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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Ohh yes I do agree and plan to voice chat about details. However many of the txt apps do not provide me a real way confirming who you are, as they give you a random and strange sequence of numbers, do they not? I also do agree that it is very very low chance of LE getting a warrant for my phone/email as I am not the one breaking laws. But not all people do erase or change SIM or use a play phone, trust me I have tried to suggest to many that it is best to do so. Being a stationary ( mainly) in a small town, I do tend to be a bit more cautious of these issues. I do not have hundreds of other ads or ladies to hide behind, I am rather exposed. I have had already one or two events in other locations that I know was brought upon me by other's in my town. More or less warnings. When I brought this to my lawyer, he said doesn't mean I am under investigation, but when LE get a complaint they HAVE to follow up. Leaving notes on doors stating " should you see activity around here, please write down licence plates, and send it in." Well I was gone by the next day I tell ya! Not a concern as much now as incall will be legal. And I am Solo/Independent, no others working with me either.
  2. I am bringing this thread up again to further discuss on how we will need to change our advertising and enquiry methods. So, in my communications with some clients, I have noticed that many seem to not understand what I mean when I say " you pay for time or massage only, and I do not have a menu of sexual activity" Responses have been pretty funny! Some say " so I pay for an hour and we just sit around?" or " I pay for massage that is it?" LIKE REALLY??? Where as I tend to say " by the look of my pics, and where you found my ad does it look like I work at a clinic?" Then we get into this detail chat, and even tho the new Bill has not yet been implemented, I am trying to get them accustomed to not asking for details and read between the lines. This is more for the protection of my loves, so that you are not incriminating yourself. Even if the risks remain low, all it takes is ONE Gent that could already have issues with LE, or an occurrence while in my company( hopefully never will be) and then putting others in a tricky situation. I want to minimize our chit chat until face to face or at least voice calls. This way there is nothing said to used against you. An ESCORT is paid for her time, not sexual activity. How are other ladies doing with this? Have you thought of changing your enquiry methods? Have you hobbyist begun to re think the way you enquire? Or am I just silly?? hahaha.
  3. Can not remember exactly, but I think when I first began here it was as time went on I had the ability to add more and more pics. I suggest either, pick threw your old ones and decide which is best then add your more recent. I do remember one day stumbling upon a long term member's album and thinking, wow how she do that?? But not long after I was able to add more too. If all else fails, and you have tried everything, then perhaps ask mod as to why? Best of luck!
  4. I have from time to time, I am sure some Ottawa friends may vouch for this, have offered to dine with me after we have had our special time together. BUT never has it been offered if I ever felt that the person was invading my privacy, or probing me for uncomfortable conversations. It would be unexpected by them when I did offer to dine with me. That being said, it meant I was extremely at ease with them and felt they would never invade my personal life. You will find most SP's and Hobbyist rather guarded about their lives. These on-line friendships came from reading threads and posts in the beginning, then eventually meet in person and from there a Gent may find himself very privileged to have been offered a dinner date after business had been taken care of. Had they asked me right away, or if I felt that they were just picking my brain apart, I would more then likely end the session with a handshake and hug.
  5. I include a vegetarian dishes twice a week. Thursday and Tuesdays. I love using eggplant as a burger replacement! Yum, on the grill:) Many great casseroles are vegetarian too! I find especially in summer time, I get probably way too much red meat, as I am a BBQ queen, lol, so this allows me to incorporate more veggies and give my digestion a break. I also do a fish night, and the rest is all meat baby, lol
  6. Thought this could be fun, perhaps all cities listed in CERB can adopt this thread too? Last night, Hitchbot was spotted on the outskirts of Moncton. Too bad I was driving threw, but did not see it, did anyone here pick him up? Would you?
  7. Lately I have had a lot of Gent's getting into huff and puff for not being able to be available at their convenient times. Or asking me why I can not do weekends or evenings. I really do not think I should have to explain myself. Like do you get mad at a pizza place cause they close at 9pm?? No you move on to a place that is open. I had 3 weeks of not being able to work, wow, I had many that were literally pissed at me for it! Not very nice! And like, if my ad says Mon-Fri and you are trying to cohere me to fit your schedule, then you most certainly will not get booked, as it shows little respect or ability to follow simple rules. ( or maybe it is inability to read the ad, yes there are words on that ad, not just pictures lol)
  8. Sometimes I have wondered the same, but then thought, hmmm, perhaps by meeting and giving ladies that are not on cerb a chance, perhaps one would suggest to join and become active here, thus allowing cerb to grow in numbers:) We all started somewhere, CL or BP Sexy E ads, etc...like myself:) But I found my community here, and now has been 4 year love affair with cerb:) One thing I do notice that kinda sucks, is I see the same gents over and over complaining they are always getting ripped off, etc...but yet continue to ask about BP or CL on a regular basis, and yet see not one reco of cerb lady in their statistics, lol have no clue why you would keep doing that to your self, haha.
  9. Being in the Maritimes, it was odd to hear the weather forecast say " it is too smoky out" rather then " it is too rainy, or snow heavy etc..." Don't think I ever heard a weather forecast say, " it is smoky out today" lol
  10. House buying can be fun or stressful! Be sure you give yourself a lot of time if you can. Do not rush into it! Make sure you have your inspections done with an agent of your choosing. Remember that cosmetics are simple fixes, but notice the foundation, roof, electrical and plumbing before setting your eyes on colors on the wall or the what's underfoot. Look into the future, is it a developing area? If there is going to be construction for years and years, this may hurt re-sell as many do not want to hear and see construction when trying to re sale. is it your forever home? Or one you may just use as a stepping stone? Be fare in your offer, if low ball too much you may loose your offer, and yet do not be taking for a fool, compare yours to others around. Make sure property taxes can fit your budget. Best of luck!!
