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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. OMG I have not been able to work now for 3 weeks! 1. took vacay in pei, was suppose to be a week, but on day 5 I got a call to hurry to Moncton as my step dad was dying. 2, during funeral, storm took out power in PEI and my home in Fredericton. Threw out a ton of food, as it was out at home for 5 days. 3, storm also comes when my renovations were being done, causing me to stay closed longer so it could be done. 4, come home with the worst kinked neck ever. Canceled appt. 5, got to work one day, and now in bed with a nasty nasty cold! So canceling all appointments again today, maybe the whole weekend too:( Hope this is it for awhile!! Now go to bed and take more meds:(
  2. Just go to the announcements section of whatever province you looking for. Scroll threw the section to see who is advertising for your area. You will notice local ladies and those who visit. This link is for NB http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=261
  3. The important concept that you may be missing is that we are no on line looking for a date. We are here to provide a professional service, period. The whole attraction for this hobby/profession, is that NSA no strings attached! If I had free dates with all my client how are my credit cards, rent, phone, ads, hair salon be paid for?? That is like a hair dresser not being able to pay for the rental on their chair cause they let all their family come for free. NOT SUGGESTED TO LOOK FOR A RELATIONSHIP as a hobbyist:( That really will guarantee that you will not book again with me. If I was looking for a personal date, I would be on POF.
  4. You are right here, like, how NON-sexy is it, if I am trying to be your dream date, then suddenly you say " wow why are you single" or "are you single?" and when you say " no I am involved" then they assume he must be some lazy ass, living off of my income, or that I live off him and I am just doing this for "extra" .... We both have our own work, own money and our own bills just like most couples in this world. I am a business operator/owner, and what I do in my business is one thing, and what I do in my personal life...well is personal! It is a buzz kill to start asking me or assuming about my personal intimacy. Especially when I strive to make you the center of my attention while together. Not to mention, I hate it if I feel someone feels I am oppressed or forced into this in any way, shape or form. I am a grown women with many different experiences in my resume, this is one I have chosen!
  5. Good choice! It is a very tricky decision for sure! I respect you for your thoughtfulness. I was going to state earlier, that for being in such a small and conservative town you may have a difficult time with getting your true voice heard without some kind of fall out:( Cheers!
  6. Don't ask...( me anyways) How old were you when you first had sex. are you single or married what is your real name why don't you do "x" why cant you work on weekends or evenings ( or what ever applies) are you STD free, when was your last test anything to do with my SO or family where do live really these are NOT appropriate on your first few meetings. Allow the lady to open that conversation if she wishes. I know for me, I will immediately become defensive if you asked me these right from the first start. Over time as I become comfortable with you and you have earned my trust then I may open up and discuses more on a personal level. Just as I would not ask you these things in the beginning. I absolute hate being asked about my first time having sex, or anything on my decisions not to offer certain things. I simply do not have to justify to anyone why I do some things and not others things. Then it feels like cohesion, which is a big big no no in my books.
  7. I hope so, but it took so many years for SCC to get the previous laws changed, so I hope we all don't have to wait another 10 years ( or however long) for this to be changed, meanwhile.....??? It IS unconstitutional, but so were the last:( But till it goes threw the motion of the courts, it can be tied up there for awhile. This is a "Political appearance" game strategy, not constitutional rights in any way:( They can TRY to pass it, and just tie up time for a good face to the moral police.
  8. I do agree and see your point on younger age limits. I have 2 ways of handling this scenario. I have had amazingly generous and fun-filled adventures with young men of 21-25. But with that said, I was more willing to accept them from the way they communicated to me in the initial contact and follow ups. On that thought, some of these astonished me with their own confidence, manners and generosity. Myself I may be a bit more spectacle when I know you are younger then 25, but is not decided on a number only. I look at the way you communicate with me, your awareness of your own limitations and considerations, the way you respect my booking protocols. Then I will decide to book or not. It doesn't matter the age number per-say, but what I have a hard time with is to know that you are so much younger than myself, and that you are feeling insecure and just so scared that you are having a hard time to connect to me as a women. But then again this applies to many men no matter what their age. I always will try to put my play partners comfort level in the forefront, but yet need to be sure that I too feel comfortable with you. If you are so nervous that it makes me nervous or uncomfortable then this session is not going to work for either. So, I do not have an age limit, but will consider your age and carefully decide if it worth it for both of us. Last I need is a young 22 who feels so insecure that nothing happens, or flip it, and cant happen and have to collect on my donation because of it. That would just ruin it for the young lad:(
  9. OMG that was so funny, had an ugly face laugh over that one, hehehhe. Ohhh GOSH RG, you cracked my up!
  10. PHEWF!! hope others think the same, cause I am not wanting to re-do my hair 3 times a day! lol...I will lather you up, and wash you down! lol
  11. I would think there would be no issue to send another email. I would state, " Hello again, just wanted to follow up on our last email. I hope everything is alright and you are well. I am anxiously awaiting your reply. " then leave it there. She could have other obligations that is causing her to not be able to reply right away, but nothing wrong with sending another email. If no responds after that, then see if she posts her phone number as well. For me, I do tend to loose emails as I have so many to sift threw, so I post my number for an easier connection. If she does post her number on ads, then I suggest sending a friendly hello with a reference to your email. You are a gentlemen from what I can see, so I am sure she must have lost track of your conversation or perhaps otherwise obligated.
  12. Ok, so now another shower question, lol... seeing how so many are requesting shower for 2, how can I protect my hair? hahhaha, is a shower cap out of the question??
  13. Sometimes, there are many reasons why some do not post pics. At times it could be a problem with a stalker, ex, or like Cloe says just too well known in a small city. Totally understandable. Also understandable for gent's to be weary, especially in Moncton where I find a large S&B issue.
  14. Veal, rice and broccoli:) Veal on the BBQ of course...lol
  15. I got Dove unscented/sensitive, Ax, 2 in 1 shampoo and soap , and a box of individual soaps as well. Then found at dollar store loofa's, 3 for 1$, so that is well worth to buy those and throw away to save on the volume of soap I go threw:)
  16. Hahhah, yes I see your point. But I actually just read an article that states, the bar of soap may jusy be cleaner then you think, as we touch the soap, the soap is also self cleaning where as a bottle will hold the bacterial germs more so. But yes, I agree with what your saying. Of course I use mini wrapped bars of soap, lol, ewwww, lol The problem I face with bottles of soap are they do not lather well on a facecloth, therefore, clients use so much more then designed for. To remedy this, I am going to just buy 30 loofa's a month ( average 1 day) and then can just throw out those. At dollar store maybe will be cost effective.
  17. So I have just installed a walk in shower, so big I could have a party in there lol.... So now I am looking for input on what types of soap most men prefer. Is dove your brand? Nivea? Irish spring? Ivory? soap bar or bottle? I want to have the most used variety of soap so that you leave smelling like your usual self:)
  18. Happy Birthday!! Go have fun today:) xo
  19. Ohhh Jasleen, avocado is simply the best on a burger, and healthy too!! Try it:)
  20. Nothing better than a burger!! I love my burgers, sometimes on a lunch date I sooooo want to order a burger, but just doesn't seem so lady like, hahahaha. Avocado, red onions, spicy and sweet mustard, and of course...bacon!
  21. Couple of highlights, Met a wonderful gent this morning from Calgary, we hit it off immediately! After our special time together we went for lunch, YUM! Was great food with a great view of Saint John river:) Packing to visit Moncton, excited to meet my friends again, but really happy to spend time with my Mother while there!
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