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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I am always more the wiling to be your ambassador when visit my little Fredericton! I hear you, cause when I went to Ottawa few years back, if it were not for a precious few, I would have felt lost and alone! Any lady coming to Fredericton, please do not hesitate to make contact me. I will welcome you, show you around or just be a friendly voice on the phone!
  2. She is lucky to have you as a son. Letting go is never easy, I have done so with my step dad, now 3 months passed. Each month on the 5th, it is remembered. For my Mom especially hard. Give yourself that moment to breath and know that she is not alone, your not alone. May your Angles look after you and her, as they will!
  3. We as providers and hobbyist are under scrutiny of the outside world. Facing names like John, who** cheaters, pervs, and I am sure much more. But we are so much more than those names. We are the ones brave enough to experience life as we see fit. . At the end of the day, we have chosen our path. For some of us, perhaps life lead us down this path. Maybe we choose this despite our upbringing? Maybe we hide who we are, but also proud of who we are. But sometimes... some others are not proud and are facing difficult life decisions on how does this affect the way we think on how we as persons should be treated and viewed. Recently, I met a lady who felt that she was not suppose to be proud, not suppose to be respected and not suppose to have self respect. For she had suffered from the hands of controlling people that made her believe so. This made my heart very sad, that such a lovely spirit could ever be made to feel that. This lady is so forgiving to her oppressors, that it made no sense to me. BUT her forgiveness taught me. It taught me, that she is much stronger then I ever could imagine. It taught me that if she could find a way to forgive and move beyond that experience, and yet still remain her true self then no matter what names we are called we can rise above that! She has no wish for harm, only to move forward head strong! I believe that once she learned to be proud of who she is. Knowing that she has value in this world no matter what job she takes on, that by showing her strength her oppressors has been silenced. They are too weak themselves to take on such a strong spirit and self confidence. I wrote this story in a singular stance, but in actual fact, this story is a compilation of many amazing women I have had the pleasure or working with! With each lady that I have worked with, ( as an agent ) this was the common dominator. Once they see how wonderful they are, what life can bring when you are positive and self proclaimed! Same story applies to our treasured hobbyist, so many times I have seen so many grow and learn why they visit. Sometimes, they even return to their " normal" life after experiencing this side of the tracks. And for them I am equally happy. Some choose that this is the only way they can maintain their "normal" life and that is also respected by me. I have met men that face abuse, oppression of sexuality and finances to the point their own health becomes at risk. I guess the whole point to this post, is that I want everyone, now matter what side of the fence your on.... To know your own self worth. To know that you are relevant to those around you. You deserve respect and do not let others make you feel less than you are! Strive to be the person you want to be, not the one you are TOLD YOU ARE! So if you have a story to share, or just need to come back to this post as a reminder that you are not alone in your situation....please use this post to have that affirmation.
  4. I have no clue tonight...for once I am at a lost for what to cook. Might have to be Chinese food night lol Does anyone have experience in cooking " pork belly" ????? I have one, but is this just bacon?? LOL
  5. Just making it clear, this is sassysophia, not me Sophia. I know you the difference Warped, lol...but someone thought it could me, and so now clearing that up.
  6. This actually almost hit home for me as well. I hope ladies outside of CERB are getting this info easily! Stay safe:(
  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! We will work on that today, and will PM you as soon as we do it:) I am so happy that we can sort this out, she is a super nice lady that will bring more color to our community!
  8. No I have gmail so does she. I am clicking "here", I do get my notifications of all my threads, and she even got a ""welcome to cerb in her email that first day she made her account, but never got in again since then because forgot her password and now the retrieve is not sending her the password. I know I sound like a moron, but really I am rather good at working this site. That is why I thought I could help her, but now is happening to me too. This is the page I am getting after "here" and doing the email....nothing. so that is all I know. Can some one else try it? See if you have the same problem? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/login.php?do=lostpw Additional Comments: Apparently the problem must be that she has to be forgetting the original email she used for setting up her account. That is also my reason, as when I set my account up many years ago, I used an email that I no longer use. However, I did edit my email to the one I use now, so all my threads notifications go there, but not my password link. This is the only reason I can think of. So I suppose she wont be able to use her profile here, as we tried every email she could think of. I am glad I will never forget my password, lol...
  9. I did click here and put in the email, but no email came. I even tried with my own account and same result. I just did it again, and still never got email, on my own account. I also just checked CP to make sure my account had my email account that I use for work, and that is set to my correct email.
  10. Brooklyn and I are having southern fried chicken, rice and steamed veggies! Of course a nice glass of pinot giro. Always better to eat with a friend.
  11. Thanks, I think must be a glitch, cause I am sure I have once forgot my password and do not remember all this trouble. I PM MOD, now awaiting his responds. Thank you everyone:)
  12. I a trying to help a new member out here, Brooklyn Styles. She forgot her password, when we get the "ooops invalid password page" there is no link for forgot password to send to her email. All we saw was " point to the picture of tiger" when we do, it brings us to the "register" page, and no place to send password. She cant log in to ask mod. I found the spot to "retrieve password" and put in her email, but still is bringing us to the register page??? No link sent to her email either! what do we do?I have tried everything I know...
