayin' Hun! I also do not use the word friend easily! And yes, I too found my true friends are here on cerb as well, I often say to myself" why does it matter to them how I pay my rent?!" LOL..
  11. mmmm, Angel Starr.....you took the words right out of my mouth! And just a reminder to some Gents.....we are not sex-machine's. I have some people come for 3-4 hour visit, and they think the whole time should be spent in bed! I do need to come for air too! LOL.
  12. I started this thread because of a reply I made on another thread that got me thinking about how my life as an SP has changed the way I socialize. For me in a small city, I find that I have to be very careful of who I let in on my secret. As an example: If I meet you, and you become an acquaintance frequenting the same neighborhood pub. As time goes on, we would get to know each other a bit more. Eventually the question is asked"what do you do?" Well, I will use my cover story. Not that I am ashamed but, I feel if they knew, then my personal safety my be at jeopardy, reputation can be damaged, and God forbid if I offend anyone! They will use that info for extortion. It has happened once before. Someone found out what I did, they had a "hate on" for me. They had the same landlord, and managed to get me kicked out of my apartment! But there does come a point, that I do have to be honest about my work. Say I get to know these people at my local pub. And now, they want to hang out with me. Say either come to my place for eats and drinks. The phone starts to ring, so I try to make excuses of why I run out of the room every time. Or, why I have to ask them all to leave suddenly. Eventually I will run out of excuses. I will have to risk it and tell them. Then the ball is their court to decide to continue the acquaintance/ friendship. But now they know, those who do not approve go back to my pub and spills the beans! OH OH, now all eyes are on me as I enter! So now those people know what I do and where I live!! So now, If you are a mere acquaintance. And you know what I do....I will not let you know where I live! Or if you know where I live....you will not know what I do! Dating......well don't need to. But there is always someone in the background asking me out. "would you like to go dancing Friday night? or Want to hangout? I want to say sure, but that means I need them to know that if I am hanging out with you, and my phone rings, you may have to leave. This can get very messy! Then there are the girlfriends of my male friends who think I am going to put the moves on there man cause I am a w***e! For me I would never never never do that! Business is business, I don't bring it to the bar! So then I am in mess of...The girls want to kill me, the guy's want to f*** me! So for these reasons, I need to protect myself. I tend to only have 1 GF who knows, and a guy friend( usually someone who is hoping to land me as GF) and that is it! It can get lonely and difficult to maintain meaningful friendships. I am so thankful that here on CERB I do not have to worry about all of that. I have made meaningful friendships without risking it all! It is also hard on those that travel a lot. Being on the road must be difficult! If there any SP's that come here to my town, and feel bored or lonely. Don't hesitate to PM me. We can have supper, have a drink and gossip! I would like to hear how our profession has changed your social life? If at all? How do you handle awkward moments when with your friends?
  13. Glad you asked that question, I have curious too about it.LOL..
  14. I think it is interesting that you mention, Julia, that when it came to acquaintances, you wont hide it. I wish I could be like that! For me, I live in smalltown. Only the people nearest and dearest to me is let in on my secret. If someone is a mere acquaintance, knows where I live, and what I do, I find it a bad mix. It is so easily used against me such as, extortion, rumors, etc. I find it has been a big impact on the way I socialize.
  15. They knew at one time years ago, but now I do use a cover story. Not that I am ashamed, but I dont want them to stress or hurt because of my decision. They are my best friends. I am sure they must have a suspicion, but we continue with my cover story....
  16. You are so right about that!! I often say the very same thing. People always ask" you must meet a lot of A**hole's, But so contrary! I have never been treated so fine as I am with the Gentlemen I meet here! It seems to be the men in my "real " life that give me grief!
  17. Ok, Empress, have you never been in a situation that you are multitasking and on reflex to something that is just second nature to you. Of course I would use hand sanitizer after words. But yet, he should know how to cough in public.
  18. Yes, Empress, I am aware of that. have you read the last statement I have made? I gave you an account of someone who knew they were sick and still came anyway, thus getting me sick for 10 days! 10 days that I could not work! I am not ignorant to matters of influenza's, and colds. And as I said we can not prevent getting sick, it is a natural way of being healthy in fact! But when we know we are we owe it to our community to keep it under control and spread it knowingly. Some of the information I have received has been helpful, but I feel that some of you seem to think that I am ignorant to these facts! I am merely expressing my frustration at the people who do not seem to have the common since they still come sick! And when they are here, I see them coughing and covering there mouth with their hands, then shaking my hand! You should be coughing into your elbow.
  19. My story starts at a young age. My family home was a bit of a struggle. Both parents were alcoholics. I had 2 older sister's that gave them the run for there money! My family forgot that I was still just a child. So at the tender age of 16 I decided to move out. Tried to finish high school, but was working at Dairy Queen too much.Even with a job, I could not make the rent and bills. I began to work in a massage parlor( fake ID, but I am sure they knew how young I was) This is the beginning. But when I was 19 I moved to Ottawa, I started dancing. To this day, that remains my favorite job! It was a different industry back then, you needed agents, you got a pay check, very clean and respectable( except for a few). I finished my GED there in Ottawa. I got to tour all over Canada dancing. After a few years, my parents divorced. They cleaned up their act.I went back to my home town, was home sick. I left as a child and came back a women at the age of 24. I tried dancing there( never had a strip bar there b4) but the industry had gone to hell by then over run with drugs, bad apple's, and dirty environment. Back in Ottawa, I was able to get work in some "normal" jobs, landscaping, bakery's etc... So I got work back home in these fields, but still can't make all the bills etc. So I returned to the SP industry. I think it is important to know throughout all this time I never never used drugs! Barley would drink! Now the independent provider's were not yet in practice( that I knew of) Off and on I would return to the industry. But I was not ashamed of it. I knew I was playing safe( more of prude then, then I am now, LOL)I also knew that I was helping people feel good about themselves. I liked that! Still do! Then for whatever reason, perhaps it was the people I was working for, at the age of 28 I tried some hard drugs, battled addiction for 2years.Strange isn't it? I waited so long to end up doing that. Now I am in my 30's, been clean for 3years. I now am an independent provider which means the world to me. I may not be the veterinarian that I dreamed of being as a child, but have held a professional pet grooming certificate for the last 12 years. But the most important part is that I like who I am! I am proud to be the honest, caring, intelligent,drug free, strong willed women that I have become despite what the statistics have to say!
  20. Great topic! I will not see a client if they show up here drunk. I will offer a cold beer, or glass of wine. But will not allow myself to get drunk! It also matters to me how well I know the person. There are some whom I have seen for 3years or more, with them I trust them, and know that they would not take advantage of the situation. Also, if it an overnight, nobody is driving, I will get tipsy with them, but never lose my composer. Your judgment is off when you drink, and so it is easier to do things that you normally would not do. Some dates will try to get you drunk on purpose, so that you will lose your inhibitions. or you can forget to be paid, or have an argument( never argue with a drunk!) things can go bad quickly! But at times, I can recognize when someone is so nervous to enjoy it, so yes, a glass of wine or a beer can help to break the ice. It is a social occasion.
  21. Funny how this discussion turns to flu's and cold's. I just started a thread about that in the general discussion. I just wanted to share a recent experience that I thought was just silly. I am planning a trip soon, and received an inquiry. This person did not like the price I stated, I explained that my travel expenses need to be met and profits as well.After all I am providing a space in an upscale location. So I understood that he may not afford it, so I offered him a very reasonable rate for half hour with the same services. So instead of saying thank you, he says that if it 20.00 cheaper he would book! Really for a matter of 20.00$ you are going to debate it? I think I am still laughing....
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