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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Best to voice call for details guy's. This is for your protection, and well as you can see the MODS have made it so that NO abbreviations will be shown.
  2. Yes, I believe it is because MODS have deleted posts that were made POST BILL C 36 being in effect.
  3. Young man, be aware of these four good-hearted friends: the helper, the friend who endures in good times and bad, the mentor, and the compassionate friend. The helper can be identified by four things: by protecting you when you are vulnerable, and likewise your wealth, being a refuge when you are afraid, and in various tasks providing double what is requested. The enduring friend can be identified by four things: by telling you secrets, guarding your own secrets closely, not abandoning you in misfortune, and even dying for you. The mentor can be identified by four things: by restraining you from wrongdoing, guiding you towards good actions, telling you what you ought to know, and showing you the path to samsaric heavens. The compassionate friend can be identified by four things: by not rejoicing in your misfortune, delighting in your good fortune, preventing others from speaking ill of you, and encouraging others who praise your good qualities. - Taken from the Sigalovada Sutta
  4. Send me off to Ottawa with a smile:) Leaving Tuesday, Nov 11th till Nov 15th. I am booking Monday till 4pm, quality massage and companionship. Step into my "Hot Spa" ! Why do I call it the hot spa? When you put the fireplace on, heat up the stones for your massage, put me into lingerie and heels, then have a steamy shower.... You get...THE HOT SPA!! PM/txt/call 506 261 7313 please take time to read all my entertainment packages and rates on my website to make an informed booking. http://www.ladysophiaclassic.com/ ** I work within the guidelines of the Criminal Code of Canada**
  5. Don't put off what you can do today, cause you don't know what tomorrow will bring. That is something I have learned, but with that there is also balance. We can find ourselves focusing too much on working and can let other obligations left behind. As an example, as friend of mine had a really good day. Then she got a request to visit friend she never seen in long time. This friend of hers does not know her business. She hummed and sighed over trying to decide is she should go see her friend or wait for one more apt to book in. I asked her, " has it been long time since you spent time together?" She says yes, " did you have a good finical day?" Yes, and awesome day! She says. "So you should spend time with you friend then! " We owe it to ourselves and our friendships to not let them fall behind. We tend to get caught up with working, and that can leave holes in other area's of life.
  6. Yes indeed! I am trying to help out my local patrons and ladies by, once meeting and spending time with ladies I have posted a "friend list" to let other know they are safe to book with. It is a shame to say the least that many new ladies will fall prey to less desirable clients. And Gent's who could be extorted or put into danger by scams or worse:(
  7. Time is coming closer for my Ottawa visit. I am driven by good quality time together and I offer my companionship to a very limited few. By remaining a low volume provider, it allows me to build my excitement and spend that energy on you as my date:) I have only 2 openings between Nov 12 & 14th. This is what you are invited to experience while in my company. Now more then ever, you are needing that penetrating heat to take that chill out from your bones! A massage that your body will truly feel the benefits for hours afterwards. We will begin your 90 min session with 10 strategically selected hot stones. Allowing the heat from the stones to penetrate deep into your body, as the heat leaves the stone it is placed in area's along your back and legs to unblock stresses. From this point on, we slither ourselves into a romantic and passionate touch massage. Long connective strokes with no body parts forgotten! Enjoy the visual art of a bodyglide dance. Seductive in nature and stimulating by default. When the moment beckons us, we will be ready for our full and complete physical work out! If this sounds like just what you need during these chilly days, simply contact me with PM/TXT or Call. 506 261 7313/ toll free number 1-855-721-4259 For the complete list of my services take a moment to read my web site! http://www.ladysophiaclassic.com/ VISTING OTTAWA NOVEMBER 11-15 Sadly this may be my last visit to your lovely city. So let's make this visit one we won't forget! ** I work within the guidelines of Criminal Code of Canada**
  8. I would imagine that SHE would have to make the first move. If she made the first move by say touching your junk, then no case because you did not solicit for it and might have a case for inappropriate touching from one who has authority.
