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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. What??? My booking protocols always has been one hour ( or 30 min )before arriving to call to make sure nothing has gone wrong. Getting a blown out tire is not something I could control, as well as my phone going dead while waiting for my tow truck. I didn't BLAM him for anything, and HE certainly agrees that the one hour confirmation is wise as this case in point shows! YES when a person books 1-2 weeks in advanced, I also like to touch base again before the day, especially if traveling. That way he knows he still going to be in the clear and that nothing went wrong in my travels. He did not have to pay a deposit, so that is not a concern. But if he had, then I would send him his deposit back! Plus I sent him a PM as soon as I got home. He was concerned for me, and was worried as he knew I never normally do that. He was happy that I never got hurt or in accident. Frankly, I feel you have no need to put me down the way you have in your post. I think your anger is misplaced. As for your outrageous break down of my confirmation methods, my dentist, hair salon, eye doctors and all other professional business will confirm with me the day before when the appointment has been made weeks in advanced...hmmmm, seems like a good idea! Lots can change in 2 weeks or a months time. Just an added thought: without his final confirmation being answered, and taking the chance to just arrive, who knows what he is walking into? There could have been an ambulance call, or I had to make a call to police ...or anything. Would you want to arrive into a situation like that?
  2. BUT... I do not mind talking about sexier details with someone. But yet wont offer a menu, as maybe not everyone will get the exact services and do not want to commit to an agreement if they arrive less then ..hmmm desirable ( as in hygiene, manners, etc) Also so endless amount of txt for sexy chats, well that is a whole other issue , lol What you may think is prudish, others think are safe for you as a person enquiring...... and us a lady who is booking you. We have a certain level of discretion for both our benefits. So for particulars, I do agree some certain things should be discussed such as what each other like/dislike in an encounter. But for both peoples piece of mind, perhaps you should voice call and in a new lady in business situation, wait till you visit?
  3. Prime Roast beef! YUM cant wait, it is warming on my counter....love my meat! hahaha
  4. Giving someone web site, then they come back with " well what are the rates? I am looking for male/female fun" So I say..." Hmmm, are you sure you read my site? " Then he says doesn't like my attitude! lol
  5. Hello funadventure, Welcome to cerb, and you have been given excellent advice here so far. I can see from your posts, you have learned to navigate this site very efficiently for a beginner. Good for you! You have proper posting etiquette, and that is appreciated here. From what I can see, you should have no problem posting an ad, and finding your own specific way to screen your potential clients. Each of us have our own methods. Now with the changes our industry will be facing, not only will we be screening our clients, but clients will also be screening new to the scene ladies. With a new lady, many clients will probably choose to only talk about details face to face behind closed doors until they meet you, so it would be wise not to offer nothing but your time as a companion.
  6. A mood kill for me is when you book a massage, and rather then laying down and enjoying the rub down, you try to prop yourself up, and twisting around for a view. Well my loves, you will get that view in just a few moments, when I turn you around. Think, it is a 45 min session, what do expect to do? Just look at me for 30 min then get your ending? lol....enjoy relax and know that you booked for a massage.
  7. Have a poker game tonight, so I am making a huge Taco salad:) Maybe Quesada's too?
  8. I highly doubt that LE are posting ads at this time, as it is not even a law yet. It would be counter effective for them to do that at this point. With that said, this is why new ladies will have a hard time breaking into the scene. IF LE did post ads, ya I can imagine they would be too good to be true, hot 23 yrs, blond, busty....but also ads would have to stating "sexual services" or you would have to ask for "sexual services" to build a case on you. If you don't ask for that, or respond to an ad that advertises it, then they have absolutely no case and would move onto the next dude who may not be so wise. Even on that note, they will bait those who are trying to pimp the girl, or the ones going after " barley legal" ads.
  9. A nice addition to this site may be an "industry reference" system. Whereas, if an established provider, trusted with reputation could verify a new lady. They would have to had met face to face, perhaps work together at least once. Then vouch for her, that she is working legally and safely.