  13. Wow just made , butternut squash soup, garnished with apples and raisin! here is a pic, hehehe,
  14. This section is for massage only, so is this question for MP's? I see the OP is now not active, but just to clear up any other confusion, this section is for Massage Providers not for FS.
  15. Honey Garlic ribs in the slow cooker tonight! Yum!!
  16. In my opinion, ( and hope that I do not get too much fire from this) I believe that our parties will state what they need to and take a certain position to get elected, such as my example of NB elections last week. In our NB provincial election, the liberal party put on airs that they were against fracking. I believe this was to gain votes for their party as there is a big " anti fracking" position here. However once he was elected, he made a statement that when you read between the lines, it basically said that they are NOT against, but will look into it....then I did research....turns out every Liberal except one PC has been in favor and publically used as campaign issue. ( of course the running parties were against as well, but I mean the ones who were in office) Not only in favor, but ONE Liberal in the 80-90's signed the contract that still stands. This was Frank Makenna. In which he brought many good things to our province it turns out. SO....Does this mean that Liberal Party will be swayed one way or another just in time for elections???? YES! But then they simply can revoke their stance afterwards. By being so vague allows him room to get the votes to get in without loosing the votes he wants. I do believe that Justin Trudeau would be our hope, even IF he did make a stance that is not clearly stated in the media. He will probably would be vague as long as he can on this issue. Therefore getting the votes he wants. But to follow through is another issue. Also, YES I agree that this new way is to say the least dangerous for many venerable men & women workers, I do see something's that I agree with. Such as: Being able to work incall legally, independently, Our loved ones not living off the avails being able to work independently and advertise independently, However, not agreeing with agencies as being 3rd party...some need an agent to work safe while not being pimped and forced. Of course all that surrounds streetwalker not being able to be in safety. Last but not least..... I have not spoken to anyone who has this issue on the brain, which could be good...but also can be bad if the general public can not have the chance to learn and see this as a real issue.
  17. NO, Switch and Bait is when someone posts a picture, or description that is not the one you get. IE: " she is 125lbs, DD cup, blond and 23" But in fact you get there and she is 150lbs, b cup, and red hair. Freddigirl is a provider, also has her profile here. She is a nice lady with many recommendations. If you are not able to book with her, this could be for many reasons: - perhaps your enquiry is not clear, polite or not according to her instructions. - be sure your looking at the proper dates and time, if you are, maybe she is too busy to answer her phone. - maybe she recognises your phone number from the real world? Are these bookings with a set time? or just enquiries with her? Most ladies will ask for confirmation voice calls after your initial contact. It is not a " booking" until both has confirmed on the phone call.
  18. Happy Birthday my friend! Hope somebody spoils you today!
  19. I did remove some juice, but then also added my carrots and potatoes, but kept on high...cause I didn't think my veggies would cook right...hmm may be a stew, lol...
  20. I dunno RG, I am feeling insecure on my slow cooker roast....looking a bit too much juice, only put one cup of liquids, hmmmm, maybe this is a soup?? lol, I usually a dry roast kinds girl. Ohh well, smells awesome!
  21. Slow cooker eye of round roast beef. Never did in slow cooker before, but wow sure smells homey:) Juice is the gel beef bullion and onion soup mix. So happy to share tonight's dinner with Katherine...the Great, lol..
  22. No matter the amount, I would share it with the person who gave it to me. But as far as anyone else, I would not tell anyone . I would be sure to look after Mom and Dad, but no one else. My Uncle won like 150,000. To him he thought that made him rich. But in fact it is not that much when you look at a life span. He did some awesome things, went to Blue Jays game in the fanciest room over looking the ball felid, etc...but sadly one year later, is as broke as he started off:( He gave a lot to his kids ( undeserving if you ask me) and is now stuck with a broken down car! OMG sad sad...
  23. When giving a massage, and I reach the buttocks, and give it a good rub, spread the cheeks and all I can see and smell is dirty bum:( That smell will linger everywhere!!! So yes you just took a shower, why did you not clean in there? Getting into a shower for 2 is funny sometimes too. When your guest all of a sudden turns into a statue arms out, and I am having to say ok, get your back wet so I can wash you...now turn around...now lift your arm....now rinse...like am I wash a little boy? Is odd to me?? Why all of a sudden do you forget how to shower? I just try to make them relax and get playful, but doesn't always work that way. Here is a bad one....when you see *something* and the person says it is a skin tag....ummmm, no....it looks like cauliflower! There is a clear distinction in what they look like! Guess your never getting anything but a massage with me . Makes me wonder how many times they told a lady it is a skin tag? How many believed him?
  24. Congrats!! Now onto the next 3000? lol. Good stuff:) :bigclap:
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