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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. I wore a hair piece this week, it was funny cause many would say" omg you look stunning today!" and I would twirl and giggle and ask why .... funny they said " I dunno, just look extra radiant today" I feel men know what they like but not always able to pin point exactly what is. Which is awesome, cause that is such a fun part of being a women!
  2. As Angela said, I hope you don't give her name out, but I do understand your shocked and disgusted too:( Made me shiver reading that, lol. I would say majority of ladies, including myself would never allow oral during that time. For myself I would take the days off needed or perhaps just offer a body rub and oral for you, I mean this IS blood to mouth! Perhaps she is new to this and wasn't sure how to handle this situation. Sometimes ladies are embarrassed to say it straight up, or maybe she just could not afford to loose the appt. I feel bad for her too, as it must have been awfully awkward on her too.
  3. Thanks for the reminder Lexy, us ladies will need to support each other as industry references no more then ever. Also, Hobbyist, you will need to learn NOT to ask about service details!!! No more chats and abbreviations. You are booking for time spent only. I have explained this to many of my loves, but even after explaining it, I am still being asked for details, it is frustrating that they wont use their imaginations. Like if we say " hour of our time is XX" then I get a responds that says " so what we sit around for an hour?" LIKE really?? How else can I say it while remaining legal and not incriminating you? I suppose these men will figure it out soon enough after asking me 10 times, what do we do for an hour?? LOL
  4. I have used many hair pieces , I love clip in additions, wigs , all sorts of things. I often have extention braids in as well. I love the fact it gives you freedom to play with your looks and not ruin the health of our hair. However a full wig can be very tricky to use, as we are textile people, lol. Touching and being touched is what we do and a wig can change that. Great for albums as long as it is close to your appearance at the time. I like this thread, glad u brought it up!
  5. Yumm, that sounds like a good comfort dish! Tonight I have lamb chops marinating , 2 with Mint jelly and the other 2 with hot pepper jelly. Sided with grilled eggplant, onion, mushrooms. Wonder which jelly I will prefer?
  6. Was contacted by a lady love friend today, I am so excited to see her again! Woohooo, I think I see lady love fun in near future:) hehehe
  7. This had happened to my dogs too, she was gashed so badly that the vet could not stich it together:( Took many months to heel, and almost had to face an amputation! It had cut a vein, thankfully not an artery as I lived in the country and was a holiday!! So I packed flour into the wound, and applied pressure till we could get her to the doc one hour after. flour or sugar is a good coagulant for heavy bleeding. Water would be a bad choice, as it thins the blood also makes it difficult to see the real damage:(
  8. Finally after 3 grey dark days, I have the sun again! Wow, could not bring myself to work for 2 days due to lack of sun, which I know to be extremely silly of me, but really felt blue and no point to meeting people if I do not feel 100% happy! Now ready to rock and roll for a day or 2! wooohooo:)
  9. Brushing teeth? Hmmmm, perhaps on the way to see your beautiful self and didn't have time to stop? lol, JK Additional Comments: Ya really!!! Maybe he can sip wine on the run too? hahha
  10. AWSOME, yum:) So you know hockey and golf is synonymous, when speaking of TO Maple leafs right? hehehehe, JK Good for you, keeping care of you hair and health! lol