  10. Well said Angela! Took the words out of my mouth:) I can also reiterate, that perhaps you are asking too many questions of a personal nature with her? I too, get very uncomfortable with that, and it could cause a small wedge between us. Keep conversation fun and lively, with humor and yes some serious chats is intriguing as well. But if you begin to dive into her personal relationship questions, such as " well doesn't he mind that you do this? Or " how to hide it from your kids?" well it would defiantly a loss of romance and adventure for the lady. One element many men miss, is that most ladies, when preparing for our date we switch into out alter ego. Much like an actor would. I call it " Sophiafied" lol...So by getting into deep personal questions, I loose my alter ego and get into my "me" mode and then I find it difficult to jump back into the sexy, seductive creature that I created for "Sophia" It is not a lie of who we are, but a more pronounced version of our sexy side. Another aspect to be an escort, is that for the most part we are givers by nature. This means, we much rather you spill your stress and worries on us if you need to talk about things in your life that are upsetting for you. Often lending an ear and shoulder if needed. I have had many of my dear clients unload their worries on me. Some heartbroken and shed a tear. But as a professional, I would never do this to a client. Never would I unload my inner most vulnerabilities. Because, we are here for YOU, you are the center of our attention and focus during our time together. So why do we all that? Well for my ownself, I truly love my work, and although "Sophia" is an alter ego, she is still another version of who the real me is. So in staying true to my real self being a giver it is not just a façade. I have a friend, the poor guy is so sweet and nice but always becomes the "friend or just like a brother" from most ladies he meets. But you see, when he meets ladies he wants to dive into their ways of thinking. Becoming like a confidant to them, helping them threw issues.....then before you know it, he missed the mark on when to make the move on them, and now is viewed" oh your just like a brother to me". So as you can see it also can happen in the "real world" too. But in our professional mutually beneficial escort relations, it can happen much more quickly to loose that moment. And that's when you begin to feel like your being "used" or vis versa. There certainly times, even with a good provider that chemistry just doesn't seem to be there. Not much can be done about that but try to enjoy the time and move on. And certainly there are providers that will make you feel like just a wallet rather then a man, that is a live and learn scenario. Maybe think of it this way, when you book time with a lady, think of it as your "man's spa day". It is just a retreat for you to treat yourself. Nothing more then a way to relax and have that human contact.
  11. Awwww so sweet! I bet THAT will be the highlight of his day!
  12. I do understand this and in no way want you to continue outside of your comfort. But I can say, and even the Chief of police in many area's has stated that they simply do not have the funds to prosecute. The only funds they have is the " easy to catch" so in other words street level, forced, and trafficked. They can not risk the little money they have on an advertiser that is clearly stating " I do not sell sexual services" . To go after a client who enquired, or an advertiser for time, is far too much expense, therefore would be a waste of funds that could have been used for exploited and underage. The last thing that LE wants, is too go threw all of that to have a " case dismissed" from lack of supporting evidence. Also, keep in mind, every in call you visited hotel or home, has always been illegal, and they did not have the funds for that either. I have been investigated once ( and this was when illegal for in call! ), they looked around to see if I had drugs around, child in my home, to make sure I was in fact independent and not forced. Shook my hand and said " thank you Sophia, I am glad to see a proper business run around here" then left. I was happy for this, as now I know I am not on the radar for any further investigations. At the end of the day, they knew I was not a menace to my community, or in danger of any kind. They will move on to find the underage and trafficked. If you fish the ocean or a barrel of fish, and you have one chance to eat, will you choose the barrel? Yes, because that is a for sure win, not the other. As for your question email or PM? Well go ahead and enquire for the time donation, but as far as fine details, I am sure you will see more SP's asking you to voice call. There is no way that they can trace voice calls during or after. Do not enquire for sexual services plain and simple. Foe a new lady on the scene, don't even ask on voice call, wait till your behind closed doors and ask away. No entrapment is allowed in Canadian laws.
