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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Years ago, I tried to hide it. It got very tiring and difficult to keep my story straight. Then after one of my own family members tried to blackmail me with sending ads to my Mother, I paid this person the 1000.00 they asked and right after that I sat down with her and explained I was an adult entertainer and masseuse. I told her this, because if a blackmailer goes after you once and you pay up, rest assured they will do it again and again. I do not have the need to hide my career choice now, and I am so happy this way. Both my parents know, and they also see that I am successful and happy with my choice. I have shown them that their is a good side to this industry and they are proud of me for taking to the standards I have. My father who is elderly, depends on me in many different ways and without this job, I would not be able to be there for him in the same ways as I am now. I suppose you should ask yourself, How long do I plan to be in this? If just a short time, maybe you can hide it. But if after a year, you may decide that it really is hard to hide it. And GOD FORBID that someone wants to out you, they will not have the power. As for extended family, I am just a Masseuse, also I had been a dog groomer for many years, so as far as they know I still do groom, and also massage. Both are self employed type jobs. Out of respect, during holidays I shut my phone off. I do not discuss business with or around my family.
  2. Do this with EXTREAM caution, as with our new laws around the corner, it will be very easy to get yourself busted for communicating for the purpose of... Just a reminder.
  3. I adopted a great turkey left over casserole:) Chopped celery, green peppers, onion, anything really can go in that you have on hand. Put 1 can cream mushroom, cream chicken and cream celery, bake in oven and the last 10 min place Chinese chow mien crunchy noodles on top. YUM, splash a bit soya sauce on top.
  4. In a perfect world anyone in abusive relationships would use resources available.
  5. I hear ya, and somewhat agree, but I still worry for the safety of this lady. There was a lady in my town who was forced into ripping off her clients by her BF. Poor thing was not able to say no to his request to make her money this way. She had been hospitalised a few times when ripping off the wrong people and her BF would send her out again to pull the same stunts. Sad:( I hope the agency she is with is not doing this to her too! If so, it is the agency that should be outed.
  6. There is a sexual health clinic at City Hospital, the building across from the main building. Unless it has changed, but I had gone there when I lived in Moncton.
  7. I do not see why or how we cannot keep our photos as they are. Erotic photography is not illegal. We have all over the county in art galleries erotic photography, we can rent porn on our TV threw Rogers, corner stores have porn mags, etc. If we can not be models and artists in Canada, I will have to move to Europe! lol.. But of course, do what is comfortable for you. But I for one would miss your artistic and erotic photography:)
  8. Happy Birthday, hope you have a good one! :chug:
  9. If you are going to use it occasionally...why not get a bachelor apartment, maybe a one bedroom for a monthly fee?
  10. You should consider this post for the Switch and bait section for HFX. But in my experience, any business that operates 24hours a day, 7 days a week, is one that I would be extra cautious of, and know that when they say " I have to go pay my driver" it is a scam. If they need cab fair or driver fee paid ( most agency drivers will wait till after the apt) even if a cab, why does the lady need 150.00? Would it not be like 20 or 30? Saying her name in a public forum may not be wisest thing to do. Did you call the agency back? The owners may not know that is happening.
  11. I will continue my txt, but it will be mainly used for " please visit my site for all your questions, but if you still need more info please voice call me" Or It will be, " yes I have an hour free, do you want to visit now?" The way my screening goes, they HAVE to voice call anyways for my location, so at that time is when they can ask finer details or rates as well. Rates will be in voice call, but is on my site as entertainment and massage packages. Which you are booking for time. But will stress on phone as well, all money transaction is for time spent.
  12. I have discussed my changes in this thread... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=636766#post636766 Reading our sites before making contact is going to more important than ever. So we can eliminate the need to communicate. Changing from .ca to .com maybe wise to do as well. Also, us established ladies may want to extend a helping hand to any NEW providers if we have met them and spent time with them to use us as an industry reference to our hobbyist. So that they are known and trusted.
  13. Often I tend to gather natural goodies from the forest, back yard etc...I will make a lot of my own decorations for Thanks giving, Christmas wreaths and center pieces. For this Thanksgiving I just bought a potted Mum's, very pretty orange and red, but that is as far as I go with this Holiday. Besides, my turkey will make the best center piece lol. Christmas, I have inherited decorations from my Mom, so I have all I need:) I do not go overboard with spending money on any holiday. Years ago I used to decorate for Halloween, that was my most favorite time for decorating!! But the last two years, just have other more important things to spend money on....like shoes! NO JK, hehehe.
  14. I notice you are also in Fredericton Lady Mary, I did notice it was an unusually slow month from beginning of Sept till just recently. Remember that beginning of Sept was back to school month, which did wipe out a lot of funds our friends can spend on their own selves. Also, then was labour day was right behind that, and long weekends tend to make it hard for our friends to get away unnoticed. Hang in there, I am sure you will pick up eventually. Always plan for slow periods, it can be feast or famine in this industry. Put cash away for rainy days.
