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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Well sadly, the ladies who were originally asking for this have not all not able to:( at this time, but still want this:) But I am not bailing out, it did not happen this week, however, In July, ( around 8-11) would be good! I have another wonderful and experienced friend who may also join us, and then another friend again July 15-22. I am away June 26-July 6th.. Also I see another lady that was going to come for dinner she left, but I think might be back during that time too:) Give me a date that works best for you, and hell if it is just you and I that is great too!
  2. I have noticed a growth for NB. When I first began my CERB profile, there were not many here, and I would make posts in discussions in NB to help bring others out of the shadows. Encouraging communication etc. If you are in a small town area, you may want to try to get the communication flowing, you may see a rise in traffic that way. It seemed to work for NB:)
  3. Ohhh LORD!! Don't I know, I had ad for a city said in the tittle , " booking Saturday" I had more enquiries on FRIDAY then I did SATURDAY!!?? LOL.... ohh well had a nice day at the market that Saturday, hahaha
  4. 75 more envelopes to address and send!!! NO paper cuts yet, and plenty of sunshine:) hahahha. I love today:)
  5. Jordan is a real gem, I have worked with her many times, she has a few reco's up in NB threads. She is fun, sweet and playful to say the least. I do know she does not offer greek...contact her, she is trustworthy, independent!
  6. Well have 100 envelops stuffed, 200 to go...no paper cuts, lol. I am shocked at how little interest clients and ladies have on this topic. Like they just hope everyone else gives a crap, and not willing to do anything themselves:( I have heard " ohhh I don't care, I am only in this short term" well, gee, don't you care about others in general? Many say.." ohh well what can I do, the Gov will do what they want" I imagine these same people do not bother voting either! OMG do we live in a democratic or dictatorship?? Like if we do not stand up, we will be no better then a dictatorship society!! We are Canadian, we CAN speak up, we CAN lobby and protest, yet 80% of us are just too lazy and hope the person next to them will take care of it:( The great thing about our country is we DO have rights, we CAN speak up, we CAN lobby for our best interest. I donated to POWER group, I got a heartfelt thank you letter and was explained with my donation they were able to pay for translations for a brochure they are sending to all MP's! That makes me feel really good! So even if you nit willing to write letters, etc...a simple donation can help this group speak up for us:) anyways...back to stuffing envelops hahhaa...sorry for the rant...
  7. My gold fish are on strike, they say working conditions suck! So here I am left to stuff these 300 envelops all by myself. No paper cuts yet tho, and have 100 or so to go!
  8. Sexy is as sexy does! I got sent a nasty message once saying that I should take my "granny ass" of the internet, hahahah, wow, 39 and all ready washed up? hahaha, OMG, I am a hot gramma I would say!! There is a lady I recently met on line from TO, WOW!!!! 65 yrs and hot as could be! She is swimming in sexy, her skin, her smile even her grey hair was hot! sexy IS how you carry yourself, the way you walk, smile, communicate, the way you make others feel in your company! Getting older is only getting better! But of course, if you are 60, please don't try to pass as 30, lol...
  9. Ohhh I hear ya! Sorry your having one of those days:( But heck, don't let it get you down, just carry on with your cute self:)
  10. EXCATLY!!!! Like wow, what a way to distract the LE from really finding these cases who really do need the help!
  11. This is 5th Avenue, they also have other names that I can not remember at this time. They are a 24/7 agency.
  12. I am making southern/cajun fried chicken tonight. Usually a winter time fav, but today is dark and gloomy:( So this will be comfort food tonight!
  13. I do not know if other ladies have had this experience, but I have had some amazing orgasms by "thinking myself to it". Actually thinking on the sensation, visualizing, and not even touching myself. I can actually think myself into an orgasm! I also had my partner merely hover his hand over me, and I can have the big "O", tantric and so sexy!
  14. I was just sent a txt, showing in a news paper of the protests that are talking place across Canada. Does anyone have more info?
