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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. WOW great stuff! I shall try this soon:) Tonight Justice and I are making something so odd and unusual we just had to try it.... DILL PICKLE SOUP! Hmmmm, hope this turns out good! lol.
  2. There was a skittles commercial ...forget how it went but the punch line was... Taste MY Rainbow! lol Usually was.... taste THE rainbow....lmao I was shocked!
  3. Over the years I have considered it. But have not yet come to a conclusion. At times I feel that I would feel more feminine with enhanced, other times I wonder if I would feel comfortable? Would I be ones these horror stores of things going wrong? What if I paid 9000.00 and then be unhappy with it? I suppose, for being nearly 40, my breasts are in the exact place they should be as not having children I am sure has a role to play in that. I have also considered Buttocks enhancement, lol...
  4. No MOD's were working on things. Not sure what, but they did say this in shout box a few times.
  5. These are so excellent and hope others are enjoying reading an learning a bit of what it takes to become an established and safe provider:) Thanks ladies! I am going to add this... when it comes to endless txt-athons, simply ask them to voice call you. If they actually voice call from unblocked number, chances are they are looking for real companionship. If not, they tend to either be too nervous or not feeling ready to book or they are just WOT ( waste of time ) People who wont call usually are hiding behind a txt/email.
  6. Hmmmm, can you share your recipe, or at least what goes into this dish? Sounds interesting and I am tired of regular pork!
  7. I hope this is the right section for this thread. Maybe should be in new to this section? I want to start this thread for new and upcoming ladies to the industry. With this community being an excellent source of information, us providers who are experienced and have learned the hard way we can share our words of wisdom to those who are just beginning their business:) So post what you have learned over the years and let's help our lady friends get started in right direction:) I will begin with this word: Investments for ads. The cheapest investment is your effort and time you put in on your advertisements. You may not have much cash in the beginning to invest in expensive ads, photo's and search engines. But, by putting a real effort into making your ads well written ( IE: Do not use "i" use the proper "I"), fun and enticing is a good start. Make it interesting with theme, but still be yourself. What is that makes you amazing? Learn the tools that are available. Maybe write yourself a few good ads that you can copy paste, add or subtract from. Put time into building your own site. This will eliminate the need of hiring or bartering off for skills. There are so many web site builders are easy to use. Also for posting your ads, find reliable places such as CERB, EC, etc...Make sure the site you use reflects your standards. If using a paid classified ad such as BP and you only have a small budget, post them on the pay days or buy a month package. Read, watch and learn from other ladies. See what is it that YOU like about them, BUT do not copy them! Just ask yourself, why do I like this ad? This photo? Then see if it is within your means. Also more sites you use, the easier it is to find you in google searches. Hope other ladies will add to this? What is the next major step for new business ladies should consider?
  8. Hey there!! Hope you make yourself comfortable in our community! Have fun, looking forward to getting to know you more:)
  9. Justice Banks is a fun and super lady! She also has her profile here. I worked many duo's and 4 hand massage with her. She doesn't put on an act, she is herself in every session. Inked Goddess I call her, lol...she has beautiful ink work that only she could pull off! She has not been here very long, so no reco's have been made yet. I suggest to make contact with her, I am sure she will answer any questions you may have:)
  10. So from time to time I find myself saying something that just completely turns out to be dirty! Like.... I like my meat with the bone in! or at the mechanics.... Is that all inclusive? What have you said lately that makes you laugh on the inside while no one knows why?
  11. I am cheating on my usual gourmet style of cooking... chicken breast (bone in skin on) in " so juicy" in a bag:) wow....did that somehow sound sexy???
  12. I think there is a reco for them, have you read it? Perhaps PM the Gent who wrote the reco?
  13. Ok I am not arguing with you but need to point this statement out..... In the example I gave, and have many more like it.... In MY example, the lady is white, but had a Black BF, therefore did not want to make herself available to others in the community who may know her and her BF??? So how is SHE raciest for stating " no black men please?" Your statement is suggesting that any lady who decides to not see a particular race is hiding behind " I am not racist but..." Well what about the lady who IS east Indian, Arabic or Black? Are they too raciest against their own???? And I agree, this is a dead horse!
