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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Soft and romantic massage with naughty little detours along the way! A touch that your body will thank me for! Hosting in my beautiful private location. 30/30 available with Jordan Munroe! Only 50$ more than regular hour.! Call or TXT for fastest responds. 261 7313
  2. Julia Child's Beof Bourguignon with real French Burgandy wine. Watching her videos all week long. So cute, black and white! Hahaha...I am even speaking in that high voice she is so k own for hahaa. In the oven now for 3 hours...yikes hope this works!
  3. Wow ! Happy Birthday you wanker from a wicker! Hahha get it? Lol...much love my dear! Xoxox
  4. Not meaning to hijack a thread but feel is relevant ... A really good read is Dan Browns Inferno! It discuses over population in a way that will for evermore make you think! Do not read if you are ultra parinod...is very realistic in shades of sci fy....just sayin..you have been warned lol.
  5. I have seen her ad for some time now, havent seen or heard anything negative on her. There doesnt seem to be a name on her ad which makes it hard to find info. Make contact with her and see if your flow of conversation goes easy...who knows you might find a gem! Cheers! Have fun!
  6. I may be wrong, but I have seen many scientfic shows that show how something like 60% of all greenhouse gas was in fact before the humans and our industrial age. Such as volcano activites and the decomposing of dinasours. On the time line of history, humans are actually a very small fraction of what has already occured. NOT SAYING that we have not contributed to this and rapidly did increase. But the facts are there was greenhouse effects, global warming which lead us into ice ages. It shows that we must maintain a balance with what we have left in our atmosphere. We are not the single cause, but a factor. And as humans we have the power to change our part. Will we? Have we? When I was a 15 yr old kid...I worked for greenpeace. My project was on this very issue! So sad it took hundreds of doors being slammed in my face, threats, and litterly chased of property to now FINALLY is a dinner table topic! OOOPSY many spelling errors...SORRY autocorrect wont work on my phone for some odd reason lol.
  7. Omg I LOVE LOVE LIVE THIS MOVIE! wow...such an amasing story...of a story in a story that which lies in another story only to find out that not all stories are really just stories in the end! Lol.... Just watched Lucky Number Sleven. Really good sarcastic humor and with action and romance hints hehee. Really good!
  8. [COLOR="DarkRed"][B][][SIZE="4"]Why the word "Couture" ? Allow me the chance to explain.... As described in Wiki this is the meaning of Haute Couture.... [COLOR="Black"] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CE[COLOR="Black"]Haute couture (/Ë?oÊ?t kuːË?tjÊ?É?r/; French pronunciation: â??[ot kuË?tyʁ]; French for "high sewing" or "high dressmaking" or "high fashion") refers to the creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing. Haute couture is high end fashion that is constructed by hand from start to finish, made from high quality, expensive, often unusual fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable sewers, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques. Couture translates literally from French as "dressmaking" but may also refer to fashion, sewing, or needlework[1] and is also used as a common abbreviation of haute couture and refers to the same thing in spirit.[2] Haute translates literally to "high". A haute couture garment is often made for a client, tailored specifically for the wearerâ??s measurements and body stance.[1] Considering the amount of time, money, and skill allotted to each completed piece, haute couture garments are also described as being (priceless)[/[/COLOR]COLOR][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]So how is this relevant for you and I? I do offer you the highest quality products and all tailored from head to toe just for your highest expectations. Strategically planned and prepared for the ultimate experience from a highly skilled and experienced professional you deserve! Always a fashion diva, wearing only the eye pleasing treasures we feel best suits your desires! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=11275&pictureid=76912[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=11275&pictureid=76908[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Black"]BOOKING SAINT JOHN MARCH 2ND TILL MARCH 4TH FREDERICTON 07TH TILL MARCH 10TH 1030 AM - 9PM ONLY. DUO AVAIL MARCH 7-8 & 30/30 I only have limited avaliable times per day, and like to be prepared perfectly [U]Short notice often will not be an option...but will try! 506 261 7313[/U] [/COLOR][/U] ][/B][/SIZE]
  9. Dont miss our chance for romance and all the comforts you desire this Friday! I will be away for while. However, do not fear! There is special cougar on the prowl while I am away! Yes my loves.....she IS the Cats Meow! So stop in to visit me or you will be left yearning my touch till after March 10th. 506 261 7313.
  10. Welcome to most fantasic community for adults! Enjoy yourself, do a bit of homework and dip in!
  11. Wow loved it! Just finishing now:) Additional Comments: Ok on to looking for my next movie adventure...suggestions? I like it all but zombies lol...
  12. Tonight is simple.. Honey garlic chicken with rice. To busy watching a great movie to cook fancy;)
  13. So I began this thread because if you are like me...I JUST LOVE MOVIES! Movies define me, they make want things I never knew I wanted. They shape me in a way that nothing else does. Like a life all their own...but yet I am there! Tonight I am watching "The Walk" very worth renting and I am only 15 min and can tell right away this one does not disappoint at all! I rented off the roku and for 5.99 well worth it!
  14. Happy Birthday Emily! Hope this marks a special year for you.
  15. In these coldest days, I offer the HOTTEST remedy! Heated massage sessions, full head to toe treatment to get you warmed up. Relaxing and yet so stimulating! All the while heating it up with tantalizing tickles and soft whispers of romance along the way. Delivered to you in a HOT outfit to tease and appease you! Beautiful fit and toned HOTTIE with the perfect features from face to feet. Once the dress hits the floor.....follow me to my boudoir where the HEAT is turned up to a steamy degree! Booking starts Tuesday at 1030am till 9pm. Leaving Thursday, Last call is at 2pm. 506 261 7313
  16. Awaiting for a special delivery for a special lady... She has no clue..thinking is an appt right now! Hahaha
  17. Awaiting to surprise someone with flowers! Hahaha..she thinks she is arriving for a duo encounter..ooopsy...NOT! hope this goes well haha....
  18. Thank you ladies! Wow Meghan did not know it was manual..good to know! So this is what does not exsit means? Thanks for the intel!
  19. Tiger prawns sauted in an asian chillie Hoysin sauce and spicy salmon with preserved fig with goat cheese on crackers to start! Hooefully asparagus if not a million bucks today..lol.
  20. Getting a call from Rogers...after closing services... WHILE ELLEN is on! Arg...answer was please call me after Ellen....hahaha...no was, call me later I am driving lol.
  21. Thanks Midnight! Hummm so if an email doesnt exist..how do they send in first place? Was direct from BP. But feel was sincer cause most WOTS are less poliet. We see. I will take your advice and try again soon. Is upsetting as so many nice gents seem to get the run around and here is an example of a lady trying not to do that lol... Thanks for your tech brillant mind!
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