  15. I am bringing this topic to explain and stress the importance of taking the few minutes to READ our web sites before contacting us. In the coming days of our new reality, Bill C-36, it is now more important than ever to take a moment to read what our services are, the rates and any booking protocol that we have in place. By doing this, you can eliminate the need of communications of services. Which is a big deal to all of us these days. In our service descriptions, you will notice most of ladies have taken out our abbreviations and replacing it with terms like " HOUR of entertainment" " Brisk afternoon get-a-way" " happy massage" " flirty chats and companionship" " full services or minimum service" Each lady using terms that suite their services and personality. It is in the TIME and RATE that will be your clue as to what to expect in the TIME you are booking. NOT ONLY does this take out the communication you the hobbyist would have to be involved in therefore leaving little trace of evidence to be used against you on a later date. BUT it also saves a lot of miscommunication and frustration that us ladies endure. As for many ladies, we may offer anywhere from 2-6 different types of sessions. So as you can imagine to try to txt all that with out abbreviations is a long long task , then times that by 20 enquires! The whole day is spent on that, and now I have lost my precious time to book you in. If after reading the site, and you for some reason can not understand what we are offering, FIRST, look at the TIME that session is offering such as HOUR, HH, 90 min, an evening out, etc...then use some imagination, lol. But I know I know....you want the juicy stuff don't you? Well then I suggest to voice call directly. Rather then txting or PM about it. By a voice call, we can assess that you are indeed interested in booking not just playing games, as long as your number is unblocked. Some ladies have even decided no phone calls for enquires, in that case follow their protocols! At the end of the day, us ladies have made it this way to keep you safe. Keeping us safe and discrete as well. So rather then spending 5 hours on 20 questions, confusing and miscommunication frustrations.... READ OUR SITE FOR 5 MIN:) The you make an informed booking, and even if the abbreviations are not there you should be able to read between lines. If it is a new lady you have not yet met but has a good rep, look at her Reco's. If it is new to the scene lady, just book blindly and pay for time only, could save you a lot of grief later on! I hope to see more hobbyist reading our sites and less confusion on txt in the near future. I may have the same responds to all enquires soon... " please see my site for all your questions"
  16. I am patiently trying to explain this to my friends as well. I am having issues with PPL who are reading my web site, and they read my service page and are confused. " HOUR" " see where the moment takes us" " brisk get away encounter" " social engagements" " happy massage" You must learn to read between lines, stop asking for sex. Use just a bit of imagination. I would think for those who are booking a new lady ( meaning one you never booked but appears established) the rates should tell you something. Once you are behind closed doors, then see what is offered. If a lady that is new to the scene, see if she has an industry reference, and book blind.
  17. So after reading this post, the way I see this is that we may advertise for time, massage, hosting and social engagements, that is one thing but now any sexual contact would just have to be free/no charge consensual act amongst adults. .. ( loop hole language) lol This why our advertising has to be safe, even though we seem to under a haze of " well I am indy" that's just a part of it... As that article read, it stated that we could be also be basically helping to commit a crime. So I strongly feel that we simply need to stop enquiring about it, advertising it as sex service. I do not charge for sex, but my time in hosting, social engagements, entertainment, then would they really want to bother trying to build case? I am not trying to speak in one direction, but these loops have always worked. I have been watching my Maritime news, and just tonight it has been said, regardless of what is to come they simply will be looking for those who sadly are trafficked, forced, will be all the budget and manpower could support. As it has been before if you get down to the dirt.... it has always been illegal to have in call ( even private and hotels) That never stopped most of our patrons. Outcalls yes were legal, BUT if I remember in the CC it did say " any location used more than once??? Yes legal to sell...and purchase....but all other laws surrounding like : material gain for us ladies, But us provider continued to provide. Anyway long winded post from a very busy mind! lol
  18. She actually has her own website, but cant link it yet because she needs to get her CERB link button first.
  19. Last year she worked with me. And Now has returned, she is independent but we are sharing my space. She has a profile here too, so people can directly contact her for bookings and info.
  20. There would be no reason for CERB to go, as long as all providers are independently doing own ads and NOT selling sexual service, it is like the old days for time only. Hour, HH, multi hours. No talk on abbreviations. Book blindly with those you never met.
  21. Is there a REPLY button on ad, top left corner?
  22. Securing my Ottawa dates:) Been so long since I seen my friends there! Miss the market too!
  23. Hun, you wont need to stop posting your number. The way it is written, INDY can advertise their own services. I would suggest just not selling sexual services rather, just for time and companionship. You can rent, share rent, hire staff. This is what I have read and understood.
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