  11. Ohhh wow these really made me chuckle:) You guy's are to hard on yourselves! Sexy is as sexy does!
  12. Thought this could a fun thread. I have often wondered what my on-line friends look like. Obviously we know what our lady friends look like as we have albums. So, describe yourself to us:) Height, body build, hair color, facial hair, tanned or no? How do dress? Casual? Office? Sporty? Tattoos? Who do you resemble in the celebrity world? Cant wait to hear some descriptions, till then I will have a dreamy/pondering look on face with my own imagination:)
  13. Well today was chilly, dark and yucky outside. So felt like a fall dinner tonight. Beef ribs made in slow cooker with homemade BBQ type sauce. New PEI potatoes and broccolinie:) ( opps spelled that wrong, hmmm, uno the baby broccoli stuff hahahah)
  14. Ohh awesome! Hope you have a fun filled day, get you cake and eat too! :bigclap::chug:
  15. It is usually a term to explain manners and hygiene comes first. Like I do enjoy kissing, but if you arrive with a dirty mouth, brown tongue, bad breath, then I will not kiss you, may even not do DATY. Also if I am offering BBBJ but you arrive and I smell an odor, then you probably will not get that BBBJ if sever, then wont have CBJ either. This will NOT lower my donation rate however, as you are paying for the TIME I spend with you. So it is up to you to make sure you arrive ready for a proper date. If you a rude and foul mouthed with an attitude then you may just get a mechanical version of me, or I will simply keep a cancelation fee and send you on your way. More then likely the latter, as I wont put myself threw an uncomfortable situation. For most of us, we can be selective and make sure our comfort comes first, I will never need that donation so badly that I will put myself in any kind of health risk or discomfort.
  16. Your presence will be missed by many! I for sure will:( But Yes, life has to come first, your happiness awaits. xoox
  17. K, now I want a thread called " over 37 or not" , could be a game! hahah. funny. Either way, I see Katherine's point, 37 and over CAN look that good! lol.
  18. Friendship is an overly used word, it carries a lot of weight to me. A friend, could see me at my worst, ugly, cranky, sick what have you. A client that is a "friend" would never see me this way. My clients who almost meet that friend status, are acquaintances. Like I may wish them happy Birthday, Christmas, perhaps give and seek advice. At times helping each other out in emergency, etc. While ago I had a nasty flu, one of my clients friends offered to bring me flowers and medicine, but NO WAY would I do that. I would be embarrassed to be seen puffy, hair a mess, sweaty, crying, ugly PJ's hahahha. Nope! My true friends are mostly my family and Hubby. I keep few people near and dear to me, and they get most of my focus in life.
  19. Ohhhh dear this is gonna be fun! I thought today ( which is really thursday) was Friday, and filled up my schedule, but then at the end of last night noticed TODAY IS THURSDAY NOT FRIDAY, as a result I doubled booked on almost every apt! OMG, hope I can sort this out, few of which who has been trying to book for a long time now! Head slap! YIKES!
  20. Hahhah, yes, finally "free sex" every hobbyist dream come true , lol... In my case "free HJ with every massage " lol
  21. So if you are menu orientated, and the lady is not wanting to email/txt/pm her menu, why not just voice call for safety measure for all? Seems the best way for all to be happy. With Outlooks example of DFK, I do enjoy a passionate kiss. There have been times I said, sure thing, I would like that, only to find the person at my door with a full mouth of cavities, missing teeth and brown tongue....yicky yicky no way man! Even after explaining in his initial enquiry that you must be clean and fresh and YMMV. Guess he missed that part of the enquiry lol. So this is a prime example of why for me a menu is not preferred booking style anyways.
  22. Yes, I too do not like a menu, perhaps I should re-title this thread as menu or not, lol...I did at one time provide that, but now have evolved to have a dislike for it. Mainly, the problem was I may not offer everyone the exact same thing and a menu kinda makes you to commit to it:( Making for some uncomfortable outcomes. Mean while, I believe your correct in saying, best not to have sex and money being tangled up into the conversation on txt/email/pm as a safe measure regardless. Although I do agree as well that the street level sadly will be the main goal, but then again so was it when providing illegal incalls, however I still got myself a good scare at the hands of some one who wanted me gone:( As my lawyer said, all it takes is one complaint to raise eyebrows:( Would it be easier if I traveled? Probably. Would I be able to maintain my same quality massage? NO. Now that incalls will be allowed, I am relieved! So to keep "complaint" at bay, I will probably not offer a menu. I can chat with voice calls and explain that each person may experience a different kind of activity while in my company")
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