  9. Rather then erotic massage, which denotes nudity and touching, I have called my massage " The Happy Massage" So this got rid of the term happy ending. A massage with no body parts forgotten is another play on words you may find helpful. Rather then GFE, perhaps, just in the way you describe your time together is enough to show you are a dream date:) " As an escort I am your dream date. I enjoy all the fun-loving activities a date would typically offer you. So, I think a description like that would show that you provide a GFE session. Hope this helps? Also , YES GFE is a term that is risky to use, as you notice on BP it is word blocked when you try to type it.
  10. FOR SURE...and there are now many episodes and movies that are essentially a "story" but just also want to clarify...( ya here it is lol) It would be a different story as an ad. As far as CERB regulations and other advertising venues. As I am sure no web site would want to risk the hassle of being in a position that required any kind of evolvement in any case:( But...doesn't stop us having a story as a link to our sites or even on our sites??? But would need a disclaimer none the less.
  11. I feel for ya Ice4fun! LOL..... But maybe...just maybe things like this will be worked out after everyone feels more secure with this. I mean this is the first time in our history purchasing services are a crime! That is pretty big when you think of it, like the prohibition of alcohol lol.... I have a feeling we maybe able to continue our fantasy writtings, what about 50 shades of grey?? lol.... Give it time to soak in and after we digest the little details we may see things popping up again:) ( hmm pun??? not sure lol)
  12. Never compare yourself to another. You are unique and special in your own way. There is a market for every individual taste. From BBW, curvey , refined or rough around the edges, slim, tall short, long hair or short and punky. Just learn to OWN IT and be proud of your unique body shape and style. If you are a punky girl or tom boy type, make it work and don't think you have to be Barbie doll. A used car sales men once told me after I asked, " how do you sell a old rusty car?" He says " darlin' there is an ass for every seat!" OMG I laughed but how true! Remember your are not just a body, you a soulful creature and offering an experience. One more thought.. Ask yourself are you in this for a long hull or short term? This is a question I wish I asked myself years and years ago!!! I kept thinking it was just to get me threw to my next job, or just for couple months. Which is perfectly fine! BUT....then 8 years went by before I noticed THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO!!! And wasted many years not paying my taxes, not claiming income as an adult entertainer, and of course could not advance beyond my capabilities:( But, wasn't too late for me. I began to claim it, and now am fully functioning as a member of my socity and community. I began to save for retirement ( wow wish I did that 10 years ago! ) and with claiming income I can now advance my credit building:) Do things by the book, under table work will create a loss in the end:(
  13. Offering quality massage with no body parts forgotten! Deep penetrating massage, with little detours along the way. Perhaps a reverse massage? Location is designed for your comfort. We can get cozy on my lounge share some fun chats and a beverage if you like? Maybe cuddles and relax in the bedroom, allowing the benefits of that good deep massage soak in. Walk in shower for us to use and enjoy. For a complete list of my services please read my web site, this will assist you in making an informed booking. http://www.ladysophiaclassic.com/ **I AM AWAY NOVEMBER 11-15** PM/TXT or CALL 506 261 7313 **I work with in the guidelines of the Criminal Code of Canada**
  14. Now more then ever, you are needing that penetrating heat to take that chill out from your bones! A massage that your body will truly feel the benefits for hours afterwards. We will begin your 90 min session with 10 strategically selected hot stones. Allowing the heat from the stones to penetrate deep into your body, as the heat leaves the stone it is placed in area's along your back and legs to unblock stresses. From this point on, we slither ourselves into a romantic and passionate erotic touch massage. Long connective strokes with no body parts forgotten! Enjoy the visual art of a bodyglide dance. Seductive in nature and stimulating by default. When the moment beckons us, we will be ready for our full and complete physical work out! See all my services on my site, please take a moment to read before you contact me so that you are making an informed booking. http://www.ladysophiaclassic.com/ This may be my last visit to Ottawa, so let's make this memorable! Nov 11-15th PM/txt/or call to enquire 506 261 7313 * TOLL FREE NUMBER FOR EXTRA DISCRETION ON PHONE BILL * 1-855-721-4259 * I work within the guidelines of Canada's Criminal Code, all transactions are for time spent*
  15. Just a thought to share, as for being concerned over old ads, reco's etc... we can also add a small disclaimer to each ad that states " I work within the guidelines of Canada Criminal Code. My services are for time only" I feel this could explain the sudden change in your ad style etc..and if they can not understand then trust me if they see that from everyone then it will be understood. Just a thought....