  15. Well I suppose if your into writing and talking about how you like your experience, then post it and chat about it, otherwise ...just wait till your face to face and chat. I for one enjoyed writing how I like to experience that, and I suppose the OP was curious to read about it. I found it fun and sexy thread myself! I have often asked my partners how they like certain things, it is just interesting to see how each person is different and yet alike:) Afterall, do we not ask questions and post to get to know each other?
  16. Ohh Dear, I can understand:( I often think of how I will feel when I do loose him. I will devastated! I hope that I have people who know me the best to catch my fall because it will be the hardest thing for me to come to terms with. I know my Dad would want me to celebrate his life, learn from his life. He would want me to put on some Jonny Cash and have a beer in his memory! He has even told me so, hahhaha, so now I have no choice, gotta listen to Dad! hahaha I know how you feel about " half the man" feeling because I always say that about my Mom, but also my Dad, I suppose that is who I am best of both:) lol Think of the good times, how you are alike and how different you are, and all the wonderful lessons along the way! Cheers my friend!
  17. Yes, she has posted ad in NB announcements:)
  18. Stick around, we are blessed with many talented men here! And if they don't, come visit me, I will take care of that for you! hehe
  19. Actually you should consider seeing Miss Avea. She is natural but trimmed. I see you are in NB, so is she, you also may want to open this topic in the NB section to narrow down your options for NB, otherwise you will have ladies all across Canada contacting you hehe.
  20. Tomorrow is Father's Day, and I am excited to tell you about my father. Acadian French family, this man worked hard all his life! Left school in grade 3!! Nobody thought he would ever make it in life. They said " you have retardation, you can not have kids or they can be retarded too, you will not be able to work other then farm work" ( yes that is the language they used!) Off to the farm her went! Slaving over hay bundles, mucking out cow barns, doing whatever they asked of him. He remained there for many years, his family thought this was the best for him, as they did this in his day. He lived a miserable life on that farm, abused and neglected:( Spring forward to adulthood. He met my Mother, was love at first sight. They ran away, hopping trains all the way west. Came back east with my sister and married. He began a job with Canada Post, then later DND. He also ran 2 business, Carpet cleaning and commercial cleaning, ran a staff too! For a man who "was not suppose to make it life and retarded" he raised 3 daughters, worked everyday of his life to provide. Has a heart of gold and is a gentle as a kitten to those around him. Uneducated and illiterate. Some may say success is having comfortable and thick bank account. I say his success is exceeding beyond anything that others thought, always kept his pride, never a day with out a job ( still working BTW 66 yrs), and has the respect of all his daughters. He is my best friend, my hero and the one I call Dad!
  21. Often times I will offer the HJ in the beginning, especially if I see your not able to lie face down comfortably at first hahhaha.... Yes, sometimes it is best to just let one pop off so that you can fully relax first, then after your body has melted in my hands with a deep and penetrating massage, some things can get stirred back up , hehe...then this is the time I really try to let you absorb every stroke, every little squeeze and defiantly lots of moisture. Placing your hard and engorged cock in between my breasts, mmmmm..I better stop now, lol It is refreshing to see someone really relish a good HJ, so many reply to my ads with " that much just for a HJ?" Well I suppose they miss the whole point of a good body treatment and a skilled HJ?
  22. In the beginning I need a soft and constant type pressure, until my clit starts to swell and throb while it begins to radiate heat into my thighs right to my belly. Then, changing to a nice rhythm in a circular motion and a slow lick down and up ... Now my clit is swollen and full, it is the ultimate "lady boner" now. The true clit is poking out from her hood, and now you can suck it. Suck it gentle, then hard and back again to gentle. Meanwhile the tip of your tongue compress on top, and small flicks. Once I do reach my most pinnacle point of climax, I will grab you, digging fingers into your shoulders, tighten up and then here is the BIG MOAN...ahhhhh, exhale and convulse into a arched back. Once done, you better back up, cause I may turn into a praymanthis.......hahahaha JK!!! MMM, wow , hope my phone rings now LOL
  23. OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Friday that authorities cannot legally ask an Internet provider to give them the names of customers and other personal information without a warrant, a victory for online anonymity that puts up obstacles for police. This is good, but sadly it is being used to protect child porn:( I wonder, what tipped them off in the first place and why could they not take the steps for a warrant?
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