  13. Dancing always has been for visual stimulation. It is an art form that seems to have been left behind. I loved my dance years, occasionally even consider going back for fun. With that said, it is a great place for he guys to hang out, enjoy some entertainment. It is a Cabaret venue. Fun place to party, drink, have entertainment:) Keeping in mind, if you are approaching ladies for more then that, you are also risking her job and many fines to pay if ever caught:( Trust me, words spread fast, and wont take long before she is fined or fired. Is it worth it? YES, when you are looking for hot entertainment. Is it worth it for her if she is caught? NO If you want steak do you go to McDonalds? NO Do you go to the keg for steak? YES
  14. A word I used today... spectacular! Now that I am reading this thread, it would be funny to string all together and make an ad! lol
  15. Not long ago, I accidently stood up one of my VIP clients. Now thankfully he knew that I operate a smooth operation, lol...but on this day.... Everything that could have gone wrong did! I was running errands, and blew a tire, and of course my cell phone was dead! Ohhhh boy, it was stressful! so by the time I got a tow truck, well...I stood him up. I immediately sent a PM and explained. However, without the final confirmation, he took a chance to come over anyways...well no answer at my door of course. So he learned a valuable lesson, that if there is no final confirmation, do not arrive at the location. There are times unforeseen things can happen. Most experienced providers will ask you to voice call about 30 min before your arrival.....just in case my dog runs away, or house has a fire, lol... But also consider, if you prebooked like 2 weeks ago, it is good to check in again the day before. Also for deposits, make sure this lady has a good reputation first. That she has invested her time and energy into her business, not a fly by night type. For myself, in the case of a no show, I will only ask you for compensation on your next booking. If properly canceled with at least one hour notice, then no extra fee applies.
  16. A few years ago I am sure that I was "investigated" and I am glad that they did. As they quickly learned I was an adult who was independent and in no way a menace or exploited. For me, I felt good in knowing my local police did know who I was, and how I operate. If my local police didn't know me by the millions of ads I have, then I would have little faith in my police department! There has been some interviews here in the east, but nothing extreme. Just making sure they know who the professionals are in the city, making sure were of age and not forced in anyway. Then they move on, no harm done. If you do find yourself in this interview situation, just be casual and calm. Let them know you are an independent adult entertainer/companion, but do not sell sexual services. Of course making sure your location is free from any other illegal activates.
  17. I have rear parking and a rear entry, ( hey! Not that kind! lol) But often PPL will park down the street, then walk up to my front door! Like wha??? Your parking away for fears, but you come to my front door? LMAO. Not long ago, one Gent was on his way to airport, so naturally had a suitcase with him, instead of having the cab bring him straight to my driveway, he jumps out 3 houses down and is walking down the street ( residential area) with his suitcase and a suit and tie....OHHHHH DEAR!!! If he thought he was less obvious then he missed the mark on that one! I absolutely hate it when you park away, and walk up to my front door, or even up the driveway period. It looks so bad, especially when they look like they are sulking up the drive way in that paranoid way. It actually throws me for a loop and sort of ruins the excitement I had for that first moment of meeting:( Follow any instructions the lady gives you, we have this routine for a reason, cause it IS the best for you and her.
  18. Ohhh I will miss my morning virtual coffee friend, lol. Best wishes to you, I hope that which ever road you go down brings you joy and happiness:) TC!
  19. Interesting point and perspective:) I was wondering, what about PHONE SEX OPERATORS?? I mean, I can have sexting and phone sex cant I??? What if my phone sex was only 1.00 additional to my time as an escort? hmmmm....daydreaming now:)
  20. MMMM just made turkey salad sandwich on toast, :)
  21. K, Hope I am posting in the right area as it is meant to be fun:) Keep to one words, not whole phrases. Post a word that you see often in our ads, descriptions etc. ** side thought...because of cerb character and symbol count you may have to add a sentence, like" my word is.."** My first one is : sensational :)
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