  14. I wanted to bring this thread back up as I see much improvement in how much easier it has been! I have noticed that many more potential friends have actually been reading sites and making it so much easier to book your special time together! Have other ladies noticed this? It has taken out the unnecessary banter back and forth on endless texting:) And keeping you informed without risking any issues for details:)
  15. Ok I was going to stay away from this thread, but after reading this I feel I need to speak up. At the end of the day no matter what the reason, if a provider is not comfortable with a particular race ( at times even age groups ) then there is no point to booking with that client as it will make for a very uncomfortable experience and resulting in an awkward session for both parties. Do we all not want to have connection and chemistry?? Do you not want A genuine interest, not forced and faked? Also, if a provider chooses not to see a particular race or age group and by putting it on her web site or ads, then it is eliminating the time wasted and being rejected on your enquiry. I would say these are preferences and not racism. As shown in the example below.... I know a lady who LOVES to be with black men personally, but as for working NO. This is because we are in a very small town and for her to accept black clients it is increasing her chances of "outing" herself to their own group of friends. SHE IS NO WAY raciest.
  16. WOW, that would have been scary! Another fine example of how this new law is going to give hobbyist the short end of the stick:( More ladies will be able to use "cop calling" as a scare tactic. Gent's may want to start asking for a reference for a new lady by an established provider as a safety measure.
  17. Happy Birthday handsome! Another year old, another year sexier! xoox
  18. ON CERB!! hehehhee, So, I just looked at my join date, 10-28-2010. Now thinking back wow a lot has happened in that time. I have meet so many Ladies and Gent's that you all make my life so much richer then otherwise. I love my community of friends and lovers. The other day, CERB was down for a day, and it made me notice how much CERB means to my daily life. Not just in a marketing way, but knowing there are friends out there near and far that can really pick my spirit up when I need it. Also keeping me "in check" when naughty lol.. Special thanks to MOD's for all their hard work too! The time they spend on this site must be endless! Anyways, feeling nostalgic today lol...and just wanted to say Thank you to everyone who has made these 4 years fly by:) xoxo
  19. Slow cooker Chicken, in hoisin sauce, white rice and broccoli") Smells so yummy!
  20. Yes I feel it is a glitch too, as I did try again with my original email that I used in my beginning days here and still didn't work. Perhaps PM MOD and attach these 2 threads to your PM? If you need to have a new profile, ask them to merg it and just add an extra character like..02...or ONT...or whatever suits you? And Then never forget your password, lol..till this issue is resolved? I dunno, best of luck!
  21. I had the same issue!! Here is a link to what took place. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=195001
  22. Exactly!!! Case in point for me was a weird occasion, I am very diligent on my phone charging etc....BUT....there are times like this where it was out my control . On an ordinary day if my battery failed me would only be a few min difference I would have txt you saying " oopsy call back" But if You call to confirm, and still no answer in about 20 min from that time, best not to just show up as you may not know what you are walking into. Like the scenarios I gave as examples:( In that case best to wait till she reaches you again with an explanation. Now that provider, if she is professional will have had contacted you VIA PM or whatever with an explanation.
  23. My list mainly is nicknames, but do have Mike's, Bob's and Dan's. Whether or not that is their real name, I would not know. But that is the name they give me so I go with that. Even if it is their real name, no worries because our txt or email history is " hello are you free at noon today" No way of knowing what that means... free for a dog grooming( my other job), or free for a coffee, etc.. Obviously these are my regulars so not many notes are needed to remember the what and who's. For new clients, I only use a nick name after I have spent time with them, that way I know they have visited me at least once and do not need to screen them all over again. Nicknames will contain certain details, much like we have already read here in this thread " guy with beard" " nice guy, see again!" ..." very bad breath, no kiss but nice" lol But when screening a new client, I do have certain questions that need to be answered first, for my safety. Besides, doesn't make you feel more appreciated when we remember the fine details?
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