  11. I suppose I sort of lucked out with my Dad. He used to work nights, and now his body wont allow him to continue to work so he is fully retired as of a month ago. The vehicle he had to go to work was mine . So where as I own the SUV, I do have the right to say no ( even tho is hard to) However when I bought the SUV ( loan) he and I both paid for half the monthly loan payment, (this was for about a year now. ) He came to this conclusion when he realised he was paying half the loan payment, but yet his income changed. So why pay for this when not working? He knows I will drive him for errands etc..Now he has extra cash in his pocket to spend on other things he needs:) The trick is, I found him a place to live that has everything close by, the Superstore, liquor store, a pub/restaurant, dollar store. This made it easier to pay for the occasional cab when needed. He is OK with this now. Maybe feels a bit of relief too. Less responsibility, and a bit more play cash in his pocket:) Also gives us a lot of father/daughter time when I run errands with him:)
  12. If you like adventure, and have some physical strength we have in Fredericton, NB a "Tree go" . This is zip lines, rope bridges and more. You have a guide that brings you. You can do half a tour or a full day tour. It is a lot of fun, challenging and the views are amazing. They have a web sit. If stopping In Fredericton to work, your best dates are the 15th( ish) and end of month, as our provincial and federal governments pays fall on those days, Wed-Friday is the best days. Weekends I find are not as busy, unless your a night hawk. Also In Freddy, there is a river boat tour you may like, also it Docks from Delta, so that may convenient . Is beautiful river, and the boat is modern pontoon with laser lights for night time cruising, and music. If in PEI, I think lobster season is in late August! Don't miss out:) Also Labour Day weekend , Shania Twain is there for a concert. But there are concerts and festival fun everyday for Canada's 150th . Lots of free concerts too! See what plays are happening at the Confederation Center, I have gone to 3-4 productions and have to say is the best I have ever seen! Have fun, I am sure you will! Hope to see you visit out little Fredericton!
  13. My heart goes out to you all! I hope our Cerb friends have not lost homes during all of this? Stay safe, and hope this is over for you soon!
  14. MMMMmmm wow mmm, sounds awesome!! Drule...ooopsy, yum!
  15. Tonight I am not the chief, my awesome SO is surprising me with his home cooking! But...I do see chicken in fridge!! Hmmm, wonder what he will do with it? Funny, as I read threw this I noticed, if I cant figure out what to make I can just read a few of your lovely peoples dishes! woohoo:)
  16. I am just happy that it did not come to that point, that he knew this is the best thing. Besides I am here to drive him where he needs, besides he drove me so much when I was a kid, lol! Cadets, work, gymnastics..hehe
  17. A little invention and twist on bacon wrapped scallops. Place bacon rounds in muffin pan, place jumbo scallop in center, the top with sliver of zucchini into a circle and a white onion ring around that. Season with garlic powder and peppercorns and garnished with a sprig of cilantro! YUM YUM YUM, and so pleasing to the eyes too!
  18. As it turns out, my father knows that he will not be driving much longer. We had a chat while waiting at Doc office. I asked him if he thinks....and to my surprise, he does actually know his time is coming soon. He has agreed to no night driving, no winter driving and no highway driving for now. So I did not bring it up to the Doctor yet. I will see how the remaining of summer goes. At least he knew in his heart that this was coming soon. He was not angry at me, he really appreciated me caring about it, and thanked me for asking his opinion first before " making him" give it up. I feel better about this now, and so does he. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories, and I hope mine helps others with this same kind of situation:)
  19. Not sure, but I think for here in NB the Doctor has the right to pull your license. I hope anyways...
  20. Yes I am sure my father wont be very agreeable to this either, and well I cant blame him. I mean, being so self sufficient all your life just to have your daughter take it away from you:( But you see age is not just a number, it is your mental awareness and reflex capabilities too. My father is only 66 years young, but we do have early dementia in my family too. I have seen a great slide in his age in just one year:( We shall see what the Doc says, will be much easier if he thinks he should stop driving, better to hear it from Doctor then me!
  21. Today is a very difficult day for me as a daughter to my father who always had pride and who was always so strong. But now age is taking so much of these things away from him. We have a Doctor's apt today, I plan to ask the Doctor this question, "when do you know it is time to stop driving?" He is not going to be pleased with me, especially if the Doctor agrees with me that it may be time to give your licence:( I feel awful to do this, but it is for his safety and those around him. I have been noticing for about a year, but this past weekend really showed me that this is not just "gapping" out, it is frequent and dangerous. We have like 4 major events while he was driving the other day, to the point I made him pull over and I drove the rest of the way. He claims he was "just tired but even when you tired you should still know how to drive. He says, well no I wont drive when I am tired anymore, but I know that wont happen so easily. I do not live with him, so I am not there to prevent him from taking the risk. This must be the worst thing for man his age, to admit defeat to his age and body:( I feel as though I am taking his "manhood" away:( I hope the Doctor agrees with me, and hope my Dad will forgive me for this. Is anyone else facing this issue? How did you know when it was time? Did you have to coax it along, or did your aging parents all ready know it was time? It is so hard to witness my aging parents failing health and things that were so natural now have become so difficult and sometimes a danger:(
  22. Finally over my flu:) And today is so nice out, got my windows open with a nice summer fresh breeze, got my love nest all clean and hand washing my delicates in prep of a work week ahead of me:) yeah!!
  23. Super duper cool!! Way to go my friend! :bigclap:
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