  16. I for one will not keep a txt going. Once you have made your enquiry and worked out your details you should refrain from sending a bunch more. When us ladies are txt 20 people daily it can be very tiresome and at the end of the day, sometimes I want to throw my phone out the window lol... A couple flirty chats when you are booking is fine and fun, but between other enquires, confirmations and running errands in between appts, if I get a txt-a-thon happening I do get irritated after while. Just wait till you meet and have all the flirty fun at that time:) Besides, flirty chats are just that, your not REALLY getting to know each other, that can only happen once you are together.
  17. Actually was not bad at all. The first bite is a bit of a shocker, kinda of like biting into a dill pickle chip lol. Had interesting spices too like clove, cinnamon, nutmeg and bay leaves. Would I make again?? Nah....but certainly was fun and interesting. Tonight is order Donair night, lol..
  18. I was using the word retire with tongue in cheek. Like going from sex worker to escort. Meant with humor.
  19. Well I suppose we all just need to retire? LOL...like really, change services offer. I no longer offer that service, however, you can book my entertainment for an hour? I also do not think that we can be held liable for services offered before this was illegal??? Cause there is no saying when we retired that service. Turn over a new leaf I guess we all can do, and try to fight this again but will be a slow painful process. With that said tho, I don't feel this is the end. We just have to comply with certain restrictions for now and hope for better days. In the end nothing much changes , and now we CAN host legally for our adult entertainment skills. Just cant discuss details with any trace history BCD.
  20. Network : This is exactly what I was getting at with my OP. Thing is, Yes I value my clients input. But it is not about " how to look...how to dress..how to whatever.. or etiquette on phone vs txt. Lord knows we have those threads already:) Of course any business that plans to succeed will have common elements, but not everyone is a business major either. Not mentioning the unique screening and self confidence it requires to work our path. In other self made businesses you just do not deal with what we do as providers. Legally, safely and with all the dignity as any other self made business. I value all the posts on this thread, but I just wanted to say Cat, your post hit it bang on! Additional Comments: It is tricky to meet a lady to take you under her wing. But perhaps there is someone in your area that you know is established and a good business women and send an email asking if she would be interested in a coffee date with you sometime. Tell her you respect and admire her ads and was hoping to learn a few things. She may also appreciate the networking and have a friend to chat with about SP issues. A lot of CERB ladies travel to your city too. Best of luck:)
  21. This may be a possibility, however, I feel that CERB will need time to digest this and work out kinks. It would be a huge liability for the owners of the site to go ahead with " loops" before completely digesting the effects and all it contains. I have a feeling, even as a " reg member" you could not advertise or ask for services that are outside the legal rights.
  22. It may be our future :) Stay tunned.... Additional Comments: I do agree with your stance and passion, I for one did take many weeks to hand write and mail to every MP from here to BC with my views. All 330 of them sent threw snail mail. Why snail mail??? Because I figured it worked in Mom's day as a union rep, and also for the reason it is easier for them to disregard an email where as when you snail mail it is hand delivered right to the person. But, I guess that still left us with all this crap:(
  23. As Meghan stated, we can advertise as entertainers, models, etc... now, when I spoke to my yellow pages rep, I informed them to check into this with their own legal department. Which they did, as far as I can see they are not be allowing agencies to advertise ( as far as my rep stated to me). You must be an independent advertiser. Many of my local friends have been approached by YPG to offer them a placement. I think, sure...that they have made their changes legally. Those who do not will be left out. So I would have to say any site that is CANADA hosted, then they will have to make these changes. BP is already a USA site, however they allow agency to advertise which technically IS 3rd party ( made in Canada as Peter Mckay says) CERB will be also follow the same suite. If you are INDY then CERB will not be 3rd party and also CERB will have NO KNOWN SEX WORKERS . You must see, there is a difference between a sex worker and an adult entertainer.
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